Preparation & Encounter.

Hao Ren disconnected the call and went back to the school. He contacted Xia Yulei, and the lady accepted the call quickly. Hao Ren asked, "Teacher, did you hear what happened to Han Lingshi?" 

Xia Yulei was confused and asked, "What happened?" 

Hao Ren told her what happened, and the teacher was shocked. She checked the class group and it was all chaos. After reading through she got the idea of what happened and went back to the call, "Hao Ren, thank you for telling me. I will check with the board and relay in the group." 

Hao Ren said, "Ma'am, actually, my parents are a bit concerned about me and they have asked me to come back home for some days. I know that it is very abrupt but can I ask for a leave and go to visit them?"