Chapter 47

Amy slowly turned to me, and then she looked over my shoulder at Layla who I believe was wondering the same thing. She turned back to me and then sighed, "Going into that outskirt of town is dangerous, Faith. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. That rogue pack sounds dangerous, and who knows who those wolves are rebelling against? What if it's a trap?"

I smiled, "You guys..." I stepped back few steps so I had both Amy and Layla in my view. "I'm going to be fine. And if it is a trap, then sure, who cares? Imagine, if we get through alive, then this whole matter would be resolved. Those humans don't deserve any of this," my voice was firm, and I walked back to the bed to help Layla stack my clothes neatly in the suitcase.

"You only care about the humans, don't you? You don't like the way you are?" Amy suddenly asked, and I froze.