Chapter 20 This is the person you abandoned!

Seeing the two people stop on the edge of the sofa, everyone was staring at them, Daniel Keller on the ground immediately raised his face, looked at Rachel Marsh with a guilty expression and whispered: "Rachel..."

He really wanted to say sorry to her, but looking at her disheveled face, he opened his mouth but didn't say anything!

In just an hour or two, she had turned into another Rachel Marsh!

Before today, every time she saw herself, she had a happy smile on her face! I used to think that smile was too silly, but today I realized how precious such a bright smile is!

All the words of apology are feeble in front of her!

Hearing Daniel Keller's soft cry, Rachel Marsh's throat choked up, and her eyes swept over Daniel Keller on the ground. Although her heart was full of overwhelming pain, she still suppressed the pain in her heart, and looked at the elders politely Bottom: "Grandpa, uncle, aunt..."