Never done this before?

Jace drop Jaennie at home, she stood at the entrance of her gate looking up at the one story apartment.

Jaennie collected the bags from Jace insisting she was okay in carrying it inside and it was late he should go home now.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Jace said looking at his average height girlfriend.

"What could happen to me am at the front of my house am I not?" Jaennie said reasoning with him.

"Okay then I would be on my way once I see you enter the house" Jace said.

Jaennie shook her head and reply.

"Fine am going" she turn to leave.

"Ain't you forgetting something?" Jace asked looking like an annoyed puppy.

"What am not" Jaennie replied.

"Are you sure?" Jace asked again.

Jaennie try thinking she really wasn't forgetting anything.

"Am sure" she replied with a smile but Jace wasn't looking satisfied enough.

He pouted pressing his lips together he turn to leave.

It finally dawn on Ivanie she had forgotten to give him a kiss.

She drop the bags in her hands and rush up to him, Jace look down at her as she stand on her hind leg to give him a quick peck on the lips.

Finally he let out a childish grin and pulled her in more leaning into the kiss he deepened it not letting her pull away.

"Hmm hmm" someone cleared his throat from behind them.

Jaennie broke a away and look behind Jace to see Randy standing at the door step with a cross arms.

Jace let go of her and turn to see Randy.

"Am just on my way" Jace told him.

"You should" Randy told him.

Jaennie walk up to her front porch, she wave Jace buy and he got into his car and drove away.

Jaennie ruffle Randy hair and said.

"We should really address the way you talk to my boyfriend Randy" Jaennie was saying leading him back in.

"Stay out of it, it between the boys" Randy told her.

Jaennie could only let out a sigh, those two were something else.


The next day was a Saturday Vlad didn't have much work to do, he was stood behind the kitchen counter slicing some vegetables, there was soft music playing from the stereo which he listened to.

He was dressed in a simple grey polo and a pant.

The put dish the omelette on the plate, the toaster pop out the two slice of toast bread, Vlad took them out on a tray with others he had made.

He dropped it on the dining and took out a yorgort from the fridge with two glass cup from the kitchen.

He wash and clean his hand with a napkin.

Ivanie had the windows drawn laid on her bed deep in sleep.

Her room was dark and displaying colors from the projector on the white wall.

The door to her room twisted open and Vlad walked in.

Ivanie casually laid on the bed, her leg halfway out of the quilt her hand spread out above her head.

Vlad approach the bed and place a light kiss on her forehead before turning to open the curtain. Light shine through and a soft displeased moan escape her lips as she turn the other way.

"It morning," Vlad told her.

"And a rest day I don't have school today, please close the curtain back." She mumbled.

"You should get out of bed and have your breakfast, you can continue your nap later." Vlad said.

Ivanie sat up and sigh tiredly, she rubbed her lid and look up at Vlad.

"You are mean" she mutter and got up the bed to brush her teeth and wash her face.


Mr Shanks took out the documents from his drawer and skim through it, he can't hide it any longer, soon the both family was going to find out about his mishap.

Ivanie would be hurt the most, his family was already breaking apart, it good Ivanie was at Vlad's that way she wouldn't see the drama going on between him and her mother.

He sigh and say on his chair.

if only he had not acted rashly back then maybe Desmond would have been alive.


After breakfast Ivanie made she was the one to clean up, Vlad had refused out right but she insisted.

"Alright make sure not to break anything" Vlad told her letting her do the work. Ivanie nodded and ran to the kitchen, it wasn't up to ten minutes Vlad heard a glass shatter.

His brow came together and he ran to the bathroom.

"What ha...."

Vlad saw that Ivanie had drop the glass cup they use in drinking earlier.

He look up to see her guilty drawn face look down and back at him.

He sigh.

"Don't worry it just a cup, leave it I would call the cleaner to sort it out later, let make sure you didn't hurt yourself" Vlad said pulling her along and making sure she avoid the sharp shard.

Vlad took her back to her room and made her sit in the bed, he check for any wound and find none.

He notice Ivanie eyes on him, he look up at her.

"What? Does it hurt anywhere" Vlad asked.

Ivanie shook her head and said.

"Thank you for choosing me, even if am a piece of work" Ivan told him.

Vlad smiled and reply.

"Of course you are a piece of work... Ivanie frown at that but Vlad continue. But I'm the grateful one, you fell for this old fellow "

"You are not old, you are just mature that all" Ivanie told him.

Vlad chuckle, he could remember the day she called him an old man, she changed so quickly.

Ivanie dip down and place a kiss on Vlad's lips, she went far as biting him.

Vlad wince and his mood change swiftly from calm to hot.

He move up and climb on the bed pushing Ivanie to lay down while he loom above her.

"Why did you do that?" He asked looking tense.

"Just felt like it" Ivanie replied.

"You do know how dangerous that is, do you want to awaken the danger" Vlad said his questions rhetorical.

"Can I" Ivanie replied and flip Blad so she was sitting on top of him, his leg was down the bed as he stare up at her.

She gave him a smile and tie her hair in a bun, she dip low to repeat her action.

She kissed Vlad and bite on his lips since he refused to respond.

Vlad opened up and took the lead, he savour her lips, bringing every corner to life. Suddenly Vlad took a sharp intake hissing.

Ivanie had unknowingly balanced her self on his bulge which harden in no seconds.

Ivanie felt the increase and the pole under her, she turn to see what was going on but Vlad had Changed their position.

"Always looking for trouble ain't you" Vlad murmured and ravaged her lips.

Ivanie couldn't keep up with his pace even though she tried to, she was losing her breathe and Vlad noticed he switched his lips to her ear and nippled on it teasingly, he took his hand underneath her baggy sweat.

She wore nothing underneath, Vladimir smirk and slid his palm up her flat abdomen , he glid up in-between her blossom, and took possession of her left blossom.

Ivanie sign as he thumb her repeated watching her throw her head back.

He kissed her again exploring her mouth with his intrusive tongue, he bit and suck on her bottom lips repeated torturing it till it was all pink and swollen.

Ivanie took off her sweat and stare at Vlad his eyes were filled with unfulfilled passion .

He took a lap at her blossom and Ivanie bit her lips to hold back the moan.

Vlad did it again burying his face in her blossom which was the exact size of his palm.

He continued like that for about some minutes before his finger slid down her pant and disappear into it.

Ivanie let out a moan unable to hold it in because of the single touch Vlad made down there.

She was so wet she was literally dripping all over.

He thumb her entrance although not seeing it visibly he could imagine what she looks like down there.

He insert a finger into her core and Ivanie screamed shifting uncomfortably.

Vlad noticed her discomfort and pulled away.

"Don't stop" she told him.

"You seem uncomfortable, I don't want you to be displeased" Vlad thought her.

"No that not it, please do it again" she pleaded.

Vlad sigh and went back in position dipping his finger into her again.

Ivanie tried not to squeak, Vlad noticed her contoured face which was filled with pain and pleasure and suddenly it dawn on him.

She was so tight, she wrapped around his finger tightly.

She has never done this before, how so her advance were all looking like an experienced pro.

He look up down at Ivanie and noticed how flushed she was.

"This is your first time?" Vlad asked.

Ivanie looked away shyly, she hasn't expect him to caught on.

"Are you sure about this, it would hurt since this is the first time " Vlad told her.

Ivanie nodded certainly.

Vlad inserted any another finger after receiving her go ahead.

He began pacing slowly so she could get use to it, soon Ivanie moans was filling the place softly.

Vlad increase his pace and she screamed in pleasure looking down and throwing her head back.

Vlad was giving it to her even with her pants on. She screamed and twist as soon as she got a release.

Her eyes were close as she even her pants.

Vlad place a kiss on her forehead and left to Wash up, he used her bathroom.

As soon as he locked himself in, he almost broke down from too much stretching.

He was hard and almost purple from erection. His pants made things worst as they keep rubbing on his erection.

Vlad groan pulling down his pants and his Mr sprang free from the fabric.

He hissed at the throbbing his erection was making, at the tip of his Mr was a little release.

Vlad could feel sweat trickle down his forehead to his neck.

He took off his top also and filled the tub with cold water.

He dip himself into the cold bath and shiver at the soothing pleasure it brought upon him, it didn't fully calm him down but it still made it bearable and he sigh

Ivanie was going to be the death of him at this point.