
The Quarter Finals came to an end and the people were getting ready to leave the Stadium, when a calm yet domineering voice echoed in their ears, "Chief Inspector, I wonder if we can make a few changes in the proceedings this time." 

Chief Inspector was surprised and he looked at the third prince. He asked, "Your highness, what do you mean?" 

Hu Jitian replied calmly, "Why shall we wait another day to find out the result of the tournament? It is obvious that we are all hungry for success, and wish to climb the peak. So, why can't we have a battle right away?" 

Someone from the crowd felt excited and yelled, "Yes, I support His Highness!" 

Following this, people began to chant his name. The chief inspector was surprised and said, "Your Highness, while I admire your enthusiasm, there are two things that you need to take care of before the competition can continue."