Chapter 24

Naruto, Jiraiya, and Kakashi had been in country for almost a month and a half chasing down the various leads on Utakata's location. They were starting to believe he was aware that they were pursuing him and as such was on the run. As it was, things were becoming very dangerous for the group as they had begun to feel as if they too were now being hunted, probably by Kirigakure oinin.

"Gaki, if we don't find him by the end of the week, we're going to have to move on. It's starting to get too dangerous to stick around here," said Jiraiya.

"Yeah, I guess it's about time," said Naruto sadly. He wasn't ready to give up but risking pissing off Kirigakure was not a good idea.

The group was suddenly halted by the appearance of a squad of Kirigakure shinobi.

"Shit," mumbled Jiraiya as they came to a sudden stop.

"Jiraiya of the sannin, what business do you have with the jinchuuriki of the rokubi?" asked a Kirigakure oinin at the head of the formation.

"We've come to warn him about an illegal organization that is actively hunting jinchuuriki with the intent of extracting the bijuu for unknown purposes," said Jiraiya calmly.

The Kirigakure shinobi didn't move. "Our leader wishes to meet with you," said the lead.

Jiraiya frowned. "We're here peacefully. We haven't done anything to warrant arrest. We'll leave your borders peacefully as long as you let us go now."

"We do not want conflict. Our leader merely wishes to speak with you," said the leading oinin.

"We'll wait here for your leader. We're not going into a location where we may be surrounded by overwhelming numbers," said Jiraiya coolly.

"You seem to think you have a choice," said the leader, a quick wave of the hand had six more shinobi appear surrounding the group.

"You seem to think you brought enough shinobi," said Jiraiya, the smirk on his face spoke volumes.

"So be it," said the leader. "I will see if she is willing to come here."

"She?" asked Jiraiya, his perv instincts screaming for joy.

"Terumi-sama has agreed to come here and meet with you," said the oinin leader.

Naruto formed a few quick hands seals causing the shinobi around him to tense ready to attack. He slammed his hands on the ground wordlessly. From the ground emerged several slabs of earth forming a long table and a few square platforms to sit on.

Jiraiya sat in the middle chair on one side of the table while Naruto and Kakashi flanked him.

The other shinobi visibly relaxed causing Naruto to chuckle.

It took about an hour for another three shinobi to appear: one very beautiful woman flanked by a boy around Naruto's age and a man close to Kakashi's age with an eye-patch.

Jiraiya had to work hard not to pull out his note book and begin scribbling notes for his next book featuring the woman before him as the main character.

"Mizukage-sama," the oinin chimed, all giving a small head bow but never taking their eyes off of the Konohagakure shinobi.

"Mizukage?" asked Jiraiya. "So someone finally stepped up, eh?"

"That is correct," said Mei pleasantly. "I am Terumi Mei, the godaime mizukage."

"Such a beauty too, how lucky can your people get?" asked Jiraiya, unable to hide a perverted giggle.

Mei smiled politely.

"So what can I do for you?" asked Jiraiya with a waggle of his eyebrows.

"I have been attempting to mend bridges with the various nations but with my nation still so unsettled I have had difficulty opening relations to other countries. When word reached me that you were here we decided it would be beneficial to reach out to you," explained Mei.

"I see, so this really is diplomatic," said Jiraiya.

"Indeed, as is your apparent mission concerning Utakata-san."

"It is," said Jiraiya. She clearly wanted confirmation and probably the information as well.

"I am willing to assist you," said Mei. "In return, I seek to open diplomatic relations to Konohagakure as well as a sharing of intelligence in this matter relating to our jinchuuriki."

"Agreed," said Jiraiya, hoping Tsunade would not be too upset.

"Let us begin by discussing Utakata-san, shall we?" asked Mei politely.

"There is a criminal organization known as Akatsuki," began Jiraiya, pausing as he heard the whispers amongst the assembled shinobi.

"Them, we are aware of," said Mei, her voice ice cold and hard as steel.

"They are currently hunting the jinchuuriki, or more specifically, they are hunting the bijuu. We don't know what they intend to do with them but we do know it can't be good. As such, our mission is to make contact with the bijuu and warn them about the danger Akatsuki presents to them to prepare them for it," explained Jiraiya.

"You wish to warn the bijuu, not the jinchuuriki?" asked Mei, confused by the statement.

"We're warning them too but our priority is the bijuu themselves," said Jiraiya.

"And how do you warn a bijuu when it is sealed inside a person? It's not as if you can just talk to them," said Mei.

"You can, it is just very difficult depending on the quality of the seal," said Jiraiya, lying easily but convincingly. It may have been a half truth but it was what he needed to tell them to keep his godson safe.

"I see," said Mei. She clearly did not completely believe him but let it go. "And what do you know of Akatsuki.

"They are an organization of seven to ten S-rank shinobi, all of them kage level or higher. We know they are bounty hunters that operate mostly on the black market. We also know that they have been hired several times by Iwagakure, and few of the smaller nations as mercenaries to handle jobs they weren't willing to risk their own shinobi to complete," said Jiraiya. "Now what do you know? You said you were aware of them."

Mei frowned. "We know that Yagura was being controlled by a man in an orange mask wearing a black cloak with red clouds. We know that they are responsible for the last twenty years of civil war and the bloodline purges."

Naruto nearly leaped across the table when she mentioned the man in the orange mask. "The man in the orange mask, did he have a sharingan eye?"

"Yes," said Mei, "do you know him?"

"We know of him," said Jiraiya, before Naruto could say something he shouldn't. "We know that the kyuubi attack on Konohagakure fourteen years ago was orchestrated by him. Do you have any exact images of this man? We'd like it for our bingo book."

"We do not, we only got the information from Yagura as he died and the control over him broke," explained Mei. "He is our most wanted criminal. It sounds like he is also yours."

Jiraiya nodded unwilling to say anything further about the subject.

"That is unfortunately all we know about them at this time," said Mei. "Now may we discuss the opening of diplomatic relations?

"Of course," said Jiraiya. "Let us both take this sharing of information as a sign of negotiating in good faith. That said, I am only capable of negotiating a meeting between you and my hokage at this time. I hope that will be sufficient."

"It is more than I could have hoped for," said Mei.

The next hour they made arrangements for a meeting between Tsunade and Mei that would take place in two months in Konohagakure. Kirigakure was still in bad condition from all the conflict during the civil war. They also decided the mizukage would be allowed an entourage of ten shinobi for the meeting. At the end of the meeting Jiraiya summoned a toad to run the message to Tsunade.

"Ao will lead you to Utakata-san," said Mei as the meeting concluded.

"I take it your people were the ones leading us on a wild goose chase?"

"Sorry, we had to be sure of your intentions," said Mei.

"I thought Utakata-san was a nukenin?" asked Naruto curiously.

"He is, but he has not caused any trouble recently. As such we've just kept an eye on him," explained Mei.

Ao was the man that accompanied Mei to the meeting. He was a tall man with blue hair wearing traditional Kirigakure oinin clothing. He also wore an eye patch over his right eye.

"I'll show you the way," said Ao. "Try to keep up, I want to find the man while I'm still young."

"Ao, shut up... or I'll kill you," said Mei. She had apparently heard 'You need to find a man while you're still young.'

Ao blinked confused. Afraid to say anything else he turned and jumped into the canopy leading the Konohagakure shinobi.

"Just to warn you, he is probably not going to be very polite," said Ao.

"We've heard his story," said Jiraiya. "Killed his master, right? Tapped too far into his bijuu or something, didn't he?"

"Not exactly," said Ao. "That's what he thinks he did so that's what he's told others. The truth is that his master was trying to extract the bijuu so that it couldn't affect his student. In trying to do so the bijuu took control and killed him."

"Have you told him that?" asked Naruto.

"We've tried. Like I said, he's not very polite," said Ao.

"So you're saying I'll probably have to beat some sense into him," said Naruto with a feral grin.

"You wish brat," said Ao. "He'd tear you apart. Hell, he's probably high A-rank at this point with all the oinin divisions he's torn apart already."

"Let's just see how malleable he'll be to conversation once we get there," said Kakashi calmly.

They had run for about three hours into a very thick and dark swamp when they caught sight of a cabin about three hundred meters out.

"He's in there," said Ao pointing at it. "I'll leave the rest to you." With that, Ao turned around and ran back the way they had come from.

"Scaredy-cat," said Naruto as he watched him leave.

"Know your limits, gaki," chided Jiraiya. "Are you close enough to make contact?"

"I need to get closer," said Naruto. "Maybe another hundred meters or so."

"Okay, gaki, this is your show," said Jiraiya as he sat down on a fallen tree branch.

Naruto nodded and began a slow walk forward. He was being cautious as he didn't want to alert Utakata to his presence less he have to fight such a dangerous opponent. Reaching a point Naruto thought was close enough he sat down in tree branch above him.

Closing his eyes, Naruto focused inwards. He appeared within his soul scape and began the trek to meet with Kurama.

"Yo," greeted Naruto as he came up to the cage.

"Gaki," the fox returned.

"So, we're close to your bother's container. Can you reach him?"

Kurama closed his eyes and focused.

Naruto was startled as his surrounding shifted slightly. Now, directly opposite Kurama's prison was another prison with bubbles all around it. Inside that prison now stood the rokubi, a giant six tailed slug.

"Hey, asshole," greeted Kurama to his brother.

"Hey, shithead," the other bijuu returned.

"Wow," said Naruto. "You guys are even dicks to each other."

"Who is this, shithead?"

"My jailor, his name is Naruto," answered Kurama. "Naruto, this is my brother Saiken and the ugliest and fattest of all of us, the stupid lazy fuck."

"It's glandular, asshole!" shouted Saiken.

"Nice to meet you, Saiken," said Naruto politely.

"Charmed," said Saiken flatly. "Now what the fuck do you want with me?"

"We came to warn you and your container," answered Naruto. "Is there anyway you can bring him in here to talk with us?"

Saiken huffed spaying a bunch of slime. "Fine, just a minute."

A few moments later a young man appeared surrounded by a bubble. "What am I doing here you stupid fucking demon?" demanded Utakata glaring at Saiken.

"They wanted to talk to us," replied Saiken pointing behind Utakata.

Utakata froze as he suddenly registered the other presences behind him. Slowly, his bubble revolved around to see Naruto and a caged Kurama behind him.

"Yo, nice to meet you," said Naruto with a small wave.

"Who are you? How did you get here? What do you want?" he demanded in quick succession.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, jinchuuriki to Kurama. Kurama telepathically connected us. I came to talk to you and Saiken," explained Naruto, answering each question.

"Kurama? That looks like the kyuubi. And who is Saiken?" demanded the boy.

"Kurama is his name. Kyuubi is what humans have called him. Saiken is the name of the rokubi. Don't be so rude to them," said Naruto, annoyed.

Utakata turned around to look at his demon. "You have a name?"

"Arrogant little fucking human," groused Saiken.

"Ugly fatass demon," returned Utakata.

"They don't really like each other huh?" asked Naruto, looking to Kurama.

"Clearly not."

Naruto and Kurama watched the pair exchange insults for a few minutes as each name got worse and worse like it was a competition.

"My brother always had a knack for insults but his skill has clearly improved in this area over the many years," said Kurama.

"I don't even know some of those insults they used. I'm strangely impressed."

"Alright, that's enough from both of you!" shouted Kurama. "We actually have something important to discuss."

"You're still here?" asked Saiken. "What do you want now?"

"We came to warn you about a threat that is even dangerous to us," said Kurama, more than a little annoyed.

"What could possibly threaten us? We are forever, even trapped in these pathetic flesh bags nothing could ever harm us? If they die, so what, we will simply be reborn," argued Saiken.

"Always so shortsighted little brother," scoffed Kurama. "Any group that would seek to capture or control all of us cannot be a good thing. Haven't we suffered enough at the hands of these damnable humans. Where is your pride?"

"And where is yours? Helping this pathetic human? Have you really fallen so low?" demanded Saiken.

Kurama growled angrily at his brother. "My pride? You would question my pride? I work with this human because he chooses to see me as a friend and would seek to protect even me, a demon. He would protect you, also a demon. His self-imposed mission to warn our brothers and sister makes me proud to work with him. But make no mistake, if the chance to escape ever comes you can bet I will. His death though will be swift and painless, his trust in me has earned at least that small mercy."

"Gee, thanks," murmured Naruto with a shake of his head. "You're all hugs and kisses, Kurama-teme."

"But for now, I need him. He prevents me from being controlled by another of those Uchiha bastards. And you will need your container as well. War is coming brother. War unlike any we bijuu have witnessed in our long lives," said Kurama calmly.

"So what if we're used for war or controlled. It can't and won't last forever. Eventually war will end and we'll be scattered or sealed in new containers," argued Saiken stubbornly.

"And if their plan is to bring it back?" asked Kurama, earning a gasp from Saiken.

"No one would be so foolish."

"Humans are that foolish. I know for certain there is at least one Uchiha that can control us. What if that one decided he could control it?"

Saiken roared and raged banging into his cage a few times.

"Any idea what 'it' is?" asked Naruto in a whisper to Utakata.

"No idea," was the whispered response.

"So be it," Saiken finally said. "Utakata, I am Rikudo Saiken. We are going to be partners from today so you'd better pull your weight and keep us from getting caught."

"What the hell just happened?" asked Utakata.

"He's trying to become your friend," answered Naruto.

"The hell I am!"

"The hell he is!"

Naruto and Kurama both laughed at that.

"Anyway, I suggest you make your way back to Kirigakure and make peace with them. They hate Akatsuki as much as we do. You're going to need allies if you plan to survive them."

"As if they would," snorted Utakata.

"How do you think we found you? They showed us the way. The new mizukage seems cool. You should give her a chance," said Naruto.

Naruto then frowned and looked at Saiken. "And you, fatass, you're going to tell him how his master died. If you're ever going to make peace and work together then it has to start with honesty."

"The gaki is right, Saiken," said Kurama glaring at his brother.

"Anyway, you two work your shit out, me and Kurama have to go find the others still," said Naruto.

Kurama broke the connection allowing them to move on.

"That wasn't so bad," said Naruto, an undertone of happiness permeating his voice.

"My brother is still an asshole," said Kurama.

Naruto shrugged and blinked waking up back in the real world. He dropped off the tree branch and stretched once before walking back to Jiraiya and Kakashi.

"Went well?" asked Jiraiya.

"Yep, where to next?" asked Naruto.

"Tsuchi no Kuni," said Jiraiya.

Kakashi dropped his book. "Are you sure that's safe?"

"It should be fine. This time I know exactly where both of their jinchuuriki are."

"Yeah, in Iwagakure," said Kakashi.

"Nope," said Jiraiya with a grin. "Roshi has been staying at a cabin on a mountain top on the southern border of Tsuchi no Kuni for a few years now. And Han has been wandering around Yu no Kuni for a few years now also, staying at the various hot springs for which the country is famous."

"So we're going for Roshi then?" asked Kakashi.

"Yeah, he's an interesting fellow," said Jiraiya. "I fought him a few times in the second and third war. Calls his bijuu 'the shit flinger' all the time. Always thought it was hilarious."

Naruto laughed at the idea.

"Lead the way, Ero-sennin," said Naruto. He was happy with the way things had gone so far.


Tsunade thumped her head on her desk as another stack of papers was delivered. In spite of the papers though, Tsunade was rather pleased with the way things were going. Her book request passed through the civilian council easily enough. Of course, now that they had found out what she did with the approval they were not pleased but it was too little too late for them to do anything about it. The academy instructors were mostly ecstatic at the changes made to the academy curriculum.

The shinobi of the village all happily signed off accepting reduced wages in the short term in exchange for being repaid plus interest once the civilian council was fully repaid. As it was, they had maybe another month before that particular goal was accomplished.

Her personal life was a bit more unsettled unfortunately. She still had not made a decision about choosing to be Uzumaki or staying Senju. Though she really enjoyed learning to use her chakra chains.

The Uzumaki clan was growing quickly. Where so many of them hid after the country fell she had no idea but now there were twenty-six legitimate Uzumaki clan members, twenty of which carried the bloodline while the other six had married into the clan. Three members of which were in their seventies but looked like they were still in their fifties much to Tsunade's annoyance as they did not require a genjutsu to look so young. The majority though were children that ranged from newborns to eight years of age. It was amazing to think that so many had survived and remained hidden for so long. Sadly, none of the shinobi were willing to take the Konohagakure symbol and become shinobi of the village and chose instead to protect their clan. It was acceptable as far as Tsunade was concerned, they had a right to keep their honor for Uzushiogakure. She would not press them into service either. Luckily, the children that were old enough almost all chose to enter the academy and become shinobi of Konohagakure.

Not everything was perfect as the Uzumaki clan head was on a long and extended mission. Karin did the best she could with Tora's help to manage things but it was difficult for them due to their ages. Tsunade and Sarutobi did what they could to help but they really couldn't interfere too much in clan business.

Tsunade's moment of reflection was interrupted by the arrival of a small blue toad with two scrolls strapped to his back.

"Jiraiya sent me with these messages for you," he reported. Popping the strap that held them to his back, the scrolls fell to her desk. He picked up one and handed it to her. "Said you should read this one first." He then vanished in a puff of smoke.

Tsunade didn't feel like arguing with a toad that already left so she opened the sealed scroll and began reading through it. "Ha ha!" she cheered.

"What?" asked Sarutobi, suddenly startling awake from his nap. "What happened? Who's there?"

"Reports from Jiraiya," said Tsunade unable to hide her smile. "They were attacked by Orochimaru."

"What!" shouted Sarutobi in surprise. "Are they okay? What happened?"

"Read when I'm done," said Tsunade with a smirk as she continued to read the report.

"Stingy," pouted Sarutobi. "You woke me from my nap and won't even let me know what made you shout like that."

Tsunade paused in her reading to glare at Sarutobi. "First, you're supposed to be helping me with the paperwork, not napping. Second, take it like a man you wimp."

Tsunade finished reading it grinning from ear to ear. She happily tossed the scroll to her sensei to read. She sat in silence as she waited for him to finish reading it.

"We'll have to send a team to collect that seal if they can," said Sarutobi also grinning like a loon.

"To think that gaki would pull that out of his ass like that," said Tsunade. "And leave him there, the last thing we need is to tamper with a seal like that. We'd be better off just sending the occasional patrol to check on it to make sure it's still there."

"He keeps growing at this pace he'll take your job before you know it," said Sarutobi.

"I can only hope," said Tsunade.

Sarutobi grinned mischievously. "I'll bet you ten thousand ryo that Naruto-kun takes the hat within a month of his return to Konohagakure."

"You're on," said Tsunade. She was hoping her luck would hold and she'd lose that particular bet.

"What's the other message?" asked Sarutobi.

"Almost forgot," said Tsunade with a chortle. She picked it up and began reading.

"Well this is interesting," said Tsunade, handing the scroll to Sarutobi.

"This is excellent news," said Sarutobi. "We can always use another ally."

"They'll be here soon enough, for now let's not get our hopes up," said Tsunade. "And you get back to paperwork."


Terumi Mei was very nervous as she and her envoy approached the gates of Konohagakure. This was a big step on her way to rebuilding her nation. Having the daimyo's support in making peace and possibly allies was a big help to her efforts.

The closed gates of Konohagakure laid before her. With a loud creek, the gates slowly opened. Just inside the gate stood the hokage in formal attire to welcome them.

"Welcome to Konohagakure," she said. "I am Senju Tsunade, godaime hokage."

"Thank you Hokage-sama, I am Terumi Mei, godaime mizukage."

The woman across from her gave a kind smile for her that she returned. She knew her guards would be scanning their surroundings rapidly for any sign of deception or ill will.

"We've prepared a luncheon for you and your escorts. Please follow me," said Tsunade, motioning for Mei to walk beside her.

The two powerful women walked next to each other politely. Tsunade would point out the occasional point of interest but it most consisted of a few restaurants and the hotel the Kirigakure shinobi would be staying at.

Once they arrived to a formal reception room at the central administration tower the two groups sat and ate a light meal. It was a tricky situation as the envoy from Kirigakure had to be convinced that the food was not poisoned. After the luncheon simple pleasantries were exchanged and Mei's group was escorted to their hotel and given instruction for the expected behavior while in the village. It was all very mundane and easily accepted.

"Mizukage-sama," said one of her guards. "Would you like to go out and explore? It is still rather early."

"Hmm, I think I will," said Mei. "Please ask Chojuro and Utakata to attend me and let Ao know he is in charge while I'm out."

"Or course," said the guard, bowing formally.

Mei stepped outside the hotel flanked by Chojuro and the recent re-instated jinchuuriki, Utakata. It was very strange when Utakata showed up at the gates of Kirigakure. He told them that he'd met with a Konohagakure shinobi that had made him see things differently. He begged to be allowed to return to service which she happily accepted and encouraged. He was an exceptional shinobi with a great deal of talent that she was unbelievably happy to have returned to her service. It was very beneficial to her village as well to once more have an active jinchuuriki serving the village. Though she was risking a lot bringing him as part of her entourage given Konohagakure's recent encounter with Sunagakure's jinchuuriki but the young man insisted.

"Well, where shall we go?" asked Mei, looking around at the natural hustle and bustle of the lively village.

"I would like to pay my respects to the Uzumaki clan," said Utakata. He was very calm about it but then Mei knew that was he wanted thank the shinobi he encountered. She wanted to thank him as well for convincing Utakata to return.

"As long as you are aware, the Uzumaki clan may hold a fair bit of resentment towards us for the destruction of their nation," said Mei, trying to be diplomatic. The last thing she needed was the Uzumaki declaring a blood feud or seeking revenge for what happened in the past.

"I understand," said Utakata. "As I said, I only wish to pay my respects to the clan."

"I'm guessing it was the Uzumaki with Jiraiya-sama that convinced you to return to us?" asked Mei. She'd never quite gotten a full answer.

"I do not know if he was with Jiraiya of the sannin. I only ever met him," said Utakata.

"I see," said Mei. "Well, let's ask one of our watchers if they could point the way."

An ANBU appeared a second later with a small piece of paper held out to her.

Mei took it with a smile for the ANBU, "Thank you."

The ANBU vanished without a word.

"They seem to run a very smooth operation," stuttered Chojuro nervously. "Do you think Kirigakure will ever run so smoothly?"

"I certainly hope so," said Mei. She then looked to the directions on the paper. "It's not too far from here."

Not much later the group stood before a crimson red building with a white Uzumaki clan symbol painted on the side. "I think this is it," said Mei.

Utakata looked around the building. "Doesn't look like anyone is about."

"Maybe we should check the restaurant?" asked Chojuro nervously, pointing at the sign for an Ichiraku Ramen.

"Excellent idea," said Mei, leading the group to the doors.

Inside there were several wood tables and chairs that gave it a rustic appearance. And just outside the kitchen was a bar to sit at. A few people were eating meals but none bore the symbol of the Uzumaki clan.

"Let's sit at the bar," said Mei cheerfully.

The group all sat down. A moment later a young woman came to the counter. "Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen. My name is Ayame, what can get for you?"

"I would like to try an Uzumaki Ramen," said Mei, after a brief look at the menu posted on the wall behind the bar.

"I will try the same," said Utakata.

"Um, I would like a shio ramen," said Chojuro.

"Coming right up," said Ayame sliding the order through the kitchen window. "Three ramen, dad. Two Uzumaki and one shio."

"Sure thing," called a gruff male voice from behind the window.

"Have you been in business long?"

"Long as I can remember," said Ayame. "Used to just be a ramen stand though. The restaurant is all new. We opened about a month ago."

"It's awfully slow," commented Chojuro.

"Nah, it's just between lunch and dinner. In about two hours the Uzumaki will all file in and clean out our stock for the day," said Ayame with a chuckle.

"The Uzumaki come here often?" asked Mei.

"Nearly every meal but breakfast and I'm sure if we were open they'd come then too," joked Ayame.

"Do you know an Uzumaki by the name of Naruto? He has blonde hair, maybe fourteen or fifteen years old," asked Utakata.

"And what do you want with him?" asked Ayame now looking at the group suspiciously. She didn't take note of their hitai-ate before now.

"We mean no harm," said Mei. "Utakata-san merely wished to thank him for helping him a few months ago."

Ayame was still slightly suspicious but answered anyway. "He's been out of the village for a while now. I don't know when he'll be back. If you can wait a while, I'm sure you can ask Tora-chan or Karin-chan about it."

"We'd be happy to," said Mei.

"Order up," called the man from behind the counter.

Ayame collected the dishes and placed them before her three customers. "Enjoy!"

The ramen was truly delicious in Mei's opinion, but as it was only a snack she only had the one bowl as did her companions. The group sat and chatted amicably with Ayame between her taking orders while they waited.

"Ah, Ayame, when are you going to accept my proposal and become an honest Uzumaki woman?" asked a man as he sat at the counter. He had the dark red hair that was typical of the Uzumaki clan. His face was weathered and scarred from many battles. But he wore no hitai-ate, only his clan symbol patched into his clothing.

Ayame sighed. "Toshi-san, I'll marry you when you make a better bowl of ramen than my father."

"You say that every time cause you know no one can make a better bowl of kami's gift than your father," replied Toshi with a hearty laugh.

Ayame laughed too. "What can I get you tonight?"

"The usual," replied Toshi.

"Twenty bowls of Uzumaki ramen,"called Ayame as she walked to the kitchen window.

"Toshi back again?" asked the elder man sticking his head out the window.

"You'd better believe it old man," said Toshi. "You ready to teach me how to make ramen better than you?"

"You ready to be castrated?" asked the old man.

Toshi blanched and crossed his legs. "Right then, just the ramen please."

"That's what I thought," said the old man ducking back into the kitchen.

Mei found the entire conversation amusing and her laugh said as much.

"What's this? We have guests?" asked Toshi. "Kirigakure shinobi no less. What brings you fish all the way here?"

"We've come to open diplomatic relations with Konohagakure," said Mei.

"Oh, you finally stopped eating each other like piranha?" asked Toshi with a laugh.

"Thankfully, yes," answered Mei.

"Good," said Toshi. "About time you fish started swimming straight again."

"Why do you refer to us as fish?" asked Chojuro.

Toshi laughed. "Kirigakure was founded by the Hoshigaki clan. We've always called you fish."

"I see," said Chojuro. "So it is not meant to provoke us in an attempt to create a conflict to start a war?"

"Nah," said Toshi. "I know a couple of us may still have a bit of beef but we won't start more than a bar fight with you over it. Besides, it's not like you had anything to do with it. Your nidaime mizukage isn't still alive, stupid Hozuki assholes."

"Can you tell me what happened? Most of our history of what caused us to attack and how we succeeded were destroyed during our civil war," said Mei.

"I suppose," said Toshi. "Let me eat a few of these bowls first."

Mei watched in morbid fascination as Toshi decimated bowl after bowl until he had a stack of fifteen empty bowls next to him.

"Slowing down already Toshi-chan?" asked an elderly woman as she sat down at a table near the counter.

"Nah, got some visitors want to know about Uzushiogakure's fall, Hoshoko-obaasama," explained Toshi. "I figured I'd eat a few bowls first. Feel like helping me out?"

"You start, I want to get a few bowls in me first. I'll pick up so you can eat the rest of your meal. You're already looking a bit peaky child," said the elder woman, Hoshoko.

"Well, from what I know Uzushiogakure was kicking ass and taking names and missions. It was all about money. We were getting the higher end missions that Kirigakure was not. It was only natural that one of us would have to take out the other."

"Arrogance comes before the fall boy," said another elder. The man sat down across from Hoshoko.

"I know Yasha-ojiisama, let me tell the story, would you?"

"Young punks, think they know everything these days," complained Yasha.

"I'm forty-seven, cut me some slack," argued Toshi, even though he looked to be in his late twenties at most.

"Just get on with your story already," said Hoshoko, pausing in eating her ramen.

"Right, so it all came down to money such that one of us would have to take out the other. Problem was, we didn't think Kirigakure could do anything about us. They couldn't attack us because of the whirlpools that surrounded the island."

"Problem was that the damned mizukage," complained Yasha.

"I'm getting to that," said Hoshi. "Anyway, the nidaime mizukage was a member of the Hozuki clan. A clan known for their ability to control water and even become water. The man was able to open a path in the whirlpools for his army to get through."

"We were only able to evacuate a few of the young ones. The rest fought and died," said Hoshoko. "It was a slaughter in the end. We had no defenses other than the whirlpools. No defensive walls, no patrols, nothing that would have saved us. I was selected to escort a child off the island. We settled in southern Hi no Kuni. I raised the boy for five years before he got sick. Sicker than I've ever seen. Poor boy died from that sickness."

"I was charged to escort Kushina-sama," said Yasha. "Got about halfway to Konohagakure when a couple of Kirigakure oinin caught us up. I told the girl to run, to get here as fast as she could. I fought the oinin as best a I could. Managed to lead them away from her but it cost me a foot and a very long stay in a hospital. Once I'd gotten word she made it safe I disappeared to a quieter life as a farmer."

"I was a genin back then," said Toshi. "I remember coming back with my team to the port we'd planned to use to return home only to hear that my home was gone now. My sensei gave orders to me and my teammates to scatter as far from there as we could until we got word that the Uzumaki clan was resurrected. He then jumped on a boat and headed straight to Uzushiogakure." Toshi sighed, "I never saw him or my teammates again."

"Why do you not seek revenge?" asked Utakata.

"Would it solve anything?" asked Yasha. "It was business, pure and simple."

"Business? But these people were your family weren't they?" asked Chojuro.

"Yes they were but we were shinobi. Everyone of us understood what that meant. It's simple economics. A shinobi village needs business to thrive. When another business provides a higher quality product that you can't compete with you only have two choices. Make your inferior product cheaper or take out the competition. We were the competition. It wasn't personal when they attacked, just business. It wasn't a blood vendetta or revenge for some insult. That's how I can make peace with my past and why I couldn't care less about Kirigakure now," explained Yasha.

"Thank you!" shouted Toshi. "That's what I was trying to say earlier but much better than my crap speech."

"Yes, well..."

"Your clan is very unusual," commented Mei. "Most clans would swear undying revenge."

"Revenge is a waste of time and energy," said Hoshoko. "I'd much rather spend time with the friends and family I still have left. And ramen, must not forget the ramen."

"Who could ever forget the ramen?" gasped Toshi, earning a laugh from the restaurant occupants.

"I can understand him a bit better now," said Utakata.

"Him who? Did you have a run in with one of ours?" asked Yasha.

"I met a young shinobi not too long ago named Uzumaki Naruto. He was a very interesting person," said Utakata. "He changed my life with a conversation that lasted less than an hour."

"You met Naruto-sama?" asked Hoshoko.

"Naruto-sama?" asked Mei.

"Naruto-sama is our clan head," said Toshi. "Karin-chan keeps telling us to drop the sama but... well... he is clan head."

Mei broke out into a tinkling laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I met the young man also. I had no idea who he was at the time. He was traveling with Jiraiya of the sannin and Hatake Kakashi," said Mei.

"It's to be expected. He's on an important mission from what I hear," said Toshi. "Something to do with the bijuu and a group calling themselves Akatsuki. Don't know much more about it than that."

"I see, is he expected to return soon?" asked Utakata.

"Not for a few years unfortunately," answered Toshi. "Real downer too. I was really excited to meet him too. Heard he's a riot and pulls the best pranks."

"You haven't even met him?" asked Mei, it was very surprising news.

"Not yet," said Yasha. "He was sent away on his mission before most of us arrived in the village. But he'll be back we're sure of it."

"Um, forgive me if this is rude to ask," said Mei calmly.

"No worries child, ask your question," said Hoshoko.

"Well, I noticed looking around here that almost all of you have dark red hair but the boy Naruto does not, why is that?"

The Uzumaki laughed heartily. "That boy's mother was always a handful when I knew her," laughed Yasha. He then pointed to a picture hung up on the wall of a very pretty woman with dark red hair. "She was strong as can be that one. Tough as nails with a temper to match. Naturally she just had to marry a man even stronger than her that could tame her. Clearly his hair won that battle too." He then pointed to the portrait next to her.

"Isn't that..." Chojuro began then stopped himself.

Mei broke into peels of laughter once again.