Chapter 37

My mouth hung open in shock as I picked up the note, reading it over and over again. It didn't feel real. It couldn't. I didn't want it to be real. I knew I had to go since two packs are at stake.

I stuffed the piece of paper into my pocket and started to pace around the room. "What am I going to do, what am I going to do?" I whispered as I dug my hands into my hair, lightly tugging.

Are you seriously thinking about going?! Ivy yelled in my head.

It's not like I have a choice. This person is threatening me with our pack and Oscar's pack. I can't just sit back and watch as they get torn apart, especially if people I care about reside in these packs. Tears slipped down my face at the thought of it.

Think about it, she said calmly. You don't know who this person is or what they're capable of. They could be lying and threatening you just to get you to cooperate.

Exactly. We don't know what they're capable of. She sighed.