Chapter 2

As I maneuvered through the sea of pack members, I became the target of an unsolicited volley of mean-spirited barbs.




These were familiar slurs, daily affirmations of my peculiarity. I was adept at sidestepping these insults, but today, something within me snapped like a taut string. Ivy echoed my rage with a threatening growl.

"I am not a flipping monster!" I exploded, spinning around on my heels. "You all are the real monsters! You've tormented me since my childhood!" My outburst echoed through the room, stealing its usual chatter. The ensuing silence was thick, the shock palpable.

Pull yourself together! I mentally scolded myself as I wrestled with a fresh onslaught of tears.

The jovial ambiance of the room had been replaced with a stunned hush. Everyone appeared shell-shocked, unable to comprehend my uncharacteristic defiance.

"For once, just leave me alone!" My final plea left everyone speechless. I was surprised at myself for finally standing my ground, for refusing to be the perennial punching bag. My heart pounded like a drum as my breaths turned shallow.

Just as I turned to exit this madhouse, a voice rang out from behind me. "You are a monster!" This declaration sparked laughter, fueling Ivy's ire. I swiveled around to locate the instigator, my eyes settling on a gaggle of guys, varying in age. At the heart of this group stood a blond man, his smirk mirrored by his companions. Their amusement soon morphed into dread as I raised my palm, warning them with my unspoken threat.

"Would you like to test me?" My voice, fueled by anger, took on a dangerously low tone. The former jesters promptly shook their heads, their humor extinguished. I lowered my arm, muttering a curt "good."

Without another word, I pivoted and exited the house. I dashed into the forest, seeking shelter behind a dense bush, aware of the prying eyes following me from the open door. Ensuring my seclusion, I discarded my clothes and shifted into my luminescent white wolf.

The mystery of my peculiar powers and the uniqueness of my white fur remained unsolved. It was a birthright, detached from any familial legacy.

I dashed deeper into the forest, the orchestra of snapping twigs, crunching leaves, my wild heartbeat, and ragged breaths filling my ears. My mind replayed the confrontations, amplifying my guilt for lashing out at my father, my Alpha.

Ivy chimed in, barely containing her amusement, "You're in for it when we get home."

"Ivy, I've got it, thanks," I retorted, rolling my eyes, even though she couldn't see it.

"You're quite the genius, aren't you?" The mirth in her voice was unmistakable; she was undoubtedly smirking within our shared mental space.

"Yes, I got it," I nodded, even though she couldn't see that either. "Can we cut the sarcasm for a bit?" As much as I loved Ivy, she was like those chocolates that are irresistibly sweet but quickly turn cloying. Her company was enjoyable and humorous, but a sustained dose of Ivy could quickly try anyone's patience.

After my little plea, Ivy went silent, and I let out a relieved sigh. I wasn't in the mood to quarrel with someone else.

I loped on for what seemed like an hour, lost in my thoughts, my surroundings fading into a blur. The silence of the forest was so profound that I imagined one could hear a leaf fall.

"Halt." Ivy's voice cut through my musings, her usual playful lilt replaced with urgency and fear.

"What?" Confused, I paused. My ears pricked up at the faint snap of a twig - a sound I hadn't made. I sniffed the air and recoiled at a pungent odor. Both Ivy and I recognized that scent instantly.

"Rogue," Ivy hissed with a venomous loathing. "And it's worse, we're trespassing another pack's territory." Her revelation made me inwardly groan. How could I have been so heedless to wander into foreign grounds?

"Fantastic," I muttered.

"But it's not just any pack's land. We're in the Redmoon territory." Her words drained the color from my face, and I felt my heart seize up.

The Redmoon pack was notorious - the deadliest, the most ruthless pack known to our kind. They've held this grim title as long as I could recall. Their brutal exploits were the stuff of werewolf lore. Trespassers on their land were disposed of without a second thought. Their alpha, Alpha Redmoon, was a figure who only the foolhardy would cross. His ruthlessness was legendary, sparing no one audacious enough to defy him even slightly. Alpha Redmoon was yet to find his mate, and I shared the silent hope with every werewolf that she would temper his murderous streak.

A twig snap to my left pulled me from my thoughts. I strained to locate the source of the noise in the enveloping darkness. Despite my enhanced vision, I couldn't spot anything in the inky expanse. My instincts kicked in, and I moved to press my back against a nearby tree, minimizing chances of an ambush.

The minutes ticked by in silence, the ominous forest holding its breath.

"Any idea how far we've ventured into their territory?" I asked Ivy.

"If I knew, don't you think I would've informed you by now?" she snapped back. It wasn't annoyance, but stress. Being unaware of our exact location during a risky situation would make anyone edgy.

With an internal sigh, I retorted, "Why must you always be so difficult?"

"If you don't want a sarcastic response, then avoid asking foolish questions." I could almost hear her smirk through her words.

Our internal bickering was cut short by an ominous growl echoing through the quiet forest. The scent in the air intensified, indicating the approaching rogue. As I braced myself for a fight, the rogue finally stepped into view. Its light brown fur was matted with dried blood, suggesting a recent kill or brawl. Its eyes were a terrifying pitch black, reflecting a deep, insatiable thirst for bloodshed.

We began to circle each other, each growl I issued met with an equally threatening response. It was a dance as old as our kind, a prelude to the unavoidable clash. The tension thickened until, with a sudden leap, the rogue launched itself towards me. I readied to dodge its attack when another force collided with it, sending the rogue and a dark figure rolling on the ground.

As the dust settled, I realized the black mass was another wolf. I watched in awe as the black wolf launched its assault on the rogue, snapping its powerful jaws at its neck. It took three attempts, but when it finally latched onto the rogue's throat, it bit down with a bone-crushing force.

The rogue's screams echoed through the forest, growing more desperate with every futile attempt to free itself. As the struggle intensified, the black wolf increased the pressure, its vice-like grip drawing more blood from the rogue's throat. The gruesome scene culminated in a sickening snap, the rogue's body going limp.

The sight of the rogue's lifeless eyes staring blankly at me sent a chill down my spine. As I turned my gaze to the black wolf, a jolt of electricity shot through me. His eyes bore into mine, a whirlpool of emotions mirrored in my own. I was uncertain, my mind in a whirl, until Ivy's voice echoed in my head, stating the one word that turned my world upside down.
