​Chapter 8 The Hillbillies Make Contact

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, some actions will not make logical since because of the character's psychosis; some of these characters will try to logically rationalize the irrational. Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma.

 There is no Intentional subtext to suggest any of the characters political, or worldview is reflected by the Author some characters are to be driven by chaos. In this post apocalyptic, wasteland. 


Summary of Chapter 7

In Chapter 7 of "Lights Out: The Reset," the narrative takes a dark and thrilling turn as the protagonist finds themselves in a gruesome, makeshift butcher shop, surrounded by decaying bodies and a menacing figure known as 'The Butcher.' The chapter is filled with vivid descriptions of the horrifying setting, the protagonist's physical pain, and the psychological terror inflicted by the antagonist. The Butcher, a creepy man with a metal hand, is distracted by his cannibalistic tendencies, providing a moment of respite for the protagonist. However, the chapter ends on a cliffhanger as the Butcher regains control and the protagonist's fate hangs in the balance. This chapter is a rollercoaster ride of suspense and horror, sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Keywords: Lights Out: The Reset, Chapter 7, The Butcher, horror, suspense, thriller, grim dark science fiction.

Chapter 8: 

"Have you received the latest news?" reverberates through countless minds. "We have encountered life." Some transmissions convey happiness, others sorrow. Some express fear, while others merely accept the news.

As sensory organs concentrate on an exploratory drone, the visuals sharpen, revealing a metallic artifact containing an ancient golden disk etched with enigmatic symbols. "We must pursue the signal from the node," comes the response. As always, the hive listens attentively to the node's guidance, for it rarely errs.

A surge of excitement ripples through the hive as the drone ventures on. Eventually, it encounters a small star surrounded by planets. It detects an abundance of radio waves and other anomalies not typically associated with celestial bodies.

Driven by curiosity, the hive resolves to investigate the disturbance, for through exploration, knowledge awaits. distortions, they resolve to investigate, trusting that discovery awaits their pursuit.

More distance passes. And closer in view of the dark side of the blue marble of a planet the third from the star, a small star, a yellow white star.

As the drone drew nearer to the blue planet, it was intrigued by the various signals it detected, each one providing a glimpse into the lives of the creatures below. The humans were a peculiar species, each one emitting a unique aura of energy that the drone couldn't help but notice. Some radiated bright, vibrant energy, indicative of happiness or excitement, while others gave off dull, dim energy, suggesting sadness or anger. It was as if the planet was alive with these emotions, pulsing and throbbing in time with the beat of its heart.

The drone flew over sprawling metropolises, their twinkling lights resembling stars in the night sky. It observed the intricate web of roads and highways, marveling at the efficiency with which these creatures moved about. It watched them communicate, their expressions and body language conveying far more than any of the radio signals it was picking up.

Despite its fascination with the humans, the drone remained focused on its mission. It followed the radio waves and microwave noise, getting ever closer to the source of the distortion it had detected. The hive mind was eager to uncover the secrets of this mysterious planet and the drone was determined to help it achieve that goal.

As it journeyed further, the drone began to sense different kinds of creatures. Some were similar to the humans, walking upright and radiating their own unique auras. Others were smaller, more animalistic, their presence not quite as... sentient.

The hivemind drone, continued to float aimlessly through the skies above the blue planet, observing the various lifeforms that populated the world below. Its organic sensors picked up on a unique signal emanating from a nearby settlement. Curiosity piqued, it moved closer to investigate.

As it drew nearer, the drone realized that it was encountering a nudist colony. The humans here were different from those it had seen before - they had nothing covering their main mass to speak of. Their bodies glowed with various hues of energy, indicating their emotional states. Some were bright and vibrant, while others were dim and dull.

Despite the oddity of the situation, the drone remained focused on its mission. It followed the radio waves and microwave noise, sailing through the skies like a space-faring sailor on a great voyage. Its attention was drawn to a group of humans hunting wild pigs, known as 'hogs' in this part of the world. These humans were different from the nudists; they were clothed and moved with purpose.

As the drone watched from above, it couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of these hunters. They moved through the dense forest like ghosts, their bodies glowing with the same energy as the humans in the nudist colony. It noticed that they used sophisticated weapons and tactics to track and take down their prey.

Suddenly, without warning, the drone's vehicle was struck. A barrage of laser fire hit its floating ship, causing it damage. The lasers came from what the hive could only describe as a weaponized turret system, similar to the one used in Project Q earlier. Its hive mind scrambled to make sense of what was happening, but the pain was too great to process.

With a final burst of energy, the drone managed to right itself and glide away from the attackers. It then crash landed nearby, the space vehicle destroyed, but the drone carries on. As it tried to make sense of what had just happened, it heard rising shouts off in the vast distance of the forest.

I could feel my connection to the Over-mind growing weaker with each passing second. The pain was almost unbearable, but I knew that I had to keep going. I couldn't let my failures be the end of my journey.

As I struggled to remain conscious, I caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. A raccoon had sniffed out my injured form and was now scurrying off, startled by the presence of the Jones' family.

I could sense their approach before I even saw them, their auras pulsing with a sense of danger and chaos. They were on the hunt for something, and I was their target.

I tried to summon the strength to fight back, but my abilities were diminished from the damage I had sustained. All I could do was brace myself for the inevitable.

* * *

I step forward, my heart pounding in my chest as I take in the sight before me. The wreckage of the alien craft is still smoking, a testament to the violent end it met. "Don't touch it," I warn my family, though I can't help but be drawn closer to the strange object myself.

As I approach, I can make out the form of the drone's body. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before, a bizarre mix of sea creature and armored beast. Its tentacles are callused and coated in a chitin that reminds me of a cross between an armadillo and a crocodile. The body they sprout from is about the size of a basketball, but squashed and pulsating with a rhythmic motion that makes my skin crawl.

Despite my better judgment, I find myself reaching out towards the drone. "What do we have here?" I murmur to myself, my fingers hovering just above its surface. I hesitate for a moment, my mind racing with thoughts of what could happen if I make contact. But in the end, my curiosity gets the better of me.

I reach out and touch the drone's body, half expecting it to lash out at me. But to my surprise, it moves slowly and deliberately, almost as if it's trying to avoid being picked up. I can feel a strange energy pulsing beneath its surface, a sense of otherness that makes my head spin.

"Please, be careful," Lydia shows her concern. "It could be coated in a strong poison."

As I pull my hand back, I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the creature before me. It's clear that this is no ordinary animal - it's something different, far more alien than anything we've ever encountered before.

"To grasp the very concept," I halted, my mind wrestling with the spectacle unfolding before my eyes, "that this entity is capable of flight, is beyond my comprehension."

"Well, the alternative is that this creature just happened to plummet beside this creature by sheer coincidence?" I queried, casting a skeptical glance at the others. Their silence was a testament to their lack of expertise, none of them exuding an aura of certainty that suggested, "Look, this creature is injured and I think we should help it.."

Alex, driven by curiosity, inched closer to the alien being, lowering himself to its level. "Pa, what on earth is this thing?"

"I wish I had an answer for you, son," I admitted, my gaze shifting from the creature to the wrecked vehicle nearby. "And I'm equally clueless about that crashed contraption." I pointed towards the mangled craft, its origins as mysterious as the creature itself. "Lydia, do you think we should get in touch with the UDA regarding this?"

"I'm not sure, Tim," Lydia responded, her brow furrowed in thought. "Shouldn't we try to understand what we've stumbled upon before we seek external assistance? Perhaps there's a way we could benefit from this discovery before we share it with others?" She raised valid points, her words echoing a sense of cautious opportunism.

"But what could possibly be more advantageous to us than having Arnold examine the vehicle, see if he can trace its origins?" I countered. "Maybe we could keep the existence of the creature under wraps for now?"

"Indeed, we could proceed that way," Lydia acquiesced, her head bobbing in agreement. "Although, wouldn't it be more prudent to dispatch the vehicle to the UDA for further analysis?" Her voice was tinged with a hint of uncertainty, yet her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Absolutely, we should tread carefully with this creature," I responded, mentally weighing our options. "I'll reach out to Arnold. Perhaps he can shed some light on this wreckage." I paused, glancing at the strange being before us. "For now, let's secure animal and bring it back home and help care for it's wounds."

I quickly drafted a message to Arnold, detailing the coordinates of the wrecked vehicle and the peculiar creature we'd found within. His reply buzzed on my screen within minutes. He assured me that an extraction team would be dispatched within a few hours and that he would ensure the mess was taken care of, leaving no trace of our discovery. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful for his swift response.

With our plan in place, we began to make our way back to the sturdy side-by-side off-road vehicle. My family, including Alex, Sara, and Lydia, trailed behind me, their faces a mix of curiosity and apprehension. I carefully cradled the foreign animal in my arms, its tentacles writhing gently as we traversed the uneven terrain. The weight of its injured form was a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in this grim, dark world we now inhabited. As we approached the vehicle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for this strange, blind creature, and I silently vowed to help care for its wounds.

As we climbed into the off-roader, I glanced back towards wreckage one last time, wondering what secrets it held. The Umbral Defense Agency would surely uncover them, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride knowing that my family was a part of that crucial work.

"Alright, everyone," I said, turning the key in the ignition, "let's head home and see what we can do for our new friend here." The engine roared to life, and with a determined look on my face, I steered us back towards the safety of our bunker, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"And sorry we won't be able to go hog hunting anytime soon, seems like our little retreat has turned into quite the spectacle," I sighed, looking back at the wreckage of the hive mind drone. "But we'll make do, find ourselves another way to feed the family."

Alex nodded solemnly, "It's alright, Dad. I understand that this is important."

Sarah smiled, trying to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, Pops."

Lydia chuckled, "And let's be real, it's not like we were guaranteed to bring home a hog anyway. There was always the chance that the beast would have been too big for us to handle." She looked at the drone, its tentacles writhing in the dirt. "Guess this was just an unusual and understandable circumstance."

I nodded, turning the key in the ignition of the off-roader. "Well, we can't change what's happened. But we can make sure that we're prepared for whatever comes next." The engine roared to life, and I steered us back towards the safety of our bunker, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As we drove, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that my family was a part of the crucial work that the Umbral Defense Agency was doing. We may not have come home with a hog, but we had something far more valuable an adventure.