Chapter 60

"You don't go after random wolves just because they look familiar! It could've turned around and attacked you!" I'm sure I would've been able to hold my own if it did, but he's right. You never know what it can do.

"But it didn't! If you would've seen it's eyes, you would've gone after it too. They were so captivating and beautiful," I breathe and shake my head before adding, "It doesn't matter anyway. It's gone. Let's just get back to the house." I start walking back in the direction we came from and Rowan follows without saying anything else.


They way back to the house is almost silent. The only things that can be heard are the birds chirping overhead and us stepping on grass and sticks. We occasionally brought up small conversation, sharing with each other our favorite things. We're now out of the forest and the we're almost to the top of the hill. I can see the house and people huddled around a bonfire outside of it. It's getting dark.