Knockout phase begins

Kobayashi jogged the ball with his legs while he was getting warmed up. People came around to see what was going on but that didn't concern the Coach as far as they don't interrupt what was going on

Kobayashi takes the ball and goes backward, with the outside part of his foot he volleys the ball, the ball has a small arc but intense power.

Inuoe throws himself at the ball and received it with his chest passing to Eita who played it backward to Shota, with his right foot Shota strikes the ball but ended up playing it outside and giving Team D the point.

There are only three ways to score in this game, by coming closer to the net and chipping it over, by going far away from the net and smashing the ball finally by mistake. Both teams were now well aware of this and found numerous ways to score 

This time around Suzuki served the ball well into the other side, like before Inuoe received it, Eita comes in and heads the ball up giving it some distance, their motive was very clear and Team D prepared for it to

Shots throws himself up but not as flexible as Sato but yet manages to get it. Gathering all his strength into his right leg played a bicycle kick smashing the ball into the other side 

"One point for team C" Hanko announced while the crowd behind cheered.

Eita kicked didn't go for power rather technique. Eita kicked the ball, the ball makes attempt to go out but drops on the line 

"What!" Fujita grumbled

Inuoe got ready to serve, He throws the ball dark into the air and leaps and from the far distance does a bicycle kick.

"He will miss" Kobayashi exclaimed but Suzuki saw ahead 

"No, stay alert" Suzuki shouted. The ball power and bend were present as the ball passed the net and bends down but Suzuki saved it with the top of his leg.

Kobayashi chased after the ball as it was about to drop outside the court, luckily he kicks it back inside for Fujita to play back to the other side 

Team C weren't done yet, Eita taps it up for Shota, Shota with his chest directed it to Inuoe again who does another bicycle kick sinking the ball into the sand 

"One point left for Team C" 

"That was awesome" Some of the viewers commented 

After another long bout Team C won the set and time Team B and Team C played.

Aoki was the first to serve, he inhales a large amount of air and exhales sharply strengthening all his muscles Aoki throws the ball up even farther than Inuoe's, Aoki leaps and with his strengthened leg kicks the ball

The ball spins was about to hit Kobayashi in the face but lucky boy managed to dodge the shot in time 

"One point to Team B" Hanko announced 

"Aoki is really improving at a fast pace, just few months ago he couldn't even run but now see him jumping like he has wings" The Coach was bewildered Hanko didn't said anything but just smiled, the smile says a lot

Fujita tries to pass or set in volleyball terms but made a mistake, there was too much power to it he sent the ball to the other side but before the ball could pass the net Yamamoto jumps up heading the ball into the Team C court 

"One point remaining for Team B" 

The last serve from Team B, and the server was Ito. With a volley knuckle shot the ball was sent flying to the other side of the court, the ball was about to go out but some ugly memories kicked in so rather than leaving it Fujita received the ball with his chest and Kobayashi played it to the other side.

Yamamoto elevated the ball's height for Aoki who did another bicycle kick but this.time the height was lower.

Being close to the net the ball hits the net and loss momentum and drops on the ground at the other end 

"Team B are the winners of this set" Hanko announced. The crowd around began to applaud what they had just witnessed.

After a few more matches the training came to an end and everybody went inside to wash up.

Aoki on other hand was still on the sand checking his status 

Name: Riku Aoki

Level: 27

CLASS: Novic Footballer (Lvl 1) 



STR: 55

AGL: 52

STA: 67

PHY: 62

SPD: 71

RES: 88


Pass speed: 69

Pass accuracy: 58

Curl: 71

Shot speed: 65

Shot accuracy: 72 

Shot technique: 52

Dribbling: 50

Dribbling speed: 45

Dribbling technique: 37

Jump: 64

Heading: 62

Heading technique: 44

Ball control:63

Intellect: 62

Tenacity: 80 


Knuckle shot (Lvl2)

One touch (Lvl2)

Analysis (Lvl 1)

Fear (Lvl1)

Pinpoint pass (Lvl 1)

Outside curve (Lvl 1)

Long range drive (Lvl 2)

Aoki saw his stats and was satisfied, he lays down on the sand stretched his hand towards the sun and folds his hand 

Days passed with rigorous training and team bonding. It was now D-day. Today marks the commencement of the Kanto knockout stage.This was also the first time Tenryu High school is participating in two years. 

To qualify for the preliminary stage must have sounded easy but I assure you it's not. Over 200+ high school in Kanto only the chosen 16 are to participate in the tournament. Firstly in order to qualify a school must have a good and safe sport environment and finally must reach the minimum players needed and after the first phase of qualifications, a thorough statistical check must be done in the qualified schools like past matches, past competitions played, Wins, loss and Goals. The statistical analysis are done by the minister of U21 and U17 sports affairs with the assistance of the Minister of Education.

The qualifications is not limited by schools alone even youth teams can participate it they was free time because as youths schedules and matches are parked together sometimes high fatigue can take a heavy toll on individuals.

In this tournament one gain names for themselves, some loss face, other are plunged into a state of despair which they end up quiting, and the strong progress, that is the true nature of sports