murderous instinct

About forty minutes pass since Ivanie had left his office for the rest room, although he would have preferred if she used the one in his office instead, he knew she intend on getting some fresh air, he didn't want her feeling refrained in the office so he had let her off.

Vlad check his time his patience slipping off, he got up and went in search of her.

He made his way down the main floor where James sat in his office separated from the rest of the employee.

He raise his head to see Vlad and was quick to rush out his office.

"Sir Vlad do you need anything?" James asked.

"Ivanie?" Vlad asked, James brow knitted and he replied in an unsure tone.

"Um.... Wasn't she in your office? Seeing as Vlad had an annoyed look on he was quick to switch his words. She must be somewhere around the company sir, would you like me to ask other departments?" James asked.

Vlad noticed the building was almost empty of people so there's no where she could have gone if not washroom.

"No need " Vlad said raising his hand to stop him, he then turn and left.

He arrived at the female washroom and waited outside.


He place a knock on the door but received no response.

"Ivanie??" He called again and no one was answering from within, he decided to make his way in.

He push the door opened and the first sight that welcomed him was that of Ivanie's belonging on the tiled floor.

Her bag was thrown aside, her lip gloss had broken in half and her phone on the floor with a little crack on the screen.

Vlad tensed up his face darkening, he dash out the female washroom and walk briskly away, James met him on the way.

"Sir Vlad I....." He noticed the killer look on Vlad face and back away in fear.

"I want the security footage prepared in the next five minutes" Vlad said.

James was quick to dash forward quickening his pace so he would get to the security room before Vlad.

Vlad came in five minutes later his aura almost suffocating the four security men in the room. They stood aside along with James as the play back of thirty minutes ago played on the screen.

They watch as Ivanie walk into the washroom they counted the time and it took more than twenty minutes she hadn't come out. A janitor push out a cleaning cart, Vlad noticed the odd in the scene so he told them to rewind the video again.

"A janitor had indeed made her way into the washroom but coming out it wasn't the same person.

The first janitor was a female and she had no mask on while she walked in but the one who made his way out had a mask on and it can obviously be seen that he was a male.

James felt the air chill at the back of his neck, he shiver down as he felt Vlad murderous instinct infiltrate the place.

Vlad paused the screen and zoom in on the bastard who took his woman away.

He wouldn't be getting away with it.

Ivanie opened her eyes in an almost empty bedroom, her hand was tied to the headboard.

She look around and noticed the place only had a bed and a coffee table at the middle.

The thick white curtains were drawn close and no ray of sunrise came in.

She tried sitting up but it was too difficult considering the position she was in.

Ivanie sigh wasn't she supposed to be panicking in such situation, how was she strangely came.

The room opened and a tall man who Ivanie suspect was the one who took her came in.

His face was shown this time around, he had nothing but a poker face on and his eyes was almost half close probably too much smoking since he reek of beer and cigarettes.

"You are awake?" He asked placing a tray of dried bread with a little amount of water on the table.

"Who the hell are you?" Ivanie couldn't help but spill her curiosity.

"Just someone irrelevant" he replied nonchalantly.

"Why are you doing this then?"

"Am just following orders no hard feelings" He replied.

"How much were you paid for this I would double the amount release me right now" Ivanie said her voice filled with authority and demand.

The man let out a wide smile showing his decayed teeth.

"Rich people are sure born arrogant birds of the same feathers flocks together" he mutter making his way away.

After he had adjusted the rope around Ivanie's wrist so she could be able to reach the food on the table. Nevertheless she was still bound to the head board like a pet.

"Wait !!hey where to, come back releasee me, I demand you let me go, Vlad he's coming for you and your boss and it won't go down well so release me and I promise to put in good words.....heyyyyy" Ivanie screamed after him annoyed.

She kick the table angrily and the food fell over the water spilling over the place.

Ivanie sat up on the bed angrily and draw on the tight rope, it tighten more on her wrist the more she pulled at it.

Xenia received a call with a smile.

" I have wired the rest of the money to your account, now make sure she doesn't slip out of your hand, she's one cunny teenager.