Chapter 2. Welcome To The Mansion

Finally, Sofia and Ms.Varvara are arrived on the mansion.

As they arrived in front of the mansion, Ms.Varvara got out from the carriage and takes Sofia into the mansion.

The servants open the gigantic entrance door of the mansion for Ms.Varvara and Sofia to get inside the mansion.

Then ,as they get inside the mansion, Sofia sees ninety-nine chosen women that will work as a maid in the mansion like Sofia does.

Sofia is the last chosen women whose just arrived inside the mansion.

All of the chosen women are already gathered inside the mansion.

Then, after that the servants closed the entrance door and Ms.Varvara get up to the stairs, so all the chosen women could see her.

Then, Ms.Varvara welcomed them,

"Welcome to the WoodHound mansion ,ladies ,as you all know you all will work in this mansion as a maid. We need more maids to help our master ,Master General Gregory Grosvenor ,all of you ,your duty is to take care of the mansion and take care of Lady Anastasia Grosvenor ,the master's daughter. You all will get paid every week on Sunday. If your work doesn't satisfied ,your payment will got cut in half.

Your duty schedule are

Everyday, you all must wake up at the morning at 6 am., wear the maid dress the whole day ,complete all the housework chores that the servants will give to you everyday ,have a breakfast ,lunch and dinner that will be served by the servants at the maids eating room at the break time of the bell rings ,response everytime the bell rings ,respect and serve Lady Anastasia well and serve all the respected guests whose come to visit the mansion. Obey the rules that later you'll be see at the wall each of your room ,if you don't obey to the rules ,your payment will be cut a quarter ,but if you not respect the lady master and don't serve her well ,you'll get fired. They are higher than us ,so we should give a high respect on the nobles. We should know our position and place. And you aren't allowed to leave the mansion ,except you get the permission to. And one last thing ,keep your manner be good and don't make high noises. That's all from me ,I wish you all could work and serve the masters well and I hope for all your cooperation.

Now ,follow the servants behind you they will lead you to your room and prepare yourselves for dinner."

Then, each servants go towards to each of the chosen women to take them each to their room.

A cold man with glasses and wears a black servant suit comes towards her to take her to her room.

Then, that man says to Sofia ,"Lady ,please follow me ,I shall take you to your room and you too shall remember the direction to your room yourself later on."

Sofia replies ,"Yes ,alright."

Then ,that man takes her upstairs. Sofia sees the beautiful garden outside the window as they are on the way to her room.

For a long time ,they are walking and

at last, they reach to her room.

Sofia's room is on the right side of the mansion at the second floor.

Then, that man says ,"Alright ,this is your room ,once again welcome to the WoodHound mansion ,work hard ,respect and serve well ,young lady.

Now I shall give you privacy ,farewell."

But ,then Sofia says ,"Wait ,I like to know your name ,let me introduce myself at first ,my name is Sofia."

That man then replies ,"Nice to meet you ,Sofia ,my name is Dmitri."

Sofia then says ,"I like your name. Well ,thank you ,I hope we could meet again ,Dmitri."

Then ,Dmitri replies ,"Indeed ,'till we meet again."

Then ,Dmitri leaves. Sofia goes inside her room ,the room is beautiful ,from the wall and the bed is fully red-colored and from the window theres a beautiful view of the garden of the mansion.