Stanley’s Most Tolerable Time Of The Year (Halloween Special Part 1)

Of all the commercial holidays making their annual rounds Halloween might be one of the few that Stanley actually acknowledges as opposed to ignoring. If one were to look at it from an angle and squint real hard they might even believe the man to actually look forward to it. Mind-blowing, but as it is with anything involving Stanley Berkowitz and genuine enjoyment/anticipation it needed to connect to activities under his usual purview for genuine enjoyment.

In the case of Halloween first off some of the most fire content are released on this particular holiday. Horror movies (even the cheap/goofy ones) are a guilty pleasure for him and the reason why he still keeps subscriptions for certain streaming services. Each year no matter what he always sets aside some time on Halloween to binge new horror movies of which there are a lot.

Then there are the videogames. 

Ever since Five Nights at Freddy's blew up on a budget of the first combo at your local burger joint Indie developers have had a field day with similarly low budget horror games on Steam. Personally while he thought the first game had a certain novelty charm to it the franchise has since blown up into a massive garbage fire perpetuated by content creators doing playthroughs while acting like fucking obnoxious man children overreacting to the most cookie cutter 'jump scares' to squeeze as much out of the franchise with their audience as they can in the same vain as the developers with the IP.

The only truly positive thing to come out of FNAF blowing up was the fact that it put Indie games in the spotlight. If that game can spawn a multimillion dollar franchise then who's to say someone else couldn't catch lightning in a bottle? The result was mostly forgettable god awful low effort FNAF clones but there have been some worthwhile horror games over the years as well. 

Outside of the Indie scenes are the themed events in some triple AAA games. Even old games no longer at height of their relevance can make a comeback with a decent enough Halloween themed event. A great example is Rainbow Six Siege: Outbreak but Ubisoft being Ubisoft they took what could have been their annual 'Pumpkin Spice Latte' and decided to milk it only to kill the cow in the process then reanimate it as the Frankenstein abomination known as Rainbow Six: Extraction.

Seriously, fuck Ubisoft.

Getting back to the topic of Halloween itself, unlike with most Stanley actually participates in the local tradition. That doesn't mean he hangs up spooky decorations or wears a costume because that was too much work and frankly he's not that gung-ho about the holiday. No what he does is something much more important and worthwhile to all involved…he hands out candy to kids when they trick-or-treat. 

That's right believe it or not Halloween was the only time of the year where Stanley willingly does charity. And yes, no matter what people say handing out free candy to kids who show up at your door is charity. If they throw the tradition card at him then he can say the original trick-or-treat tradition had people doing small performances to be rewarded with treats rather than just showing up in a bargain bin costume.

Now the reason behind Stanley's participation in this tradition was partly due to sentimentality and a bit of sympathy on his part. Some of Stanley's fondest childhood memories were of Halloween specifically trick-or-treating. Dressing up in cheap store bought or handmade costumes, going door to door and receiving free candy, after which he and his friends would take back their haul to whoever house is closest before sorting, trading and occasionally tossing one or two of their bounty.

It was good times all around and it made him develop something of a personal attachment towards the act of trick-or-treating even if he no longer participates. Because of this attachment he chose not to half-ass it. There was no setting boxes or buckets of candy outside and letting the kids have at it because expecting kids to see a bucket of candy laying out on your doorstep with no protection and expecting them to be reasonable is supremely naïve at best and fucking stupid at worst. 

Even if he didn't have an inclination to not trust people as far as he can throw them Stanley has seen way too many videos of kids and even parents just stealing the entire candy supplies with a blatant and callous disregard for anyone or anything. So with that in mind he always does the arduous task of getting off his ass to greet the trick-or-treaters and hand out the candy himself. Little did Stanley know or even realize that this single act had far reaching implications that he himself wouldn't recognize until much later. 

See Stanley has lived in this neighborhood for a couple of years and his lifestyle choices have made an impression on his neighbors. Being a grouchy, unkempt, anti-social, hermit who only ever leaves his home every couple of weeks tend to generate rumors spread amongst the busybody neighbors who all have at least a passing relation with each other. Stanley was pretty sure if he was ethnic he would have had the cops called on him by a 'concerned neighbor' at least once.

He wished that was a tasteless joke but that's just the world we live in these days. 

Even still he's pretty sure there was at least one nosey neighbor who thought he was doing something illegal but eh, the cops have never showed up to his door before so its whatever. Until Ezraphel showed up and started making friends Halloween was the only time Stanley had any form of prolonged contact with his neighbors and even then it's mostly the kids and their chaperones. 

Now while giving out candy during Halloween was something literally everyone on the block did Stanley did something that others didn't. Since he can't help but relieve those fond childhood and early teen memories from his own trick-or-treat adventures Stanley ended up breaking his own self imposed rules. See one of the worst memories he had on Halloween was being given subpar candy that devalued his overall haul at the end of the night. For some reason there would always be at least one asshole who would try their best to ruin his night with cheap and/or expired candy that was inedible and best thrown out.

Worse were the absolute lame ass dickheads promoting 'healthy eating habits' by giving out fruit (fucking fruit!) or that dentist who gave out dental floss…dental floss. Stanley remembered that being the first time he actually cursed in front of an adult.

"The fuck is this shit?" said a 12 year old Stanley.

Thankfully that night his uncle was chaperoning them and rather than chastise him just gave a full belly laugh. Afterwards he introduced Stanley to the other tradition of trick-or-treating as seen on Billy and Mandy. 

"We didn't get any treats so it's time to trick."

He didn't care what anyone said that guy definitely deserved to have a bag of dog turd left on his porch and lit on fire.

It was due to experiences like this that as a kid Stanley vowed that when he got older he would not become one of those people and the same held through for now. So every Halloween Stanley swallowed his reservations (of which there was surprisingly little) to go the extra several miles and shill out the additional cash to buy the good shit in bulk. Only high quality name brand candies are being distributed from the Berkowitz household and he wasn't skimping on the amount either.

Naturally the kids receiving the candy were all for it. 

What started as a welcome novelty in the first year became an anticipated curiosity in the second year and by the third year it was a beloved expectation. Now Stanley didn't think for one second that his once-a-year generosity raised his social status in the eyes of the neighborhood nor did he really care for being popular amongst children (especially in this day and age) but at least he can say for certain that he wouldn't be the reason for kids having a shitty Halloween.

Nor would he be the victim of any tricks some of the little shits would cook up if he pissed them off. He would like not to have dog turd set on fire and left at his front door thank you very much.

And that's the excuse/explanation he gave to Ezraphel when she asked him about Halloween at the start of October when the advertisements caught her attention. Naturally a holiday where people celebrate monsters (in a fashion) would grab her attention but she was really sold on the idea after she found out people dress up as said monsters with the kids going around the neighborhood asking for and receiving free candy. To that end Ezraphel has taken the time to study the holiday in detail. He could tell she liked it too since one morning he woke up to find the entire house adorned with conjured Halloween decorations.

Though he was initially annoyed Stanley didn't exactly mind the festive decorations since she didn't go overboard with them. That wasn't the only thing festive either as tonight the two were currently having dinner which consisted of spaghetti and 'eyeballs' with a side of garlic bread 'fingers' which will be drunk with 'Witches brew' lemonade and for dessert she made 'ghost' cupcakes. It was times like this where Stanley understood why people take pictures of their food because this entire week Ezraphel has been serving out meals with her creativity cranking up to eleven.

"Stanley can we go trick-or-treating for Halloween?"

Stanley paused and with Ezraphel's expectant look upon him he took a moment to ponder her question and weigh the pros and cons of-

"No" he answered flatly.

"But why not~?" she whined.

"Because the reason you'd want to go trick-or-treating is so that you can get Halloween themed candy for your stash" he clarified while taking a bite out of an eyeball.

This year like the ones before Stanley bought Halloween candy for trick-or-treat and naturally Ezraphel wanted some because she's insatiable in more ways than one. Luckily he was a master at ignoring her attempts at emotional manipulation and stonewalled her attempts at stealing some by threatening her with severe punishment.

"T-that's not true at all!" she stuttered a bit before catching the deadpan look he gave her as he chewed his food "okay maybe a little" she mumbled "but I also want to do it because it seems like fun."

Stanley couldn't help but sigh. One of the things he realized with his girlfriend was that Ezraphel was the type of person to do something if it seems fun and there was a worthwhile payoff for the effort.

"I'm sure it does but the thing is trick-or-treating is for kids." 


'I should have seen this coming.'

"Ta da~" a now much younger and smaller Ezraphel exclaimed while striking a pose as she stood on the chair.

Stanley didn't outwardly react to this immediately as he was struck with the realization that for the very first time in their relationship he was now taller than her without being on an elevated position. He had to take a moment to let this new sensation sink in then…

"The answer is still no." 

"Please" she whined giving him the puppy dog eyes.


Stanley matched her stare with a deadpan glare.

*Stare Harder*

Surprisingly he broke the glare even sooner than she expected which was odd but she would take this victory.

Reaching over the table Stanley began patting her on the head which for some reason brought out a rather weird reaction from the Lilim who leaned into his touch her tail subconsciously wagging behind her.

'T-this isn't so bad.'

"That's adorable" he admitted and her expression lit up with a smile "fine if you want to go trick-or-treating I won't stop you."


Retracting his hand he began going back into his steak "yeah you have fun with that. I supposed I'll just stay here and hand the candy out by myself…again."

Not that he minded doing that.

That had her freeze "eh?"


"You're not coming with me?"

"Why would you ever believe I would?"

"But you said you love trick-or-treating."

"Yeah, when I was a kid."


"Ez, I'm not one of those old guys going through a mid life crisis and looking to relive my youth" he deadpanned "I liked Halloween back then because it gave me a break from dealing with all the bullshit in school and I liked trick-or-treating because I can get free candy without begging my mom or budgeting my allowance. Nowadays I can take as much breaks as I want and buy as much candy as I want."

Ezraphel grumbled a bit before offering a compromise "then can you at least go with me."


"Why not?"

"Let's just forget the fact that people would wonder why I'm babysitting a kid for some reason out of the blue and focus on the fact that it would leave the house devoid of anyone to hand candy out to the kids when they inevitably visit the house. Not to brag or anything but the kids have designated my house as a hotspot for getting the best loot."

Someone made a forum rating the best trick-or-treating houses and from what he saw his was amongst the highest rated.

"Also I know for a fact that a few of the chaperones are going to want to make small talk with you" he added.

Ezraphel has firmly established her presence in the neighborhood and it would be weird for her not to be there with him. 

At his explanation Ezraphel pouted with a glare that had even less effect on him with her chibi body.

"Liar!" she exclaimed "you just want to do it."

Stanley shrugged "alright you caught me, it's just not worth the hassle and frankly I'm way too old for that shit."

At his answer the loli Ezraphel was now pouting which made for an adorable sight and no doubt the average plebs would coo at her. Stanley however was not fazed by this because to him all kids were scheming little shits until proven otherwise and in today's climate they've been never been able to prove otherwise.

"And I can't convince you otherwise?"

"Why are you so adamant about this? I thought you'd want to be the one to greet the kids."

Ezraphel frowned, it's not as if she didn't know this but…

"Wait a minute" Stanley's eyes narrowed as it occurred to him "this wasn't some scheme to turn me into a kid again is it?"

Ezraphel stiffened averting her gaze but saying nothing.

'Shit' she silently cursed 'how did he know?'

"Your silence betrays you" he remarked dryly.

"O-okay maybe I was-"

"And we have confirmation" he looked up to the ceiling at this point he was exasperated and it was reflected in his voice "Ez…what the hell?"

In a flash she was back to her original age and appearance looking equal part bashful and remorseful "I'm sorry for deceiving you Stanley it's just that…well…"


"You hardly talk about your past and when you do it's very negative but when you were explaining Halloween and your childhood 'trick-or-treating' it was the first time I've seen you genuinely happy to be talking about your past."

"I'm a pessimistic guy by nature Ez, you know this."

"I do but" she bit her lip "I feel that it is wrong to not have anything positive to say about your childhood."

"So let me see if I understand this. You wanted me to go trick-or-treating so you could witness me living out one of the standout 'happy moments' of my youth?"

"Pretty much" she shrugged a bit while wincing "are you mad?"

Stanley couldn't help but cringe, not at her words but the fact that he was apparently such a cynic that his girlfriend had to concoct a scheme like this in order to fish for positivity.

"I'm not mad" he began "maybe a little confused" Stanley pinched the bridge of his nose "at least you didn't decide to turn me into a kid while I was sleeping or something stupid like that."

"Oh no! I would never betray your trust like that" Ezraphel retorted quickly.

'Too quickly'

In truth it wouldn't surprise him if that particular plan was on the table but decided not to call her out on it. What matters was that she went with her better judgment and simply asked him permission instead of going through the drama that would cause.

"Thank God for that" he sighed "look I'm gonna be real here Ez, this plan of yours would never work. That part of my life is over and done with, I've moved on. The only thing I can do now is pay the happy memories forward by doing my part to make the actual trick-or-treaters have a good night, because they deserve it."

Ezraphel looked disappointed yet oddly satisfied with the answer "okay."

Then leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek which drew a raised eyebrow from him.

"I also wanted to see what you looked like when you were younger" she admitted.

"Figures" he scoffed before taking a sip of the somehow bubbly lemonade "you know I always hated that idea of 'reliving the past' it's all such bullshit"

Real talk: from an objective collective standpoint Stanley's problems with his past may not be as bad as he was making it out to be. But that's not the point if his past made him take drastic actions that would shape his character for years to come then there is no way in hell he can look at them through an objective lens. 

It is for this reason why Stanley didn't dwell on his past once he moved on, not even the good times. He's made every attempt in his power to completely divorce himself from his past and so Ezraphel's actions while coming from a good place was doomed to fail from the start.

Stanley took a deep breath because what he's about to say next is the epitome of cringe pulled straight out of an anime

"Instead of going through the trouble of re-enacting my 'happy childhood years' wouldn't it better if you focused on making happy memories with me now?"

'God I want to ram my head through a wall.'

So cringe and yet it had the desired effect on Ezraphel who looked as if his words had just blown her mind.

"You're right" she whispered shaking her head before a huge smile appeared on her face "you are absolutely right Stanley! I should focus on making happy memories with you~"

"Gonna have to put a pin on that for tonight. I've got some work related business to take care of and it's going to take all night."

"Does it have to be tonight?"

"I always do this before Halloween so I can give out candy to trick-or-treaters uninterrupted."

"Hmm, I suppose it can't be helped then" she begrudgingly admitted "but since I didn't get my treat I hope you're prepared for a trick."

Stanley blinked upon hearing those words then looking at the expression on the Lilim's face felt a twinge of dread.


A moment later and he shook off the anxiety while getting back into his pasta 

"Ominous" he blandly replied "what do you have in mind?"

He figured she would do some Halloween themed kink play which he was cool with. 

'As long as it's not some Hellraiser-type BDSM bullshit it should be fine.'

…he was not prepared for what Ezraphel had in mind for her 'trick.'