Chap 8

In a moment, the Duke Torpheo, now known as Mel, did not realize he would naturally part from Adelin's side.

Adelin reminisced about when the Duke had awakened.

"Is that my name?"


"Mel, is it?"

Mel as a name?

'It seems the Duke has lost his memory…'

Adelin eyed the Duke suspiciously.

This was the man who had mercilessly held a blade to her throat.

Now, with eyes full of confusion, he was seeking answers from her.

Like this.

"Where am I, exactly? And who are you? Ah… Is my name really Mel?"

Adelin's suspicion that the Duke had lost his memory increasingly turned into certainty.

He didn't know his name or even where he was.

Originally, her plan was to appear as a savior to the dying Duke and become his lifesaver.

But the Duke, who had first threatened her life, was different from what Adelin had expected.

'Perhaps it's better that he lost his memory.'

It was uncertain when the Duke's memory would return, but caring for the injured Duke might someday allow her to demand compensation for saving and protecting him.

If his memory never returned, she would have to monitor the situation and devise a plan.

Seeing an opportunity, Adelin decisively gambled.

"Oh my! Mel, what do you mean? You really can't remember your name?"

Mel was actually a word Adelin had uttered in her sleep, but it somehow became the Duke's name.

Thus, the Duke naturally became known as Mel and seemed confused.

Well, where did 'Mel' look like a human name? Even a dog wouldn't be called 'Honey.'

But Adelin pretended not to notice. She couldn't think of a name, and more importantly, it was a topic the man had brought up himself. If his memory returned, she thought to excuse it as not wanting to confuse him.

The confused Duke soon glanced down at his sticky shirt clinging to his body.

"I have no idea. My head hurts, and why am I so damp…"


"Why can't I remember anything, and why am I dressed like this? Explain now."

Adelin's gaze at the Duke narrowed shrewdly.

It seemed even with lost memory, a Duke remained a Duke, his commanding nature naturally emerging.

'How do I explain his injuries? I don't even know why he's like this…'

She only knew from a comment that the Duke would come to the mansion injured.

Where he got those injuries from was just as frustratingly unknown to her.

While pondering, Adelin recalled the broken log bridge connecting the sea and the mansion. She had an idea.

"You went out for a walk in the middle of the night and didn't return for ages. I was wondering why you came back like this. I was so shocked. Sob sob."

Adelin pulled out a handkerchief and pretended to wipe tears that weren't there.

"Were you stabbed with poison or something? You were unconscious for days. Really, you can't remember anything?"

The Duke looked baffled, understandably finding none of Adelin's words believable.

But for Adelin, it was the best she could do without inventing things she didn't know.

"Phew. The important thing, Mel, is that you've woken up. I'm so happy you're safe. Truly, Goddess Helena must have blessed us."

After a long silence, the Duke nodded slightly.

"So it seems."


Adelin exhaled a sigh of relief, thinking the Duke seemed content to let it go when suddenly.

"Do I have clothes to change into? Actually, I'd like to bathe first."

As soon as he opened his eyes, the Duke, now Mel, naturally made high-handed demands as if expecting her to serve him.

'Really, a Duke to the core.'

Adelin wanted to throw everything away and shout, 'I am also a lady of the Credeon Ducal family!' But how could a guest complain?

Adelin, now accustomed to changing the Duke's clothes and cleaning him, moved reflexively.

"You sweated a lot. Let me see."

She naturally approached and began unbuttoning his shirt one by one.

Even as the Duke's solid chest became exposed with the shirt opening, Adelin's expression did not waver.

"Look at this sweat. Are you okay? I'll change the bandages too. Wait, I'll help you change."

Adelin decided to switch on her kindness mode.

Later, even if his memory returned, she wanted the Duke to be moved by her deep consideration.

"You'll change it? Yourself? You?"

His gesture was too natural.

The Duke, as if enchanted, blankly watched his buttons being undone until, reaching the last button, he stretched his hand towards Adelin.


But he soon had to stop due to the overwhelming pain.

The Duke's head filled with questions at the woman's actions, who seemed indifferent to his thoughts.

Adelin, with quick hands, undid the shirt buttons and left to fetch new bandages.

Once the bedroom door closed, and outside, Adelin gasped for breath, leaning against the door as if her legs had given out.

'Biting her lip, she thought, 'Is this really okay?'

She questioned herself but couldn't find a satisfactory answer.

'Let's just pretend to be close for now.'

Determined, Adelin quickly grabbed bandages and returned to the bedroom where Mel, not the Duke, was waiting.

"Mel, waited long? I'll change your bandages now."