Chapter 24. The Offer

Sofia got called by Lord Nicolas.

All the maids are surprised as Sofia got called by the lord duke himself.

The maids immediately surrounded Sofia and asks ,"Why ,why ,why ,why do you got called by the lord duke ,did you have done something bad that made the lord duke frustrated?"

The other maids ask ,"Do you have any relation with the lord duke?"

The other maids ask ,"Why the lord duke called you?"

Then ,Dmitri says ,"Everyone calm down and Sofia ,please come quickly and follow me immediately ,because the lord duke is waiting for you."

Sofia nods and says ,"Very well ,Dmitri."

Sofia stands up and then suddenly, Maria holds her hand.

Maria says ,"Can i accompany you ,i'm worried of you ,Sofia?"

Sofia smiles and replies ,"Theres no need for you to fear ,Maria ,i'll be fine ,trust me."

Maria holds her hand tightly and says ,"But....but...."

Sofia replies ,"I know you care of me ,because i'm your first friend ,but i promise you ,i just leave you for a moment. In addition ,you're not alone ,there are also my friends here. My friends ate also your friends as well. So ,please let me go for a while ,alright?"

Maria ,then takes her hand off from Sofia's arm.

Then, Sofia smiles and waves her hand.

Sofia leaves and follows Dmitri to meet the lord duke.

Dmitri leads Sofia to the ballroom at the sixth floor.

Then as they arrived, Dmitri opens the door and let Sofia goes in and then ,Dmitri closes the door and leaves Sofia.

Sofia sees Lord Nicolas with the owner of the Magnum Vinum company.

Ms.Victoria stands besides Lord Nicolas.

The owner of the Magnum Vinum company has a beautiful face ,she wears a glasses and she wears a very beautiful dress ,with a ponytailed hair ,she has a very white skin ,she has many diamond rings at her fingers and her face is look like a very sly person.

With Yuri besides that woman.

The servants and the henchmen are behind them.

Ms.Daria and Sir.Igor are on their way leaving the location.

As Sofia arrived, Ms.Daria and Sir.Igor looks back and sees Sofia.

Ms.Daria stares at her sharply.

Then, Lord Nicolas asks Sofia to come towards them.

Sofia goes towards them.

After that, Ms.Daria and Sir.Igor leaves the room.

Lord Nicolas then says towards the Magnum Vinum company owner ,"This is the maid i interested on ,Lady Glafira."

The Magnum Vinum company owner's name is Lady Glafira.

Lady Glafira smiles and says ,"Hmm ,yeah ,she looks interesting ,whats your name ,young lady?"

Sofia bows and replies ,"My name is Sofia ,my lady."

Lady Glafira says ,"Oh ,what a splendid name , so Sofia ,Lord Nicolas said to me earlier ,that you know the knowledge of art and he said that you come from a strict education place ,so you are well educated ,even if you are a commoner. May i ask you ,do you know the knowledge of marketing business?"

Sofia replies ,"I do."

Lady Glafira says ,"Oh ,really ,its mean you do have the potential and the abillities towards business ,so then i give you an offer ,would you like to work for me ,rather being a maid ,your abillities could be useful in my company and in addition ,you have better and higher salary. It could help you and even your family's life ,so what do you say?"

Sofia nods and replies ,"I'm truly grateful for your offer ,my lady ,but unfortunately ,i have to reject your offer ,my lady ,because i really enjoy my work here in this mansion as a maid and i make a lot of friends here ,so my apologizes ,my lady ,i can't."

Lady Glafira replies ,"Alright ,i understand ,but if you change your mind ,my offer is still available for you."

Sofia nods and says ,"Very well ,my lady ,i'll remember it.

Thank you for the offer."

Then Lady Glafira replies ,"Alright ,its nice to meet you ,'til next time ,Sofia."

After that ,Lady Glafira ,Yuri and all of her henchmen leaves the ballroom.

Yuri asks to Lady Glafira ,"My lady ,are you sure do you want let a potential girl like her go just like that."

Lady Glafira smiles and replies ,"Don't worry, Yuri. She will accept my offer sooner or later ,because a commoner always needs money in their hard and struggling life."

Meanwhile back at the ballroom,

Lord Nicolas says ,"What a shame, but its your choice ,i'm not going to force you ,alright ,Sofia you could return to your work."

Sofia nods and replies ,"Thank you for giving me this chance ,my lord ,i'll return to my work now."

Ms.Daria heard all of their conversation outside of the ballroom.

She getting much annoyed with Sofia.

Ms.Daria said ,"Damn it ,you are one lucky bitch."

Then ,Ms.Daria hears Sofia's footsteps are going towards the door.

Ms.Daria immediately leaves quickly.

Finally ,Sofia leaves the ballroom and returns to the maids's dining room.