Quest of The Weak

The hot rays of the summer sun swept throughout the field bathing everyone with no exception leaving them drenched in sweat.

Although they were heavily struck by the sun, the spectators couldn't care less as the level of anticipation was too high.

The score was 0-0 and the match was already 40 minutes from kick off, Tenryu high vs Kizuna high. This was a friendly practise match but the atmosphere says otherwise

Players of both teams were exhausted and tensed up, they all played tactically and precisely waiting for the half time whistle to sound. They were equally matched in strength and team play not letting the other team go one step ahead of them

Both Coaches of the teams were on their feet restlessly directing their teams, their loud voices ringing round the field.

Tenryu High played a defensive 4-3-3 with two Defensive midfielders at the back and one Central midfielder, the front line was occupied by a single Centre forward who is also the Captain of the team Hiraguchi Shota, and the two wingers at the sides running to and fro the wings

While on the other hand was Kizuna high who were playing an attacking 4-5-1 with two Central Midfielders, one Attacking Midfielder and two Winders and the side with a Single striker. Their Captain Ren Kazuki who was the Attacking Midfielder piloting the team.

Kizuna held most of the ball In the middle looking for an opening to break into Tenryu High defence, but their only fear was their quick counter.

Tenryu high are known for their deadly quick counters leading to a sure goal due to the help of their 'speed bullets' Tatsuya who plays left and Suzuki who plays right, also their finisher Shota.

Unlike Tenryu that specialises in Counter, Kizuna plays an art Attacking possession game. They make sure to hold the ball firmly at the middle as they gradually builds up pace and move inside the defence

Speaking of which. Kizuna were on the move to score, due to a single sleep off in the right side of the defence, a long pass was launched into the defence meeting the Right Midfielder who takes a little peek looking for available players for a cross in.

Luckily he spots four of his teammates in the box against five Tenryu players . He didn't think twice and just crossed the ball into the box. One of Tenryu defenders Ren Nakamura contested with the Centre forward for the ball and unfortunately for Kizuna high Nakamura won the contest and headed the ball out of the box, Inuoe, one of Tenryu Midfielders traps the ball and launched a counter.

With tremendous speed he ran past the remaining Kizuna Midfielder and fixed his gaze at Suzuki who was waving his hand calling for the ball, he was free. As Inuoe was about to play he didn't pay attention to his surroundings and was assaulted from behind with a slide tackle just aiming for his leg and eventually marching his ankle .

Inuoe shouts in pain as he falls aggressively on the ground. The referee quickly sounds his whistle rushing over to the place of the accident. He draws out a yellow card from his breast pocket and shows the Kizuna player who had committed the act.

The team quickly surrounds their team mate to check if he can still continue the match. As they checked on him others used the opportunity to take a water break and rest.

"Hey Aoki, pass me water" Eita the Centre Midfielder of Tenryu High said

"Y-Yes!!" Aoki stuttered and brought out some bottle of water to the rest of his teammates

"Aoki was shy and had a slim build, the right bullying material for the big boys but that never happened as far as Eita was around. Due to his inability he was often regarded as the team serving boy, he was sent on some errands by the seniors and told to perform hectic tasks.

On the other hand Eita was well built, not only does he have a commanding look outside he also brings it into the field, he was nick named as The Architect of the Game after winning best player of a tournament in Middle school, his strong legs that helps in explosive runs and shots plays a heavy role in his football life.

"Good game Eita-san" Aoki said handing him a bottle of water

"Yeah,although I haven't gotten much of the ball yet" Eita said gulping the water, after drinking the water he let out a sigh and same closer to Aoki whispering in his ears "Now Inuoe-senpai is injured you have a chance to enter the game now, so be happy man" Eita teases Aoki

"Yeah I guess" Aoki sighs. While the two where rejoicing in their little world Inuoe finally stood up and the game was about to continue

"Tsk, he stood up" Eita clicked his tongue

"I guess I'll be leaving the field now" Aoki chuckles dryly as he leaves the field he was happy but yet sad, happy that somebody competent that he was in the field but sad that he wasn't playing.

The referee looked at his watch as it was already 6 minutes past half time, so he allowed them to play the free kick first before sounding the whistle.


Half time

In the waiting room, The Team's Coach Mr Takagawa who had a concerned look on his face as he pondered on the next move to take. Inuoe was injured and needed to be substituted and the substitutes were Aoki and Koboyashi. Kobayashi is a left Midfielder and was meant to be their trump card leaving only Aoki who was suitable for the position but lacked skills

"Haa.." The coach sighed "I guess we have no other choice" The coach mummers

"Aoki get ready you'll be entering in the second half" The coach let out the bomb that made the room quiet and pressurising for Aoki

He felt it, he felt all of it, the emotions whirling up amongst his teammates he was a liability to them a huge set back.

"Alright people we need this win" Shota steps in reducing the pressure a little

"Coach, any instructions?" Shota asked

"None, just make good use of chances" Mr Takagawa said

"You heard the man, let go get the win" Shota chips in.

The entire team left the room heading to the field leaving Shota and Mr Takagawa behind

When they were certain they had all gone far Shota began

"Coach, are you sure about this?"

The coach sighed and answered "There is no option we have to play like that"

"What a pity?" Shota sighed

"A pity indeed, he won't even make it past High school football standards"

Meanwhile Aoki who was behind the door hearing it all fell into great despair, it wasn't a new thing to him but still he hasn't gotten used to it

*knock *knock

Aoki knocks "Excuse me, I just came to drop this" He removes his tracksuit and kept it on a chair and ran out of the room immediately

"He heard it" The coach said




The second half kicks off with Tenryu High with the ball. The ball was played among the defenders stalling and waiting for an opening.

Aoki was completely free but was purposely ignored. Yuto Sato the left back plays a straight ball to Eita who plays the ball to the other side of the field where Aoki was. It was completely free.

Aoki manages to trap the ball with his laps, he takes a quick look, to find a free teammate but there was none and only a free straight path ahead of him. He then decided to make the run to the post.

Aoki was so slow that the Midfielders at the other side of the field caught up to Jim before even reaching the 18 yard box

"Cross it" Shota shouts, causing a moment of panic for Aoki. Aoki tries to take a look inside the 18 yard box to see available teamster, before he could make the pass one of the defenders rushed at him and kicks the ball out of his leg outside the field, the force pushes Aoki making him to fall on the ground like a feather

"Gosh' Suzuki cursed

Eita rushed at Aoki helping him get up.


It was now 79 minutes and now Stamina was the real game.

A corner was awarded to Kizuna high, the taker curled the ball into the 12 yard box which was punched out by the keeper towards Eita.

Eota traps the ball and takes a look far and spots Aoki deep inside and also onside, he was about to play the ball when he heard his name

"Eita give me the ball" It was Shota.

It was a direct command from his captain,playing the ball to Shota might bring a confirmed victory to the team, but Aoki on the other hand was a waste of effort.

Eita hesitates for a moment but still played a through pass to Aoki

"I'm counting on you, Aoki"

The ball passed Aoki with tremendous speed, his eyes couldn't follow, he was tired and weak both physically and mentally he couldn't move a muscle

"It's over, I can't do it, I guess I have to take a break.." An image flashed through Aoki's head making him muster back his strength

"No I have to push, push"

A robotic voice rang in Aoki head putting him in a state of confusion

The voice continued

"What's happening? What's going on?" Just then did Aoki realise that time stood still, Everyone had paused in their motion, he saw the angry faces of his teammates shouting at Eita, he saw the exasperated look on his coach face

"Could you please keep quiet, I think I'm about to die or something" Aoki spoke back at the voice

"Alright accept accept, leave my head"

"What now?!"

"Accept, accept go away" Aoki began to panic

< PENALTY: Fatigue level 400%>


The ball rattles the net violently