Chapter 2

He came walked towards me and sat down next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and I shrugged again. "You can tell me anything. I'm your dad."

I sighed heavily, "I woke up in a really wierd place. It didn't feel or smell like home. A lady walked in and claimed that she was my aunt."

"You're aunt?" He asked, sounding slightly amused. "That's bizarre. I don't have any family members."

"What about mom?" I asked. I barely knew anything about her. All I knew is that she was dead. I didn't even know how or why.

"Your mom...she..." he trailed off. I studied his features. He didn't know how to tell me what he was going to tell me. "I'm not sure," he finally said. "I've never met her family."

"I saw my mom in my dream," I blurted out suddenly. My father looked shocked.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because... She told me," I said. He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it before he could utter a word.