Chapter 14 Dare Not to Utter a Word

Erik remained speechless.

He had exerted his utmost effort to minimize his presence, yet he was still being noticed?



What could he possibly do when it came to General Acosta's decisions?

He wouldn't dare to utter a word in front of General Acosta, let alone interfere with her decision.

Sofia remained unaware of Erik's thoughts.

Seeing his silence, she assumed he was contemplating how to handle Camelia.

''General Gomez, even if I weren't her own grandmother, breaking someone's leg in public would result in imprisonment!

''Although she has shown me no mercy, I won't show her any either.

"There's no need for a death sentence, but capturing her and sentencing her to life imprisonment would suffice."

Erik was once again left speechless.


He wished he could be struck down by lightning.

No need for a death sentence?

Just sentence her to life imprisonment?