Chapter 42

From behind me Nicole started speaking as I stood staring at the wolf in front me in shock. The wolf started pacing round and round around me slowly as Nicole talked. "Ian liked a rogue girl, and wanted Gordon to accept her in his pack, but since Gordon already hated rogues, he said no. They got into a huge fight, and then Gordon kicked him out of the pack. Weirdly right after two or three days, Ian and his rogue friends stumbled upon your dad and, you know the rest," she said and walked to the door of the cell, and Ian's wolf followed. "First Ian was just going to get revenge against Gordon, but now since you killed his rogue pack members, you are going to suffer until you die!" She said lastly and walked out the room, and Ian went after her outside. The cell door locked behind them and I heard Nicole laugh loudly till her footsteps faded.