Chapter 29

As we descended the stairs, I thought I would see Gordon's face instantly, since I could smell his scent, so intoxicating. My heart was beating fast as we three came in the line of sight of the guys. Jace and Matt were waiting there wearing casual clothes. I looked around and saw Rick and Elena standing together kissing, and as I averted my gaze from them, I saw Gordon sitting on the sofa with his back to me and he was talking on the phone. I bet he could sense me, but he didn't dare turn around.

Something that spoiled my mood and made my blood boil was the girl who was sitting right beside him, close enough to touch. It was Daisy.

Once reached the bottom, I shut my eyes close, holding on to the banister for support. My wolf was ripping at my insides; I was getting hurt physically just seeing everything take place. Is Daisy doing this purposely? I inhaled deeply and exhaled to calm myself, but it didn't work, not this time.