Fulfilled dreams {The End}

Vlad wore a blank look which made Ivanie shiver, suddenly he broke into a smile and announced.

"Passed you passed Ivanie" Vlad said he swept her off her seat and swayed her about.

She closed her eyes her happiness overwhelming, she almost had an heart attack.

She passed she's finally going to make it to the university and finally major in business.

Ivanie grinned happily placing kisses on her cheeks.

They rest had also passed their exam it was a mass success.

Ivanie was going to be visiting the university she was going to attend a week from now with Jaennie since they had both applied for the same university.

Britney was admitted to another far away from town, they had both cried a river knowing they would be separated and wouldn't have the time to pay exact other a visit.

Jace was admitted into another University in the same city as her's and Jaennie their school was close just a few feet away.

Malachi was admitted into the same school as Britney the two deciding to stay together.

Vlad had been busy lately taking care of his project at work and having to travel from one place to another.

She see him less but he was always in touch.

Ivanie came out her car which was drove by the chauffeur, she made her way into the Shanks mansion.

Her mom had invited her over for dinner, she made her way in after she input the house pin, the brightness contradict with the black tide floor which gave off a luxurious him in the building.

Ivanie stare in surprise seeing Jaennie and Randy seated on the din table, her mother was busy piling up Randy's plate and the little kid was filling his hungry belle.

Although he wasn't related to her or her parents he was still Jaennie's brother from another father, so he was related to them somehow.

He wave at her vigorously as soon as he sighted her, Ivanie smiled and walk up to them she took a seat opposite Her mom.

"You are here" Mrs shanks said she signaled the maid to bring another plate over.

Ivanie plate was filled to the brim.

Now that you are in the next phrase of your lives I hope you both make your decision rightly, I know you are now adults and have a mind of your own, but living life isn't easy" Mr Shanks said.

"Take me for an example, I wasn't the best father and I apologize for it I hope you both won't make the same mistake I made" Mr Shanks said to them.

Jaennie nodded smiling she the said.

"Am happy I gained a new family, I am truly content and I promise to be good in school after all it my first step to gaining freedom" Jaennie said.

"Right Ivanie said to her with a grin both grinning naughtily.

"Don't even think of doing what on your mind, you both are going to school to study and not to have fun." Mrs Shanks scolded the two.

"Oh please mom what life without a little fun." Ivanie said to her mother.

And once again Ivanie saw the perfect family she has always pictured and had but with a little touch up this time.

The alarm sound Ivanie let out a groan can she enjoy any sleep she moved into an apartment with Jaennie so she was closer to school, her school was outside the city far from home.

Ivanie opened her eyes and close it back almost immediately.

"Jaennie she groan out, she was purposely torturing her, Jaennie always set the alarm in her room so she was awake before ten for class and if she refuse to woke up even after turning off the alarm, then there was an opened window with the direct ray of sun light to do the job of waking her and right now it was doing it work perfectly.

Ivanie sigh feeling her head bang from hangover, she was out drinking with her course mate and they were wasted last night. She could barely remember how she had gotten home last night.

Probably Jaennie, as she was the mother figure between them.

Ivanie came out her room fully dressed and her hair packed in a bun, after all she isn't going to impress anyone but still she was still radiating even without an attempt.

Jaennie rushed down stairs with a pack lunch box.

"Again?" Ivanie asked scowling.Jaennie shrug stretching the other box to Ivanie.

"Here's your" Jeannie said instead.

"We have a canteen can you not pack lunch every morning we are no longer in highschool" Ivanie said.

"I can't help it there's nothing like a home made meal," Jaennie said.

Ivanie sigh and collected the meal anyway.

Both made their way to the school ground in a hurry , classes were resuming soon and no one wants to miss it. Ivanie and Jaennie path ways going to their various departments.

Britney walk out her class along with Rhea as soon as class ended, she place a call which was picked at the first ring.

"Can I have all the project theme, mine got wiped yesterday, I need the group plan to reconstruct the data for sales. Rhea and I are visiting some few companies to to gain some insight___ an incoming call.. Britney took the phone away from her ear to check who the caller was. Don't worry about it, I will call you back later.


She called in a sweet voice Rhea cringe at the sweetness.

"Hmmm I am just about to go for lunch don't worry".

"Where are you?" Britney asked.

She turn to see Malachi behind her he wave a paper bag at her.

Britney smiled and cut the call.

"I will see you later" she told Rhea who nodded and walk away. Malachi walk towards her.

"Have lunch with me" he said taking her hand into his.

Both stride away and made their way to the school park where various students were hanging out. He place the plastic plate on her laps after removing the lid.

Britney breathe in the aroma am grin, she dig in munching on her food hungrily.

"Slow down, it not running away" Malachi told her passing her the bottle of water in his hand.

Britney took a gulp and sigh.

"At this stage it is, I have a lot of projects to get down it messing with my eating schedule, I bare had lunch this morning. Having drank only coffee with a bar of chocolate.

"You should cut down on caffeine, you are feasting too much on it" Malachi told her.

Britney rolled her eyes like she didn't know.

"Am going for internship next week" Malachi told her. Her eyes widen and she beam.

"Really, oh that cool even if it not official yet you are still going to be learning from other architectures" Britney said.

"I know right sounds perfect" Malachi grinned along with her.


Jaennie crossed the road on the green sign she meet with Jace on the other side was dressed in marching attire as she was.

It was raining snow and the cold weather made both of them cloud themselves in a overall nude coat.

Jaennie walk up to him looking all giddy up and ready to go skating.

"Come on," he said draping an arm around her .

Jaennie put on the skating shoe with Jace help, he rise to his feet also ready, he pulled her along the they both made their way in with other people who were having fun, it was almost middle of December and just a few days to Christmas.

A Christmas tree was set up in the middle of the skate ground.

Families were present having their family time.

Jaennie laughed watching as Jace chase her around the place, she wasn't very good in skating but she wasn't a novice either.

Their laughter rang in their ears the night humming in happiness.


"Happy Christmas" Jaennie ran into Ivanie room interrupting her from the things she was busy with.

Ivanie drop her laptop aside and hug Jaennie who came over to her on the bed.

"Happy Christmas to you too, finally" Ivanie said back to her both jumping around.

Ivanie laptop flash an incoming video call, she was quick to pick.

"Happy Christmas" Randy voice resounded from the screen.

Ivanie and Jaennie took a seat on her bed, their mother father and Randy was sending them seasonal greeting.

"Same to you Randy" Ivan replied while Jaennie simply wave.

"Merry Christmas my dear how are you both?" Mrs Shanks asked.

"So so" Ivanie replied

"We have been great" Jaennie replied.

"School is going smoothly and we are getting better at handling our business so nothing to worry about" Ivanie replied her mom.

"That good time hear" Mr Shanks said looking content.

"How are things over there?" Jaennie asked.

"Very well, am happy with my school " Randy replied looking up at Both Mr Shanks and Mrs Shanks.

"Mom and dad made sure I won't be getting bullied by others rich kids, we are equal now" he said grinning.

"Randy has been a sweet child, you both shouldn't worry much and focus on studying, make sure you don't engage yourself in late night parties or drinking." Mr Shanks warned.

Ivanie only nodded earnestly behaving like the obedient child she wasn't.

Jaennie grin knowing Ivanie fitted in all those quality, she wasn't a saint either, she also go out partying but not to Ivanie stage.

"Ivanie always claim she has one life to live and she's always careful.

The chatted for a while and the call finally ended Jaennie walk out later to receive Jace call.

Ivanie sigh she stare at the screen biting her lips Vlad wasn't calling, it's already twelve forty-five in the morning and Christmas is just starting she has been expecting his call all day long.

A message flash across her screen, Ivanie was going to ignore it but she changed her mind and picked up her phone to check what it was all about.

*Am outside*

The message read, it was from an unknown number and Ivanie couldn't be too sure about who it was.

Ivanie look out her window to see a familiar black SUV.

Her heart skip a beat as soon as Vlad stepped out the car in a black coat a scarf in his neck and his hair pulled back to reveal his fair tone face.

He was like ethereal being standing lone in the snow, he look at her from across where he packed his car not saying a word.

Ivanie ran out the house in speed running out of patience, she didn't know she missed him this much not until she saw him tonight.

She last saw him about two months ago and it felt like forever Ivanie pulled the front door open running into his arms.

Vlad picked her off the floor burying his face in her warm neck, his cold nose nudging her.

Still wrapped around him, she kissed him they share a very passionate kiss both savouring the taste of each other lips and laying down all their desperateness.

She missed him like crazy.

She want him like crazy, how had she survived without him for this long.

Both pulled away catching their breathes.

"I missed you like crazy" Vlad told her their head touching with their eyes close.

"I crave for your presence everyday, I thought I would lose it if I don't get to see you soon." Ivanie said.

Vlad grinned he put her down and held the side of her face placing a longing kiss on her temple.

"Merry Christmas" Vlad said to her.

Ivanie smiled and replied.

"Merry Christmas Vlad" she said and turn to pull him in.


Jaennie, Jace and Ivanie arrived at the restaurant, the place was lively and filled with people.

"Ivanie!!" Jaennie!!" Ivanie heard a familiar voice call from the extreme end.

Ivanie look towards the source to see Britney waving vigorously at them and Malachi looking towards them with a smile.

"Ivanie broke into a laugh and wave back she rush towards the.

Ivanie am Britney screamed hugging the other, both excited to see each other after several months of departing.

"I miss you I miss you I miss you, both of you" Britney said pulling Jaennie also into the hug.

They were giggling a mess.

"Hey man" Malachi and Jace greeted each other delightfully.

"My goodness have missed you guys you have no idea" Britney said after they had broke apart and took their seats.

"How's school life been treating you both" Ivanie ask Malachi and Britney.

"Argh don't even get me started pretty rough lately too much work piled up" Britney said.

"Oh my goodness baby look at you, you have lost weight, at least you won't have to go for early morning gym" Ivanie said grinning at the end.

Britney groan whinnying while rolling her shoulder back.

"True but I need my sleep" she kept on groaning.

Jaennie laughed joining in the girls talk.

"You are working as an intern, that nice. I have also been looking up some agencies lately and I have found some good ones. I have sent my profile across to them all am waiting for his their feedback" Jace said.

Malachi and Jace had their little chat everyone relishing their time together.

★ Four years later★

Ivanie stare at her self through the mirror dressed in a white laced gown the neckline above her neck line carving like a flower.

Her hair weaved behind her head Leaving tendrils to frame her delicate face, her makeup was light and her mother stood behind her. She fixed a little crown on her head holding her veil in place.

Ivanie was trying hard not to cry and she bite her self not to.

It was her weeding day and she was being dressed up by her mom and friends.

They had graduated and was all living their dream.

Ivanie was managing her father's company which she would eventually inherit.

Jaennie was working under a film agency which produces famous actors.

Jace was now a pronoun actor even before they graduate, he was already working with various famous celebrities and had bang a fandom of his own.

Malachi is a very busy man collecting contracts and constructing beautiful buildings.

Britney was working with her dad at their family company.

Everyone was happy.

Mrs shanks wipe her tears looking at her gorgeous daughter through the mirror, Ivanie was beautiful her gown wasn't flare but rather body hug with a stone design which shine at every opportunity it gets.

Vlad had made sure she had the best by having a famous designer make the gown specificly for her, which means there was no other design like her's.

"I wish you a happy married life Ivanie, remember am still your mom even if you get married " Mrs Shanks said pulling Ivanie in a hug.

A tear drop from Ivanie eyes and she wipe it away before it fell.

"Am not going away mom am still closer to you and dad" her mom smiled.

"Of course " Mrs Shanks replied her.

"Hurry hurry the wedding is about to start" Britney said rushing in.

"A bride can't be late to her weeding" Jaennie said helping Ivanie adjust her gown since Jaennie was the chief bride maid, and Britney was the best lady.

Her father received her at the entrance, they listened as all the bride maids and and best man made their way in with their various partner.

They all sat up as soon as the bride entrance song was played.

Vladimir who was at the alter watch as Ivanie came in looking the most ethereal am beautiful than the ladies present.

He had eyes for her alone, she was his world the air he breathe in, how could he possibly live without her.

He received Ivanie midway he couldn't wait any longer, he walk up to Mr Shanks and collect his woman from her father, Mr Shanks had no objections.

The crowd broke Out in smile whispering happily amongst themselves.

Ivanie look up at Vlad smiling, her world was taking a turn and she was getting married to the man she didn't expect to love the most.

They stare at each other as Vlad took them to the alter.

Ivanie look at Vlad through her covered veil not ready to take her eyes off him, he was breathtaking.

Vlad mouthed Something to her and she understood it as.

"I love you" she smiled and nodded.

Malachi look over to Britney at the other side, she look back at him.

Jace gave Jaennie a smile both grinning from ears to ears.

Randy sat with Mr and Mrs Shanks at the front seats.

Mrs Markin sat with her old man watching her son get married, she felt fulfilled.

"Vladimir Markin do you take Ivanie as your lawfully wedded wife to be together in sickness and in health___till death do you path" The priest asked.

Without missing a beat Vlad replied not taking his eyes off Ivanie for a second.

"I do"

Ivanie sniffle back her tears.

"Ivanie Shanks do__ "the priest asked the same question he had asked Vlad.

"I do" Ivanie replied.

They exchanged rings and said their vows. Ivanie was in tears all through out her voice breaking down.

"Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the priest ended

Ivanie veil was taken off by Vlad he stare at his beautiful bride rubbing her ears.

"I love you Ivanie" he said to her and laid a passionate kiss on her lips. The crowd erupt in happy cheer clapping shouting and giving joyous sounds.

Ivanie laughed pulling away and showing off her newly acquired wedding ring to everyone.

Down in an dark asylum inside one of the many rooms Xenia sat on the cold floor her head down her hair wide.

She bang her head in the wall repeatedly.

The nurse who came in to give her daily meditation walk close to Xenia.

"Time to take your dosage" she said to the lady who seem out of connection.

"No no no" Xenia muttered.

"Where's Vlad? bring me Vlad, I want Vlad".

" He isn't coming please stay quietly" the nurse said.

"No!!" Xenia screamed pushing off the nurse and banging the door widely.

"I want Vlad let me out of here I am not mad" she began laughing frantically searching around.

"Vlad Vlad Vlad" she mutter.

The nurse called for help to hold Xenia down.

"She's becoming frantic" the nurse told the doctor.

"Double her Dosage" the doctor said and they tied her to the bed.