Marry me

Mrs Shanks sat in her car Infront of an apartment and watch as someone walk out to throw the thrash away, she watch the female took out her phone and smiled at it before making her way back in.

The man who stood by her side offered the information he had been gathering regarding her.

"It been five years since their mother passed away, they have been living in this apartment since then, she works some few gigs down town to feed herself and sibling. She seems fine, I tried preying information out from the neighbors but no one knew what had happened to the mom. Some assumed she died of cancer but it uncertain" the private investigator reported.

"Has she been schooling?" Mrs Shanks asked.

"She has, she was offered a scholarship in Nervana high it quite unusual for her to gain scholarship into Nervana because of their high standards but it was easily given to her considering her background. So am doing a little digging and am just to find out " the private Investigator said.

Mrs Shanks look away from the house and at her driver.

"Drive" she said to him, he turn on the ignition driving out.


Two weeks pass am it was a night before Ivanie birthday, Ivanie had been so busy receiving calls from relative and friends who complained of not receiving an invitation.

"Aunt am sorry, but there won't be a celebration this year, ah right, I know, alright thanks" Ivanie cut the line and sigh.

For the past week nothing special had happen just her regular routine.

Ivanie walk down the stairs to see the place empty, Vlad was out on a business, he must have forgotten her birthday was tomorrow.

Even her friends hadn't place a call to her, Britney was always the first to call as soon it clocks twelve but there was nothing.

A call went through and Ivanie was quick to pick up.

"Hello?" Ivanie said into the phone, there was no reply from the other end, she look at the screen to be sure she had picked the caller.

"Hello?" Ivanie said again, she heard a knock on the door and the line went off.

Ivanie walk up to the door to look through the security footage but there was no one at the other end, she frown.

'who the was that ' she sigh and turned again only for the door bell to go off again.

"What the..." She unlock the door in anger and look out the house but there was no body.

"Stop messing with the door bell, she shouted in the hall way but her voice echo off the stairs.

Ivanie turn to go back in, as soon as the door close behind her the living room light went off.

"What in the world is going on??" Ivanie mutter frustrated she walk into the house blindly searching for the switch.

The light came back on, Ivanie look up with her smile but sudden shout shook her out of her core.

"Happy birthday!!!!"



Ivanie look at them with her hand on her chest, Britney, Jace, Jaennie, Malachi, her mom with Vlad were there all had smiles on.

"What's going on?" She asked surprised.

"Happy birthday to you Ivanie you are finally an adult, come on blow the candles quick make a wish" Britney said Bringing forth the cake.

Ivanie smiled and blew them out, she had thought they all had forgotten.

"I thought you all forgot about me" Ivanie said going to hug her mom who had her arm stretch to receive her daughter.

" How can I forget such an important day my dear" her mom whispered to her.

"We all stayed up planning this surprised, I would never miss this for anything" Britney told her .

"Welcome to the gang Ivanie finally you are no longer a minor" Malachi tease and he received a hit from her.

"Shut up"

"Happy birthday Ivanie" Vlad came forward and place a cone on her head.

"You are officially an adult, hope you are ready for the surprises that comes with it" Vlad said to her.

Ivanie nodded earnest, Vlad let out a smirk which held a lot of meaning to, he moved away to give others the chance to wish her.

"Happy birthday Ivanie!!! I wish this new age comes with a lot of bliss" Jaennie said looking all giddy up. Ivanie smiled at her.

Jace moved forward and gave her a pleasant smile, he hugged and ruffle her hair saying to her ears alone.

"I hope you are ready for the adult life, if you get it" he said and move away.

Ivanie pressed her lips together flushing from embarrassment, she tried not to think about what he meant.

She turned to her mom with an hopeful face.

"Where's dad?" Ivanie asked who mom who took her hand and brought her to the side, others chatted cutting the cake. Vlad went to a side receiving a call.

"He's busy and can't make it, am sorry Ivanie I know you haven't seen your dad for a while now but just know he loves you okay sweet heart and he wishes you the best birthday like always." Her mom told her.

Ivanie only nodded putting on a smile to show her mom she was comforted by her words.

Come in Ivanie quick let take a picture, it your birthday you should take a lot of memories

today okay " Britney said pulling Ivanie along she brought out a Polaroid camera from her bag.

"You should take it easy, there would be a lot of time to take pictures later" Jace said.

★Later in the day ★

The grand floor was filled with people, students from Ivanie school, elders who were acquaintance with the Shanks or the Markin's. Mrs Markin, old sir Markin was also present.

Jace Mom, Malachi's parents, Jaennie little Brother along with Jaennie, Britney parents.

"Black is for the queen, you should shine, you are the person of the day no one is allowed to outshine you, if I find such I would send them away without battling a lashes" Britney said seriously which made Ivanie burst into giggles.

"Oh come on Britney, am already shining as it's who else would look as shiny as I am, considering the amount of makeup I have on" Ivanie told her looking at the mirror, Britney was doing her makeup.

"I Know I know, alright all done, you would be called down soon try not to trip on the stairs that would be too embarrassing " Britney told her and Ivanie nodded.


Down the stairs the family were having a chat with another, Vlad stood at a side looking at the stairway expectantly James stood beside her him checking his time severally.

"Sir Vlad everything is ready" James told him.

Xenia brow cress hearing that, "what was Vlad planning" she had been invited to Ivanie's birthday celebration and the place was oozing with Influential figures.

"Mr Markin" A famous actors called walking up to Vlad.

Xander is the city heartthrob amongst many famous artists he was humbled by Vlad to be Invited to the celebration.

He heard Ivanie was his die hard fan and he couldn't ignore the request when Vlad had personally called him up.

"Nice to meet you Mr Vlad it a pleasure to be able to attend this celebration thank you for the invitation" Xander said and the two chatted away.

At a side Jaennie stood with Jace, who offered her a drink it was a combo.

"You shouldn't drink alcohol you are still an high school student" Jace told her.

"But am already an adult" she said to him.

"An adult, you want to test it out? " Jace said said pressing her to a corner, a little man came out from the where and Puch Jace back.

"You should keep your distance from my sister mate" he said to him.

Jace brow went up looking at the little man then at Jaennie who chuckled.

"And you are?"

"Randy, who are you?" Randy asked.

"Am Jace Jaennie boyfriend" Jace said pocketing his hand.

"Boyfriend?" Randy turn to look at Jaennie who strung.

"I disapprove " Randy said frowning.

"Why??" Jace asked the little guy.

"You haven't passed my standards yet" Randy told him.

"Just ignore him" Jaennie told Jace who shook his head and said.

"We need to please the in-laws" Jaennie blushed hearing that.

"So how is it going to be little guy?" Jace asked taking up the challenge.

"We would just have to see about that" came randy reply.

Finally the most awaited time arrived and Ivanie made her way down the stairs.

Her black gown flowed behind her like a gentle spring, her hair down.

The jewelries embroidered her skin like fine wine, her skin very fair under the stage light that followed her down the stairs.

Ivanie walk down step by step making sure she didn't end up tripping heeding to Britney's word, Vlad met her at the bottom of the stairs giving out his palm for her to take and she received it with a smile.

"You look beautiful" he murmured against her ears as the music began playing, Vlad led her to the dance floor and the two began dancing.

"Thanks Vlad this is the best birthday ever I love it" Ivanie told him.

"Anything for the woman I love" Vlad said Ivanie stifled Vlad let go of her hand and brought out a little box from his chest pocket, it was a shiny red box

Ivanie wondered if it was a gift he was giving to her for her birthday and she looked eagerly as Vlad opened it.

To her surprised it was a tiny diamond ring shining in the box.

It was way to old fashioned to go on one knees at least not for Vlad he took her hand looking at her and say the world which she never expected.

"Marry me"

That was Vlad a typical man but with so much elegant his words carry a lot of weight.