Title: My First Trading Partner is An Awaken


"Since everybody is here. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for assisting our recapturing plans of the Kailan Region," Hannah Halley said.

They were in the castle hall of the blackwood castle and along with her knights who are all C-rank awakened beings, they sincerely present their thanks to the 12 craftsmen right in front of them.

"We are pleased to serve, commander," Tyler replied. He needed to as he was the team leader of these craftsmen.

"Now, there is an order from Lady Rocca approved by the Duke of Rocca about your awards. Here me out." The commander said.

The rest of the craftsmen smiled and nodded. This is their most awaited moment, the awarding. They had painstakingly, making bombs and potions just to reach the quota.

However, they knew for themselves that their rewards were already given as their proficiency in crafting these items had improved tremendously.

Most of them had proficiency as high as 92 percent. If he can make a bomb, he only has 8 mistakes of making it and the rest are successful. This had decreased their consumption of ingredients by a large margin.

This is one of the reasons why the Lady of Rocca wanted to award them, not only did they reach the needed quantity but they also did it ahead of time and decreased the needed materials which made the count relief.

Only some of the key nobility know how much the king had provided aid to recapture the Kailan region from the aggressive approach of the magical beast and demi-humans supporting the invasion.

"Based on your agreement with the Count, your works and achievements will be provided through the credit system we usually use for the nobility," Hannah re-introduced.

"Yes commander, we are aware of it," replied one of the potion makers.

"Then, these are your credits. Devan Hampton, you are hereby awarded 6,000 credits," Hannah started.

"Eddar Winray 6,400 credits… Flux Derus, 7,200 credits…"

"And you Tyler, 12,000 credits," Hannay concluded. All the bomb makers and the potion makers were given a total of 80,000 credits and Tyler got the biggest share.

"For this credit alone, you can buy control products offered only by the nobles. Here is the list of where you can consume your credits," Hannah finally said.

"We thank the commander for personally giving our rewards," Tyler said.

The rest of the craftsmen were celebrating too, as they truly needed these credits to open themselves to those products controlled by the noble house that even the merchant guild had difficulty to satisfy the demand of their consumers.

"I must also inform you that you will be given a month to rest and if you are willing to continue serving this command, you will be given the priority and sign another agreement," the commander said.

"Thank you, commander Hannah," Tyler said.

"Now, everyone is dismissed except you Tyler. We still need to settle some concerns." Hannah, the commander, said.


"This is what the Count had given to me in response to your contribution especially your undisturb supply of salt," The commander said.

They were now in the adjacent room of the castle's hall. Viscount Halley, had been loyal to the Lady of Rocca and she knew more of the secret dealings within the halls of nobility.

"I never knew that we had consumed large quantities of salt," Tyler had missed to make an inventory about their consumption.

For his part of the deal, he already used up his stocks of salt of 620 tons of salt which by their agreement, will amount to 3.72 million gold coins which is truly a big haul.

"Yes. You have the wealth of a high tier baron with this kind of earnings, Tyler. So let's settle these things first before you have your ways," Hannah said.

"Thank you commander. I had already decided to convert these gold coins to credit of nobility if that's possible, and I would like to apply for the position of baron." Tyler said.

He knew that it was the only way he could have access to resources, specially high end resources to increase his power.

For now, he was granted to have temporary status of some partial benefits under the wings of the count. However, in the future, this will not be the case and he doesn't want to be dependent on the Lady of Rocca.

"You're one bold Young man, Tyler. I had anticipated your ambition and now, for only a brief amount of time, you had proven your ability. I was indeed amazed by your leadership with regards to managing those craftsmen," Hannah Halley said.

"I apologize if I had crossed some boundary, being a noble is the only way to have access to some controlled products that I needed to increase my power," Tyler explains.

The commander understood so she asked her aid to finalize the needed document for payment and recommendation.

After finalizing the needed expenses, Tyler still needed to give 4.28 million gold coins to reach the 20,000 credits. By conversion, a single credit is worth 1,000 gold coins. This is only allowed when any awakened wanted to have a noble title.

However, increasing your nobility to higher levels like viscount, count, and duke, only credit through servitude is required.

"As for the next concern, the count gives a go signal for you to purchase the F-rank to E-rank crystals from the front line. We will provide you the inventory," Hannah Halley said.

It was actually her request. It's the only way to motivate his troops in the Frontline. Although she compensated them through credits, it was not enough.

The existence of Tyler had made her do this request to be approved by the count, and here it was, it was approved.

"I see. I am interested in the list," Tyler exclaimed but was still noticed by a more perceptive B-rank commander right in front of him.

He was actually anxious as he was reprimanded to do trades privately with the troops resting in Blackwood City. He was stunned by the maneuver of the commander.

However, when he thought of it, it was the only way, as there were a small number of merchants who wanted to trade in the Frontline.

Also, the Blackwood Frontline is less profitable as compared to the Dale City defense. Yet here he was, a bold Young man that didn't hesitate to suffer a bit.

"30,500 F-rank crystals and 8,950 E-rank crystals. Since this is a trade and not connected to the credit agreed with the count, will any of the trade good prices return to normal like for the salt, for example?"

Tyler needed to establish this since the price of salt had already risen to 7 gold coins. He wanted to know if he could have some benefits.

"Yes, of course. I also heard that you had collected the wastewater and powders In the basement, aren't you going to pay that too?" Hannah reminded Tyler.

Black lines started to emerge from Tyler's forehead and the commander laughed at it. "Anyways, based on your purchase agreement in Wadas City, it's 100 liters for 20 silver coins. I will give it to you for 10 silver coins."

"Alright, I am too naive as I had not been clear about it. How about 5 silver coins. No one wanted it but as you can see, I am the only one who collected it and I bet I still have many orders when I go back to my villa in Wadas City."

"Deal!" The commander immediately agreed.

She won as she had gambled about these wastewater. She already knew that this Tyler Pierce purchases wastewater and also had posted it to the merchant guild.

It had been a talk to the city and even reached her ears through the gossip of the Count. The Count is also interested in why Tyler purchases these waste but unfortunately, Tyler had agreed to do work in the blackwater city.

Although she was curious like a cat, she began to worry as the accumulation of these wastewater in the basement is truly a danger. Just a small drop of this water could raise weeds to half a meter in a single night.

When Tyler saw the inventory, it was far less in volume. The substation platform has given more accurate reading so now he only needs to pay 2.1 million Liters of the product.

"That's around 1,750 gold coins for the wastewater," one of the knights of the commander, computed after ten minutes.

"Now, I'm pretty sure that I had traded those wastewater for 46,000 salt. I'm truly a genius!" Tyler thought.

"Then, I would like to trade it with salt. Since the market price of salt is already 7 gold coins, I can trade it with 6 gold coins." Tyler started and made some discounts.

"No problem. How about the crystals?" Hannah interjected. "Salt trade is fine as well."

"Then since we had agreed with that price of salt and the F-rank crystals are still frozen to 5 gold coins, I too would like to pay it with salt," Tyler requested.

He still has reserves of 92,000 salt including his recent trade with Henry less the tax to use the substation platform. He was willing to truly trade his salt.

It took the other knights to compute the needed amount as he agreed to purchase all the F-rank and 1000 pieces of E-rank crystals.

"30,500 F-rank and 3000 E-rank summed to 452,500 gold coins. Since you agreed for 6 good coins for a kilogram of salt, Tyler, you needed to give 75,417 kg of salt." The aid finally said.

"Alright. I have no problem with it." Tyler agreed. He paid all the required amount and still, he has reserved 16,291 kg of salt.


All his dealings with the Blackwater City had been settled except his debt of credit needed to acquire his baronship. He was given a month to deal with his own business and if they wanted to go back, they certainly needed to sign another agreement.

He had benefited much with this undertaking as he had accumulated a lot of credit and gold to achieve one way to make himself stronger without the restriction of the nobility status.

"Take care, Tyler Pierce," one of the knights, aid of the commander, sees him before he uses the ever powerful Teleportation port.

Although he needed to consume 15 pieces of F-rank crystals, it was worth it as it would shorten his traveling time by 7 days. Accounting the other resources for his carriage, horses, and men, it was more economical.

"Thank you Sir Brantley, it has been a great experience staying here in Blackwater." Tyler said.

It was his first time to use the teleportation port so, he had not anticipated the drawback of this kind of magical experience.