Chapter 65

"Wake up, please!" My tears cascaded down my tears as I stared at Fraser's closed eyelids. I snapped my head up to stare at the cells unlocking and the humans stepping out of their cells with a cheer, and although this was our mission, to free them, my heart was breaking at seeing Fraser's unresponsive form.

I was staring at the humans when I saw familiar faces step into the room behind the people. Biting my quivering bottom lip, I looked back at Fraser, and whispered.

"He's gone."

Sheila, John, David and all the others surrounded Fraser and I. They all looked shocked as they all asked: "What happened?"

"He-He sacrificed himself," I said loudly and then looked up at Sheila, whose eyes widened further. "To save the humans."

"I'm sorry if it was too much to ask for," I heard the familiar voice say from across the room, and I slowly looked up.
