Road To The city of Jiayun


As Jin embarked on his journey to The Crimson Caverns that he doesn't sure about it, so he decided to make a stop in the famous city of Murim, the renowned city of Jiayun, a bustling metropolis known for its diverse array of martial arts schools and powerful clans for information.

On the road to Jiayun, Jin encountered a group of travelers who found themselves under attack by a gang of armed robbers. Without hesitation, Jin leaped into action, his lightning sword flashing as he fended off their assailants with skill and precision.

Among the travelers was a woman named Namgoong Minsu and her bodyguard that quite old enogh, renowned figures from the Namgoong clan, one of the Five Renowned Clans of Murim. Jin hadn't realized the identity of the people he had saved until they introduced themselves with gratitude and awe at his swift defeat of their attackers.

"I'm Namgoong Minsu. Thank you for saving us back there," Minsu said, her voice filled with admiration as she glanced at Jin. " I've never seen someone fight with such skill and precision."

Jin nodded, a humble smile playing on his lips. "I'm Jin Hwan-gi. It was nothing," he replied. "I couldn't stand by and watch innocent travelers come to harm."

Minsu's bodyguard, a seasoned warrior with a weathered face, spoke up. "You handled yourself like a true swordsman," he said, his tone gruff but genuine. "We're fortunate to have you with us."

Jin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the praise. "I'm just glad I could help," he said, his gaze meeting Minsu's with gratitude.

As they are about to continued their journey, Minsu turned to Jin with a determined expression. "We owe you our lives," she said, her voice firm. "And we won't forget it. From now on, consider us your allies."

Jin was taken aback by her words, touched by the sincerity in her voice. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "I'm grateful for your support."

Minsu cast a glance at Jin, her brow furrowed in concern. "Where are you headed?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Jin hesitated for a moment before responding. "I'm actually making a detour to Jiayun city," he admitted, his gaze meeting Minsu's with a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

Minsu's eyes widened in surprise. "Ah, Jiayun city," she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. A flicker of relief passed over Minsu's features. "That's fortunate," she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It seems our paths align. Would you mind if we traveled together?. It would be much more enjoyable—and safer—with you by our side."

Jin's heart warmed at her offer. "Thank you," he said, returning her smile. "I would be grateful for the company. Together, we can ensure a smoother journey to Jiayun city."

Jin's heart warmed at her offer. "Not at all," he said, returning her smile. "In fact, I would welcome the company. Together, we can ensure a safer journey to Jiayun."

With their paths now aligned, Jin and Minsu's group continued their journey towards Jiayun city, their spirits buoyed by the newfound camaraderie and companionship. And as they walked side by side, Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them.


As they continued their journey towards Jiayun, Jin couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over him after the encounter with the attackers.

Turning to Namgoong Minsu, Jin's brow furrowed with concern. "Do you have any idea who attacked your group?" he asked, his voice edged with curiosity.

Minsu's expression darkened slightly as he recounted the events. "At first, I thought they were just ordinary robbers," he admitted, his tone grave. "But the timing and the ferocity of the attack... It makes me wonder if they were connected to something more sinister."

Jin's eyes narrowed as he listened, a sense of foreboding settling over him. "What do you mean?" he pressed, his voice tense with anticipation.

Minsu sighed heavily, his gaze distant as he spoke. "There have been rumors circulating about a group known as the Shadow Serpent Sect," he explained, his voice low. "They're starting to emerge as a significant threat in the murim world. It's said that they seek to sow chaos and establish themselves as the strongest sect after the fall of the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult."

Jin's mind raced as he processed this information, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. "I've heard whispers of their ambitions," he murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "If they're behind the attack on your group, it could mean that they're becoming bolder and more dangerous."

Minsu nodded gravely in agreement. "That's why we must remain vigilant," he said, his voice firm. "The Shadow Serpent Sect is a threat to us all, and we must do everything in our power to stop them."

As they continued their journey towards Jiayun, Jin couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger that hung in the air. With the threat of the Shadow Serpent Sect looming on the horizon, he knew that their path ahead would be fraught with peril. But with allies like Minsu and his family at his side, Jin was determined to face whatever challenges awaited them head-on.


As they journeyed towards Jiayun, Namgoong Minsu turned to Jin with a curious expression. "You fought with incredible skill back there," she remarked, her voice filled with admiration. "What style of martial arts do you practice?"

Jin hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for a suitable response. "I've studied various forms of martial arts," he replied carefully, choosing his words with caution. "But my journey has been more about seeking justice for my family than honing my skills."

Minsu nodded, sensing Jin's reluctance to delve into the specifics of his training. "I understand," she said, her tone gentle. "Family is important. I hope you find the justice you seek."

Jin offered her a small smile, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you," he said softly, the weight of his past heavy on his shoulders. "It's a journey I must see through to the end."

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics as they traveled, with Minsu sharing stories of her own experiences in the martial arts world and Jin listening intently, his interest piqued by her tales.

Minsu wasted no time in acquainting Jin with the intricacies of Murim's political landscape, introducing him to the Nine Top Factions, the Five Renowned Clans, and the Five Evil Sword Sects that held sway over the city.

But amidst the chaos and intrigue of Murim, Jin remained focused on his goal: to find the next book in The Crimson Caverns and continue his journey toward mastering the lightning sword technique.

As they neared Jiayun, Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the companionship of Minsu. Despite the dangers that lay ahead, he knew that with allies like them by his side, he would not have to face the challenges of Jiayun alone.