Dazai was sitting in Chuuya's bedroom, watching him and the child sleep, was this creepy? Yes, but Dazai did watch Chuuya sleep a lot so it was fine. The man with brown hair looked over the child and took in her hair colour, it was much similar to his own, maybe the exact shade with a very very slight ting of red to it when it was out in the sun.
Dazai watched as his ex partner held the child to his chest protectively even in his sleep. Something made Dazai want to get the two matching collars, then decided against it due to the tiny child being five years old. With a small grin he stood from his chair, coat and accessories left behind as he climbed in behind Chuuya.
Dazai has done this before and gotten caught since Chuuya was a light sleeper, normally he'd get punched. When the ginger started to stir awake he rubbed the smallers head and smiled "it's just me chibi, don't worry."
"I told you to sleep on the couch." Chuuya grumbled, turning his head slightly so he could look up at Dazai with his half awake eyes– if they could even be considered half awake. "Only my husband or boyfriend is allowed to randomly climb in with me, you are neither of those two." he pouted, hugging the child closer.
Sleepy Chuuya was one of the cutest things Dazai has ever seen and it always warmed his heart to hear him mumble about stuff like that, it just made the mafioso so much cuter to him. "But Chuuya, I am your boyfriend…" It was also easier to trick him while he was barely awake.
"Lair, you abandoned me, you're not my boyfriend.." he shoved his face into a pillow to muffle his already slurred speech, he needed to go back to sleep or wake up, both seemed impossible right now.
"Chibi, I am your boyfriend." Dazai insisted and poked the other cheek "I claimed you the other night." That was another lie, he hadn't claimed Chuuya, he just beat up some people at a pub talking about how they wanted to be with him.
"If you're gonna sleep there.." Chuuya muttered, about to fall asleep, having not paid attention to what Dazai said at all. "You have to hug me all night.."
Dazai raised a brow and wrapped his arms around Chuuya's stomach, moving his body closer so he was spooning him. "Like this Chibi?" He asked with a small smile, you could hear it in his tone, but the sleepy ginger didn't pay that much attention to it.
"Yea.." he mumbled and leaned into him more, body relaxing and Chuuya just kind of passed out in the man's arms, the child clinging to her "mama's" chest. Dazai smiled and shoved his face into the boy's hair, it was surprisingly more fluffy then he thought it would have been. Dazai moved one of his hands up and started to stroke the red locks of hair, humming softly. Seeing the mafia executive relaxed, asleep and vulnerable in his arms made him feel something warm in his chest.
"You're quite cute when you're not yelling, Chuuya." he smiled and closed his eyes, maybe he should sleep as well, but he wasn't planning on it, just in case either one of these two lost control of their abilities while they slept, he would be here to stop it.
Nothing had happened though the night however Dazai had left a mark on Chuuyas neck, under the choker that the red-haired boy never took off. Chuuya was the first one awake, unsure of why his neck was tingling but he ignored it and stood, he was going to make breakfast.
Chuuya Nakahara climbed out of bed, over Osamu Dazai and walked into the kitchen showing no care for the man he had climbed over. Chuuya put his hair up in a bun to keep it from getting into the food while he cooked, then processed to put on an apron, a lovely pink one that said 'kiss the chef' on it in italics with red hearts around it.
It was something he had been given by Akutagawa for his birthday so he wore it with pride whenever he was cooking. He grabbed out eggs and bacon from the fridge and some fruits, which he was going to mush up and add to milk to make a creamy-like texture for the child to be able to eat it since it was clear she had grown up on some form of a liquid diet.
Chuuya pulled out a pan and added a very small amount of oil to it so the bacon and eggs would stick, cracking an egg right into the pan and throwing the shell into the green bin. The mafioso grabbed out two plates and a bowl, for when the food was ready.
The next person to wakeup was the child. The small girl climbed out of bed and stumbled around, trying to track down her adoptive father. She didn't like the poop being in bed with her. That was scary. The child leaped forward and clung to Chuuyas leg, which made the man let out a surprised gasp, looking down and smiling gently.
"Good morning Miyo" he said with a gentle voice patting her head and smiling brightly "I'm almost done with breakfast, do you think you can go wake up the poop for me..?"
The small girl nodded slowly and let go of his leg, watching as her father dished up bacon and eggs onto two plates while just scrambled, fluffy looking eggs onto another with someone that looked like the yoghurt from yesterday but frozen. The child rushed back to the bedroom, struggling to get onto the bed but when she did, she jumped on Dazai's chest.
"Poop!" she called, a bright smile on her face as she tried to wake him up "mama wants you!"
"Chuuya wants me?" he asked sleepily, watching the girl's innocent eyes made him hold back from a dirty joke. He smiled and nodded, "I'll be on my way soon, go eat."
The child got off him and rushed back to his mama with no arguments at all, something Dazai found strange, but he wasn't going to question the Chibi's child too much. Dazai hummed and slowly stood from his place on the bed before walking towards the door of the bedroom, humming softly when he left the room. Dazai watched Chuuya place three plates and a bowl on the kitchen island, reading over the man's apron. "Do I have to give you a kiss?" he asked with a bitter smile, sitting down at the counter.
"No." Chuuya huffed, removing the apron and sitting down himself with the girl on his lap, Dazai would say he was jealous but he was the top between him and Chuuya so he would be the one being sat one which is fine with him. "I don't want your fish breath anywhere near me, Dazai." he said with a glare, starting to try and feed the small child the ice-cream like textured fruit.
Dazai laughed under his breath "did you cook this for me, Chibi?"
Chuuya looked him dead in the eye. "No I cooked it for the guy who's been fucking your tiger."
Dazai froze and opened his mouth in shock "who?"
"I promised not to tell you." He shrugged and looked down at the small hand tugging at his shirt.
"What does 'f-uk-ng' mean?" Chuuya gagged on his silvia and rubbed her back, hoping she would never say that word again.
"Baby, only adults can use that word." he said gently and tried to convince her that, eventually he did convince her not to say it, however he was so embarrassed with himself he couldn't speak another word at breakfast, just feeding her and himself in silence. Dazai found this very funny.
The rest of the day was just Dazai watching as Chuuya slowly introduced the small child to the television and the cat which the red-haired man had picked up on a mission with him some time ago. "Miyo this is Mackerel." he said gently, pulling the cat over so it wouldn't run off and make the girl cry.
"What she..?" the small child asked, confused by the fluffy creature before her.
"He is a ragdoll." he said gently, "that's a type of cat."
"Cat? Like a kitty?" her eyes looked as if they started to sparkle at the thought of a kitty, Chuuya nodded heavily.
"Right, a kitty." He smiled and held the cat out for the child to pet. "You can pet him if you'd like." he offered softly. The small child reached out a skinny hand and started to gently pet the cat, who seemed to have taken a liking to her.
Dazai hummed "how does that demon like you both enough to not attack you?"
"He wouldn't have attacked you if you hadn't tried to cook him!" Chuuya bit at the man, face scrunched up in disappointment and anger "you scared him."
"This is why we can't be together Chibi, that cat is in the way." Dazai said, dramatically putting a hand over his forehead as if he was going to faint which wouldn't be unlikely.
Chuuya looked over his shoulder "what the hell are you on about?" he was confused as fuck and didn't know where to start on this however he turned his head away and huffed. "Even if I liked you romantically, I wouldn't go out with you since you don't like my children."
Dazai was confused, Chuuya only had the one child. "You mean child, right?"
"No, we have my oldest child," he held up the cat "Mackerel and my youngest Miyo." he said, gently rubbing the girl's head. Dazai blinked, waiting for the other to continue speaking.
"And I can't forget about Gin and Ry." Chuuya hummed, watching Dazai's reaction closely. "Though I have not legally adopted them I do consider them to be part of my family like I do with ane-san."
"That explains why you threw me through that wall the other day.." Dazai mumbled "I didn't mean to make Akutagawa cry or anything–"
"Shut up before I do it again." Chuuya huffed, looking back at the small child, who had somehow fallen asleep with the cat in her lap, Chuuya carefully moved her and the cat onto the couch with his ability so they wouldn't be disturbed.
"Chibi, have you seen her eyes yet?" Dazai spoke up.
Chuuya shook his head and sighed "no she's worried that if someone looks at them they will fall asleep..."
Dazai nodded, "I could use my ability on her when you want to see her eyes..?" he suggested, he just wanted to hang around more, the warm feeling in his chest hasn't gone away yet and he liked the warmth.
Chuuya hummed "the only way you're staying here is if you help clean the house." the red-haired man could see right through him.
Dazai whined. "But Chuuuya that's so mean!!"
"Will you shut up!?" Chuuya whisper-yelled, watching as the child wiggled about on the couch with the cat. "You'll wake her."
Dazai pouted but nodded and walked over, taking the only available couch seat, patting his lap for Chuuya to sit down. Chuuya did sit down just on the floor in front of the man, not on his lap. Dazai pouted again "Do I need to get you a lead?"
"Do you have to have some sort of master and animal/servant kink?" he bit back, sighing heavily he was not happy with Dazai and he wasn't sure where most of this anger was coming from.
"You'll know why once where in the bedroom." he purred into Chuuyas ear, getting slapped in the face because of it. "Mean." Dazai pouted then shook his head. "Chuuya's a tsundere~"
Chuuya bit his bottom lip and held back from punching Dazai again "leave me alone you weirdo."
"You love me." Dazai cooed, rubbing the shorter boy's head "you don't want me to leave you alone."
"Dazai, shut up! I'm trying to watch TV."
"There's nothing on the Tv, Chuuya." Dazai grumbled, looking up at the muted television to see the news, a group of men dressed in lab coats were looking for an 'extremely dangerous' experiment which had escaped.
He looked over at the sleeping child then back at the tv "so those are the men in white."
"I'm going to kill them." Chuuya was shaking slightly, his voice was deeper as if something awakened inside of him Dazai simply touched the back of his neck and it disappeared.
"Has he been coming out more often now?" Dazai asked quietly.
"I can't tell since it's only been two days but I can feel him and what he wants to do. He wants me to take her in and take care of her… something tells me she's important to me.." Chuuya mumbled.
"Maybe she has your blood inside her?" Dazai suggested "remember, she was experimented on."
"You're right.." he whispered.