Chapter 6. New Friends

After Ms.Victoria hears the entire conversation of Ms.Varvara and Sir.Igor, she leaves quietly from them.

Then, she walks towards the noble family's dining room and she goes directly to Lord Nicolas and she whispers to Lord Nicolas all she heard about the conversation of Ms.Varvara and Sir.Igor.

Then, Lord Nicolas says ,"Hmm ,they still don't believe in me ,alright ,I will take care of them later. At first ,let me have breakfast with my lovely fiancé."

Then, all the servants come in the dining room ,they bring the entire breakfast for the table.

Lord Nicolas then says to all the senior maids and to all the servants ,"Leave us."

Then  they leave the dining room.

Then, Lord Nicolas opens his mask towards Lady Anastasia.

Only Lady Anastasia ,Ms.Victoria and Master Gregory Grosvenor who are the one allow to see the face of Lord Nicolas.

No one ,except for them that could see his face and no maids and servants are allowed to ask why.

Meanwhile, at the maids' dining room ,after their breakfast ,Ms.Varvara distributes all the chores paper randomly towards the junior maids.

Sofia and Polina are forced to separate ,because they each have different kind of chores at different areas.

So, then Sofia goes to her location of her part of housework chores ,which is the ballroom.

As she enters the ballroom ,she sees all the other maids who have the same housework chores as Sofia.

Then, she greets ,"Hello there."

The other maids then reply ,"Hi."

Then they start the work, Sofia starts the work by cleaning all the table.

She cleans all the dust and all the dirty things left on every table completely.

When she cleans the table, she remembered on her mind of her parents.

She questions on her mind, "Are they alright?"

Then, as she not notices, she is daydreaming ,she cleans the other maids' dress.

That maid confuses and says ,"Excuse me ,why are you cleaning my dress?"

Then, Sofia realizes,

Then she surprised and immediately says ,"My apology ,I'm thinking of something else."

Then ,that maid chuckles and says ,

"Oh ,is that so ,well that's ridiculous of you ,please don't repeat it ,alright ,we have to concentrate at our work."

Then ,Sofia just smiles and then bow and says ,"Indeed ,then I apologize once again."

Then all the other maids also laughs a little.

Then ,Sofia asks her ,"May I ask what's your name?"

Then, that maid replies ,"My name is Arina ,are you the last maid candidate whose arrived at the mansion ,right?"

Then, Sofia says ,"Yes ,I am ,by the way my name is Sofia."

Then ,Arina replies ,"Sofia ,it's nice to meet you."

Suddenly ,the other maids at the back says in low voice ,"Hey ,get back to work ,the lady is watching at us."

Then, Arina and Sofia look upstairs and they see Lady Anastasia looking at them with her depressing eyes.

As they look at her, all the maids immediately continue the work without conversation at all.

Lady Anastasia sees the happiness of friendship between the maids.

She wishes her father could allow her to go outside ,so she could make friends.

Lady Anastasia never have a friend before.

This time, she only could see the true real friendship on the maids.