Chapter 14

"I'm not justifying his wrong doings," Chuck told me. "I'm telling you what I saw. I'm not making you forgive him or telling you to either."

I shrugged, "Yeah. You're right. I saw it too but as soon as it was there, it was gone," I said.

"He is pretty good at masking his feelings. I'm sure he is regretting everything right now," Ace assured me.

"Besides, he can't keep the pack from their Luna," said Chuck. "We will help you get Oscar to understand what he is doing, not only to himself but to the whole pack," He continued.

"What if he doesn't ever understand?" I asked, sounding kind of desperate.

"We will convince h-" before Ace could finish, the sound of the doorknob turning cut him off.

"Convince who of what?" Oscar asked as he walked in. His gaze landed on me and his expression was replaced with a scowl.