Chapter 39

She chuckled, "Same you? As far as I remember, you never managed to wake up early, you always woke up in the afternoon directly around 3 pm. You never like training, but now you are the best warrior known in this area amongst all the other packs in just under a year," she mumbled and then she rested herself against the rock I sat on.

My chest rose and fell heavily as I inhaled and exhaled. I remember the day I became mate-less, I made a promise to be strong. Strong enough to take care of myself. To ignore the pain. The best of ignoring all the pain was by working out and running. I used to stay longer than all the other wolves in my pain in training with my father, to push myself over the limits in becoming strong.

And now I have surpassed the male wolves and I'm known to be a great fighter for a female.

"And now look," mother continued, "You are training these kids, someday they will be very thankful to you."