Everyone was giving unsatisfied mutters and grumbles about the turn of the situation, this beautiful slave was right in front of them but they couldn't have her yet.

"Oh, seems like they made a mistake " Yasmine thought.

"Now I will really make sure to pay her a visit after now. Maybe Kavi can let me buy her in private"

"I'll make sure to put scars on her pretty face" Yasmine smiled to herself while imagining all the things she was going to do to Zoey right in front or Xavier.

"mhmhmhmh" she compressed her sinister giggles.

They were already taking Zoey backstage.



Zoey gulped. She looked back at the crowd, their plan was about to fail. She was hoping someone would fight for her or maybe just call a ridiculous amount that they would have no choice but sell her.

Her pleading eyes moved to the VIP section, she didn't want to get bought by them because she thought it'll be harder to escape from them but now she was praying that they would interfere.

The curtains were about to be pulled open when a voice thundered...

"THIRTY MILLION GOLDS!" Matteo held the megaphone to his mouth and said.

"WHAAAAAAATTTT!!!!!!" Everyone was shocked, their mouths were all agape, including Zoey's.

"the Blood Wraiths again?"

"but they said there's a problem and she's not on sale"

"if I was the auction head I would immediately sell her, even with the problem "

"Thirty million is ridiculous "

"i think that girl hasn't been marked, do they really want to buy an unmarked slave?"

"Uhm. I think you have it wrong sir, this girl is no longer on sale, she's not bearing the slave mark so she's currently unable to be sold. The sealing ritual cannot be performed without the mark." Lady Gigi said in the most polite way she could at that moment.

"But if you really want sir, you can come in three days' time, she would have been marked by then, then you can buy her" she added, trying to please them.

"Fifty million golds if you give her to me without the mark. Today " Matteo said again, shocking the whole room even more. Even Adam beside him was surprised.

'Matteo? Matteo wants to buy a slave? She's not even marked. What's wrong with him?'

Lady Gigi told the guard to wait with Zoey while she went offstage into an office.

After a while, she came back out with a smile, she signalled to the guard to bring Zoey back to the middle of the stage.

"For fifty million golds, Zoey is sold to Lord Matteo of the blood wraiths!" She announced.

"What! But she hasn't even been marked!" Yasmine couldn't help voicing out her discontentment.

Everyone looked at her weirdly.

Does she want to go against the Blood Wraiths?

She must be crazy.

What's wrong with her?

Yasmine heard this and sunk in her chair, her face was red from embarrassment, she didn't think through her actions and was now regretting.

Besides she knows that the Blood Wraiths won't exactly treat Zoey good and she will probably just be one of their juice bags or sex toy or something.

She smiled at this thought and people beside her thought she was crazy.

"If anyone has anything to say, they can tell it to the Blood Wraiths " Lady Gigi said and the room went quiet.

"This marks the end of today's sale. Zoey will immediately be taken to the Blood Wraiths in the VIP section" She said amidst the decorum.

"Those who bought slaves should please go backstage for contract sealing. Thank you " she added and exited the stage.

The people started leaving and the room was gradually growing devoid of people. Those who bought items went back stage to retrieve their items and those who bought slaves were sealing the contract.

Adam and Matteo left the VIP section, each walking with their slaves, Zoey's hands were cuffed because she still has her free will and might decide to escape while Angela's hands were free because she was already contracted to her master and will do whatever he says.

"You haven't said anything " Adam started.

"What? Is there something I'm supposed to say?" Matteo asked with raised brows.

"Weren't you criticizing me so much about buying slaves but now you have one behind you. Hypocrite much?" Adam chuckled, eyeing Zoey behind him.

"I don't owe you any explanation ", Matteo replied with a straight face " I still have to make a deal with the auction managers about the nightmare potions " he added and ended the conversation, though Adam was still looking back and forth at both Zoey and Matteo with an amused and surprised expression.



"Kavi, where is Zoey?" Scarlett was now getting impatient, they've been walking around for quite a while now and there has been no sight of her granddaughter.

"Are you playing tricks with me? You better not be if you value your life", she threatened.

Kavi looked truly confused and clueless, he walked into an office.

"Mr Warden, aren't you doing your job?" Kavi said immediately he entered.

The man in the office stood up and bowed a little "I'm sorry sir, I'm quite confused. Is there a problem?" the warden asked.

"Yes. Where is the girl that was brought here recently like maybe two or three days ago. Zoey" Kavi asked.

"Oh sir, I thought you knew, she was put up for sale alongside others, according to the list sir, her name was there" the warden explained. Kavi's frown was now even deeper.

"What! Do you not know your job! How will we sell someone that came in two days ago!? She hasn't even been marked!" Kavi yelled at the warden. The warden was surprised, he quickly bowed down and apologised.

" I'm sorry sir, I did think something was wrong but I thought it was your decision. I am to be blamed for not realising she wasn't even marked" he quickly pleaded for mercy.

Kavi scoffed and went out of the office.

"Kavi, has Zoey been sold?" Scarlett asked but she didn't receive any response.

She yanked his arm and held him to the wall, so he could directly face her.

"If Zoey has been sold I swear to whatever divine entity that might be there, you and your troupe wouldn't survive to see the next day"

Kavi gulped and managed to say "Scarlett, let's not waste time, the more we wait the more the chances of her getting sold increases, I'll send word to stop the auction right away then we can go there to retrieve her directly".

Scarlett gritted her teeth in anger, she released him from her ridiculously strong grip and pushed him forward. Telling him to be quick with it.



Zoey was walking quietly behind her "master" they were heading backstage with guards that constantly shoo-ing away people that were coming close to them.

Zoey hoped to catch a sight of Penelope and she did! She was standing beside her mistress, Zoey tried to catch her attention by coughing and stylishly calling her name but she didn't even give her face.

"Hey Penny!" Zoey called, ignoring the fact that two vampire lords were walking in front to her.

She soon realised that something was wrong, Penelope's eyes looked soulless, as if she wasn't even aware of her surroundings, she just stood still beside her mistress with a straight face, walking whenever her mistress walked and stopping whenever she stopped.

Zoey gulped in fear and worry, she looked at Angela beside her and noticed she had the same expression, including all the other slaves. It was like she was the only one that had life in her.

She tried not to imagine what evil things these vampires will do to their slaves and now she wanted to escape even faster and earlier.

But for now she decided to not do anything stupid and just follow this man..

She also thought about her grandma, if that occurrence earlier was not her imagination, her grandmother was probably coming to save her.