Chapter 72 Big Chief, Camelia Acosta!! (4)

At the same time, Asher Ali, who had just arrived at Washington College, received the news and immediately turned around and rushed to Washington.

On the other side, in the heart of Washington, in a military family villa.

A woman of twenty-three or twenty-four, slightly stout and above average in appearance, suddenly rose from her chair:

"What?"? Chris Acosta was taken by a woman to train? And that bitch wants him to train the students at Washington College in ten days?

"Miss, it is said that the adult is a senior officer of the Ministry of Warfare. Be careful!"

The old man in butler's clothes opened his mouth to persuade him.

The slightly fat woman, Emma Felix, immediately snorted disdainfully:

"How high can the title of a nineteen-year-old bitch be?"? Chris is a one-star intermediate leader, and she's a five-star intermediate leader!

"In front of my father, a three-star senior leader, that bitch is not even a fart!"