"Let's go get that mini moo moo!" Mershi Smirks at me and I can't help but sigh and put my hand on my face, rubbing my eyes. Moo moo? I'm on a roll today, I'm so glad Zel didn't hear me! I would get so much ribbing for it.
I put out my hand for Mershi to lead the way and she smiles, shrugging and we go down the stairs, on a quest to find the cutest Guild helper there ever was. On the 2rd floor is the accommodations so we head down again. When we get to the 1st floor we see that it's pretty empty, nice and quiet, although it's still early we've passed the morning rush. Zel and I took our time to snuggle and enjoy each other's bodies before we logged in.
We walk over to the front of the Guild and Mershi leans over the counter where there is a cat-person, the bunny girl doesn't seem to be on today, maybe she's also getting ready for the moonlight festival? "Hey Danni, where's our youngest minotaur helper at the moment?" The cat person looks up from the counter at both of us, their eyes, fur and ears are all droopy, patches of white and gray all over, I can't tell their gender but it's a bit rude to make such an estimation upon just meeting them.
They spoke extremely slowly, pausing between every possible place they could. "Oh… hey Mershi… is this?... Cali's Mom?..." I can't help but blush.
"N-no I helped find her! I was hoping to bring her back to the orphanage she was from, I don't think I would make a very good mother anyway haha…" I really don't, I can't even take care of myself…
"Ohhhh…" They pause and look back down at their paperwork, a look of concentration in their face and then look back up, "ohh… right… uhhhhh… Cali was just here… maybe?..." Everytime Danni speaks Marshi just nods, as if expecting every slowly pronounced word… I'm dying.
"Thank you for your time Danni!" Mershi grabs me and pulls me into the butcher's station on the side of the main floor. It's separated by a door, to make sure normal people can't see the 'action.' "I've seen a few newbies fainting upon entering here, it's really funny. I really hope no one asked her to help but it's as good a stop as any.
When we get in, an extremely large metallic counter lies in the center, off to the left is a cold storage room and to the right leads back into the building, possibly another storage area? "Rob! Bob!" Mershi yells out and out of the left hand room 2 furred heads pop out one after the other.
"Meat?!Meat?!" Both of the heads repeat the words after each other, both sporting snouts and horns from above their ears, "Oh it's just Mershi,Oh it's just Mershi" They round the corner and I see the rest of them, wearing large rubber gloves and boots and white aprons over a fitted shirt. Only about 4' tall but ripped like nothing else. Boar-men? Twins?! They are the same in every way, even to the way they are both holding mugs with coffee in them, on each mug it has, 'No.1 Butcher.'
"Hey guys have you seen a small minotaur girl come in here today?" They look at each other and then back to Mershi in perfect sync.
"Nope, only cattle we've had in today has been dealt with! Nope, only cattle we've had in today has been dealt with!" Both of them sip from their cups of coffee, sigh out, and then scratch their asses, one braincel between them, the perfect butchers!
"Alright, if you do, just tell one of the Guild attendants to come and find me. Alright, next to check is the bar and then the bank?" She shrugs, I'm sure she's not far, correction, I hope she's not far.
The Butcher brothers wander back into the right room and we make it back into the guild reception room. Heading straight through we make our way to the bar, a heap of tables with barely anyone around. A very feminine fox waitress is talking to another fox behind the bar, fluttering her eyelids. The waitress is bright orange with brown spots, long fur and long hair and a really bushy tail. The fox behind the bar has silver fur across their entire body, their hair is short and purple, shaved across the side, giving off immaculate butch lesbian vibes. Not someone I would expect behind a common bar, in her black and white clothing I would expect her behind the counter for an upper-tier cocktail bar. The kind of woman Zel would be unable to say a word to without stuttering. Thankfully as a top, I'm immune to such whiles.
The silver fox see's us approaching and looks me up and down, her sultry voice sending shivers up my and the fox next to her spines "Damn Mershi, who's your hot busty friend? Mnn yan" On second thoughts?! I nearly stumble as I'm directly addressed.
"Hey Vanessa, this is one of the newbies, LilMoo. She's here to pick up the little girl Cali, if she's around?" Vanessa raises her eyebrows and looks back at me, once again looking me up and down.
"LilMoo?... Nothing little about you babe yan~" Gods, fucking, dammit! Her words are doing things to my brain, so fucking embaressing. "Yeah the actual little moo girl was here before, she helped us during our morning rush. Looks absolutely adorable in a maid's uniform, smart kid." Damn we could have matched, big maid and little maid team up.
The Waitress perks up and flails her hands around in excitement "Omg right?! She was so adorable, it's a shame she's so young! I would love to have that little sugar cube on my staff if she was old enough yan…" She puts her hands to her chin and pouts a little.
"Did she seem to have fun moo?" They both look at each other and nod smiling.
"She was all smiles, being able to help people… bring her back to visit won't you yan?" The waitress grabs my hands and stares up into my eyes all teary.
"Uhh.. I can try moo!" I'm a sucker for a crying girl, Zel could make me do anything with tears in her eyes. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to bring Cali back in here,.I don't know what will happen when we go back to the Orphanage, will I even be able to see the mini me again?...
After waving byes we head to the next place, the bank, but not before the silver fox comes around and gives me a hug, clapping her ass cheek and slipping a note in my dress pocket. My flushed face betrays my feelings. Mershi claps me on the back and laughs as we make our way back and I try to regain my composure.
The bank further ahead seems manned by a few different guards. It's practically empty apart from them and 2 bank tellers, one of whom is chatting animatedly with a large, heavily furred and grizzled, older and heavily equipped warrior. From what I can tell, they are a bear? I shiver thinking back to the monster of a bear I versed previously. They look over and I quickly look away.
"Hey Bri, how's things?" Mershi greets the other teller without a line, a sniff comes from their extremely long snout, behind it is a pair of thick glasses, and beady eyes, squinting and looking up from their counter. Spikes protrude out from their back, their little vest seems to only cover the front of their body, ending at where the spikes start. A hedgehog? They are really cute, a little red bow seems to be woven through their hair. I can't help but wonder if they had help getting it in there since their arms and hands look like they don't actually go out very far… In my brain a diagram of their whole body suddenly appears.
< Humanoid hedgehog body schematics displayed >
Oh… OH?! That's new, I haven't gotten that kind of information before… Wait, is this the power of that book thing from the freaky scientist dude?! Goddamn I wish Zel was here, she would know more about wtf this could mean… I can see on the diagram that it suddenly appeared in my mind out of nowhere that they can extend their arms out from under their protective surface of spikes, huh… that's really cool, that's like an extension of analysis? At least for humanoid beings.
More sniffing comes from Bri, "Hey… Mershi right?... It's always hard to put down the smells of aquatic beings, it could be because I'm getting old… Are you here to make a deposit? Sniff"
"Nah, have you seen… err smelled a young minotaur girl here?" More sniffing commences the question.
"Mnn yes yes, she was helping me earlier, moving things to the vaults for me. She seemed very quick on her hooves for someone so young, very capable, yes yes." They nod repeatedly. Ahh the quest for the missing cow girl continues!
"Where did she go after she helped you out?..." Mershi asked dejectedly, I can tell she's already bored from looking, at least I'm discovering new things here.
"Sniff Mnn, someone smelling of horses and sweaty armor came and took them, they said something about needing a double…" Mershi thanks them and pulls me over to the stairs, bringing me back to the bottom.
"If it's someone that Bri isn't familiar with and smells like a horse it's probably the new trainer that was recruited last week, a centaur warrior from the golden plains, I've already had my way with her and suggested she look for someone to be her back double since centaurs are weak from behind. I'm guessing our little Cali is that person right now." I want to ask what she means by 'have her way' but she says it so casually that I can only assume not sexually… but that doesnt mean I don't think about it.
As we descend to the training arena the sounds of combat get louder, instructors yelling at people in the rings, people in the rings screaming at their opponents, sweaty men and women riling each other up and swearing at each other. Lots of abs, ab town, yummy women abs… Right, we are here for something more wholesome!
Walking through we finally spot her, a helmet with a split down the middle being taken off as she slaps the back of one of the warrior women passing by her, having seemed to just have finished up. She flicks her whole body and her hair and mane sweep out, long and flowing. Her upper body is insanely muscled, blond hair going to golden on the fur of her horse half.
As we approach she picks up a bucket from the bench next to her and tips it over her head, cold water flowing all the way down her body, under and over her bronze armor, drenching the already sweatily wet centaur woman. She's stunning, in more ways than one, I always thought centaurs were a little silly of a creation until now.
"Goldenglow! We heard you took an underaged child to be your second?! Do you know how reckless that is?!" The Centaur backs up slightly panicking at the sound of Mershi's voice being directed at her, damn she really did a number on her.
"W-what I did no such thing! I took a minotaur of warrior age to be my second! And a good second at that! She was the perfect fit! Hmph nhhee!" She neighs at Mershi, raising herself trying to look bigger like a threatened kitty. Definitely a bottom.
"No, her Name was Cali and this is LilMoo, the person who saved her and was going to take her back to the orphanage since she is a C-H-I-L-D!" Goldenglow looks back and forth between us.
"W-well how am I supposed to know how old other races are?! She fought perfectly fine for a child then, maybe I should just adopt her and train her in the ways of the plains! Why I was fighting beasts before I was weaned off my mother tit. Hmph nhhe!" She's super red in the face and trying to defend herself, pushing out her chest. I approach her side and make hand movements to show I'm not a threat, eventually getting close enough that I can put my hand through her mane, she instantly starts to melt in my hands.
"It's okay shhh no need to panic, we just want to know where she is moo…" She whimpers a little bit and shivers go up her spine before she realizes that she's required to answer a question.
"Oh oh! She was taken by those twins, the ones that cut up beasts, I'm not sure of their names… please don't stop that feels wonderful after combat mmmnnn nnnhhhhheeeee…" She starts almost purring under my fingers through her mane.
"Alright just another minute moo." I keep at it and watch her zone out, turning to Mershi. I address the issue.
"Well now we are back to where we started heh moo"
"At least we actually know where she is, if we are hot on her tail I don't see an issue with it, might put some hair on her chest to watch a full dissection of a body heh" I pause in my grooming… full… dissection?...
"Mershi no that's horrifying! She's a child moo!" I let go of GoldenGlow to her dismay, grab Mershi's hand, pull her all the way to the other side of the training area and up the stairs to the main sections and the closest way to the butchers.