
Hao Ren came back home, thinking about what he just heard in the stall market. He was worried about Xia Yulei, but he did not know if he should act or not? He was not a selfless human, it did not benefit him to act if there was no profit for him. However, he was not cold blooded to stay indifferent even when he knew that his help could get the villains out of the scene. 

He could use many ways to deal with Ron Yuan and Dwight Ion, but he was stuck in a dilemma. After some thinking, he took out his laptop from the bag, opened it, logged into the school forum and went straight to faculty list. He looked up Xia Yulei and called on the number mention in her details. 

The call was connected and a lazy voice sounded from the other side, "Hello, who is this?" 

Hao Ren took a deep breath and then said, "Good evening, Miss Xia. This is Hao Ren."