Seduction For Power

Geng Jin watched Ling Fen's departure, his expression darkening with each passing moment. The sheer arrogance of the boy, to dismiss him so casually... it was infuriating.

Min Nue, the devastating beauty with porcelain skin and eyes like polished jade, regarded her companion Chetian Yuhan with a gaze that seemed to pierce through all pretense.

"Chetian Yuhan, I believe we should redouble our efforts to bring Miao Ying into our fold," she murmured, each syllable chosen with the precision of a finely honed blade. "While there have been obstacles, I refuse to believe the path has been irrevocably sealed."

Chetian Yuhan's aristocratic features darkened as he turned her words over in his mind, the gears of ambition and caution churning behind his eyes. 

Ling Fen's meteoric rise had become an increasingly bitter draught to swallow, the other youth's triumphs threatening to eclipse his own carefully cultivated legend. If left unchecked, Ling Fen would become a towering weed, choking out all other contenders in his inexorable climb toward the heavens.

And then there was Miao Ying, an enigma wrapped in a conundrum. The boy's potential was as undeniable as it was terrifying, a raw power that could potentially reshape the very foundations of the sect if properly harnessed.

"The duty of bringing him to heel falls upon your shoulders," Chetian Yuhan declared at last, his tone brooking no argument. His stare bored into Min Nue like a physical weight, heavy with unspoken expectations.

For a fleeting instant, a flicker of distaste ghosted across Min Nue's lovely features, so brief that a lesser man might have convinced himself it was a mere illusion. 

The implication of Chetian Yuhan's command was crystal clear - he meant for her to employ her not inconsiderable charms to ensnare Miao Ying, to bind him with honeyed words and heated glances until he was utterly beguiled.

As a woman who prided herself on her peerless cultivation and razor-edged intellect, the notion of resorting to such base tactics was deeply distasteful. 

She was a goddess of battle, not some simpering courtesan peddling her wares in the Night Quarter!

Sensing her hesitation, Chetian Yuhan leaned forward, his voice dipping into a conspiratorial murmur. "Succeeding in this task would undoubtedly curry great favor with Senior Brother Lin. Imagine the doors that could open, the secrets that might be laid bare…"

At the mention of that exalted name, an avaricious gleam kindled to life in the depths of Min Nue's eyes, bright and hungry as a newborn flame. 

Senior Brother Lin was a titan striding among the ranks of the Blazing Sun Sect, a genius who had long since shed the trappings of the Earth Abode to ascend to the legendary Heaven Abode. Even a whisper of his favor would be a kingly gift, propelling the recipient to unimaginable heights of prestige and power.

Ambition warred with pride in Min Nue's breast, a pitched battle that could have only one victor. Slowly, deliberately, she inclined her head in acquiescence, a queen rendering a verdict.

"I will do as you ask. Though he be possessed of outlandish strength and strange arts, no man can long resist a maiden's charms when she sets her sights upon him." Each word was bitten off with ruthless determination, a vow carved in stone.

If sacrificing a measure of pride was the price to grasp the keys to power, then so be it. In the merciless world of cultivation, only a fool would balk at using every weapon in their arsenal. The heavens were not so easily moved by half-measures and tentative steps - to reach those exalted heights, one had to be willing to seize destiny with both hands, even if it meant bloodying oneself in the process.


Far from the shadowed corners where conspiracy bloomed like a night-flower, Ling Fen's star continued its inexorable ascent. His exploits had become the stuff of legend, his name on the lips of every disciple who dreamed of glory. 

But within the walls of Miao Ying's courtyard, a different breed of myth was being forged, hammered out in the crucible of an indomitable will.

The air crackled with barely leashed power, and the courtyard transformed into the eye of a raging storm. Tightly controlled blades of sword Qi lacerated the earth in dizzying arabesques, each one honed to an impossible edge capable of shearing through stone and steel like so much gossamer. 

The grass lay flattened beneath the onslaught, the very ground buckling and cratering under the unrelenting tide of destruction.

At the center of the maelstrom stood Miao Ying, poised in a stance that spoke of lethal grace and tightly leashed savagery. His body was a study in coiled power, a predator crouched in anticipation of the kill. An aura of razor-edged intent clung to him like a second skin, cold and inexorable as the specter of death itself.

This was no longer a mere mortal youth, but a being fused with the concept of the sword, every cell of his flesh resonating with the primal song of battle. 

To look into his eyes was to stare into twin abysses, black as a starless night yet seething with barely repressed violence. Even the act of blinking held a deadly promise, blades of ebon light threatening to cleave reality asunder with each infinitesimal movement.

In that heart-stopping moment, Miao Ying had become one with the Dao of the Sword, his perception expanded to encompass every hidden flow and nuance. From the tiniest flicker of insects' wings to the roar of the wind itself, he was attuned to it all. The all-encompassing nature of his existence melded seamlessly with the sword, two halves of an ancient and indestructible whole.

A twitch of his finger sent a flash of light searing through the air, the merest afterimage carving a meter-deep ravine into the spirit-reinforced stones of his courtyard wall. 

The surrounding air sizzled and warped with the passage of that searing arc, the residual heat and force sending spider-web cracks radiating out across the pitted surface.

A savage smile curved Miao Ying's lips, an expression that held no warmth, only the fierce joy of a predator who had caught the scent of blood. 

He had tasted the First Stage of Sword Intent, embracing that elusive power and bending it to his will. The world seemed to unveil itself before his enlightened senses, revealing hidden depths and glittering facets of the sublime.

Miao Ying had seen the path forward, and it was paved with the broken blades of his enemies, irrigated with the blood of the strong. 

With the advent of Sword Intent, his already prodigious combat prowess had ascended to dizzying heights, as far above his peers as the moon above the muck. The Devourer Rune whispered its insidious promises, urging him to unleash his full might, to revel in his invincibility. 

In the face of his burgeoning Sword Intent, what Qi Establishment cultivator could hope to pose a threat? 

Perhaps even the dreaded Half-Step Houtian masters, those paragons who are beginning to shatter the chains of the mortal realm, would prove little more than bumps in the road.

As tempting as it was to lose himself in visions of invincibility, Miao Ying reined in his fantasy. Arrogance was a poison that could fall even the greatest of cultivators, leading them to ruin through a single misstep. 

The gulf between Qi Establishment and Houtian was not so easily bridged, a yawning abyss that marked the border between the mundane and the truly Divine.

Those at the Half-Step Houtian realm had unlocked the true secrets of Qi within the meridians, elevating every aspect of their existence to a higher state of being. While he could only sip from the well of energy stored within his dantian, they would drink from both their Qi Seed, Qi Sea, and a deep sea of power that flowed within their arm meridian. In terms of sheer reserves and explosive force, the two realms were worlds apart.

No, Miao Ying knew that his current raw strength would not suffice.

But if he could refine his Sword Intent even more, achieving a greater merger with his soul with the platonic ideal of the blade, or if he could push his cultivation in the Speed as Supremacy Art to the peak of the Small Success Stage of the First Layer, flooding his body with another stream lightning Qi and or simply reach 2nd stage Qi Establishment. Any of these methods would be enough to bridge the gap.