Chapter 9

Once I heard the door close and pair of feet descend down the stairs and escape through the front door, I slowly walked toward my door, with my heart clenching at every step.

How could he do that? He has a mate, which is me.

When I was passing that same room the girl came from, I stopped and just stared at the door for a couple of minutes, and when I felt something wet trail down my cheek, I grazed it with my fingers and noticed it to be my tears.

Just as I realized that I was crying, I cried more, and that's when I felt my heart ache tremendously. I ran to my room, placed the glass of water on the dressing table and hopped on my bed without shutting the door, and just cried, wailing into the soft pillow as my heart clenched, goose bumps rose against my arm and I rolled over on to my back and stared at the ceiling, trying to fight through the pain.