Chapter 105

"Ruin them." Evan's voice changes. A new darkness underlines it as if he's angry that they even dared to hurt me. "You need to make them regret hurting you." His words get to me because anger begins to rise within me and my blood begins to boil. All my painful memories come back. Alex, their leader, took me from my family and posed as my father. He hurt me throughout the entire time I knew him. He faked my childhood best friend's death and the Destroyers gave her back to me nearly dead because they wanted to hurt me. They killed my parents and now I'm here, looking down at their graves, wishing this would all have happened differently. Wishing I was never found because then they would still be alive. They'd be in pain because I would still be missing, but I would be forgotten eventually, and I think I would rather be forgotten than let them die.