Chapter 20

There was clapping and I smiled down at my mom who grinned back at me. After everyone quieted down, they still stared at us anticipating and it confused me.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest said loudly and smiled at us, and my pupils almost fell off of my face.

Kiss? I have never been kissed before, and my first kiss in front of so many people with a man who I have mixed feelings for? The guy who cheated on me with another girl and instead of saying sorry threw me in a cold lake? It just doesn't fit.

I always dreamed of my first kiss to be something different, not like this. And kissing Gordon is very hard to even think about.

Gordon stared down at me and took a step closer which made our body flush against each other, and I have a feeling that he could hear my erratic breathing through the shuffling of the audience. His arm circled around my waist tightly reminding me of the incident on the stairs this morning.