Until death do us apart


The previous week I met Akira. She is a member of Yuki clan. She is a friend of Ichiru. 

Akira considers Ichiru as a big brother. I never had any friends. The only company I had was my brother. 

She is so beautiful. 

Ichiru and I got officialy engaged. My parents, my brother, Ichiru's father and Akira were in the cermony. 

Ichiru and I wanted to make our engagment official first and we wanted our people we know to be presented. 

Then we threw a celebration cermony. A lot of people came. Ichiru and I agreed that we don't like these kind of celebrations.

 Ichinose and Akira make a good couple. I started living together with Ichiru at his shrine along with his father. 

Ichiru and I had arguments. But then we made up. Recently we had an argument about Sarah from Matou clan. 

OK I am jealous. But i felt there was something wrong with her. I was kidnapped.When I woke up I tried to escape.Of course there were people who were going to stop me.


I realised something was wrong.I got worried about Ichika.Until I heard she was kidnapped.Rido from the family of Mainyu family visited me.

I didn't trust him.I realised his plan.He intented to frame Mochizuki branch family by killing the head and the descendants of Narukami family.

I smiled.

"What is so funny?Aren't you scared for your precious fiance?"

"No.But you shouldn't underestimate her.Ichika is strong and I trust in her."

So Rido and I started fighting each other with our physical strenght.


I used only physical strenght against those people who were blocking my way.Until I was ready to face the boss who was none other than Sarah.

Sarah along with Rido they were going to assassinate Narukami clan's head and descendants.But there was a change in plans because Ichiru found out the truth.

"You seem very calm.Aren't you scared about your fiance?"

"No.You shouldn't judge Ichiru.I trust him."

So Sarah and I started using only our physical strenght.


Rido was really strong.Suddenly he uses a technique called Jiki furasshu (magnetic flash).I tried to deflect it.Instead I flew away.Then he used Jiki kogeki (magnetic strike).I vomited blood from my mouth.It was painful.

Then he used Jiki shokyo (magnetic erase).Once again I couldn't avoid or strike back.I was in a bad shape.


Sarah then revealed her true power.She used album foramen (white hole).Then she striked me by using Duplikat (duplicate).Her second move was Tarnung (camouflage). She became one with the whole area.She got the advantage and beated me.Her final move was Sturmsache (storm thing).I lost too much blood.


Rido tried to walk away but I didn't let him.I grabbed his leg.He beated me again.Ichika,my precious fiance,my father...I wouldn't lose.Rido attacked me by using his physical strength again.This time it was my turn to move.First I used Sozo no mizu (water of creation).Rido tried to deflect it but this move caused him damage.Then I used Seiken (holy sword).Rido tried to deflect it with Jiki shokyo (magnetic erase).Both attacks clashed.And I played my trump card.I used Kogane no shukufuku (golden blessing).Rido died.I rushed to find Ichika.


I don't know how I found the strength but I wouldn't die.I had to protect my beloved Ichiru and my family.Sarah used Tarnung (camouflage) again.So I used Shaman no me (shaman's eyes).I could easily sense her power and deflect back her attacks.Then I used Joo no tankyu (quest of queen).Sarah answered back with Sturmsache (storm thing).So I used my final move,Sezoku-tekina koe no hikari (light of mundane voices).I killed Sarah.I rushed to find Ichiru.

I heard Ichiru's voice.Our eyes met and we hugged.


I shouted Ichika's name.She heard me.Our eyes met.She was finally in my arms.



"Forgive me Ichika...Are you alright?"

"I am.But you..."

"Do not worry...Listen Ichika...I do not want you to marry me because we have to..."

"You idiot.I want to marry you because I want to spend my life with you."

It made me happy that she wanted to share her life with me.Ichika and I got married in the first week of winter.Many guests were there.Among them were lord,lady Narukami,my father,Ichinose,Akira and her family.


So first day of the winter I got married to the man I fell in love with.We arrived to our shrine.

"Are you happy,Ichika?"

"Yes.I am,Ichiru."

So the time has come.We went to our bedroom.He layed me to the bed.We started kissing each other.Ichiru even kissed the hand which was I was wearing my wedding ring and continued kissing me.

He bit my neck and lick that spot.We embraced each other.Ichiru removed my dress.I was shy at first.Then I removed Ichiru's suit.He embraced me again.It was so...warm.He gently caressed my cheek.We kissed.

He kissed my neck,between my breasts and bit my ear.Ichiru continued kissing and caressing me.My mind went out when he licked my nipples.He was teasing me but I couldn't help it...He gave me a kiss.Then he inserted to fingers inside me.I wanted more...I don't know when I started craving that much.He gave me an other kiss.He looked at me with those eyes.

In my eyes he was reflected.I touched his cheek.Then Ichiru started thrusting inside me.My mind...I wasn't thinking...I was feeling Ichiru with his body.I scratched Ichiru's back.He even stopped to make sure if I am ok.

Near through the end I started screaming his name.We continued making love until both of us reached the climax.Then we fell asleep in each others arms.