Chapter 5

"That's right, you are right Jacinta," Selene put a comforting hand on my mother's shoulder as she stared at me in fury.

I looked down and sighed. I was already grounded because I couldn't talk to Reeko, even though that's not called grounding, it really felt like it. "Okay," my mother looked taken back by my response and submission.

"Really?" She may have realised that she sounded uncertain, so she cleared her throat, "Yeah, good."

"But," I suddenly shot my head up, "How did you find out that I went over to the Vicious Delta Pack's territory?" I asked curiously.

"Because I just received a call," I heard my father's booming voice from the back which startled me, and I turned around.

"What?" my shock surprised him since I was so loud. My father was in a black shirt and jeans with his beta Rick right on his steps.