Chapter 28. Imagination

Lady Anastasia washes her bleeded finger at the bathroom.

Then ,she looks herself at the mirror.

She sees her face is look alike her mother ,Lady Natasha Grosvenor whose had long passed away when she was just ten years old.

Then ,she imagines her mother is behinds her.

The imaginary mother of hers says to her ,"Hello ,my sweet daughter."

Then ,Lady Anastasia faces back and looks at her mother and says ,"Mother."

And then ,there's tears come out from her eyes.

Then her imaginary mother replies ,

"Yes it's me ,sweetie."

Lady Anastasia cries and says ,"I..i..i..i..miss you ,i miss you every single day ,mother. I want to be with you ,i want you beside me always ,mother."

The imaginary mother says ,"I know ,i know you love me very much ,but you have to continue living without me."

Lady Anastasia replies ,"No ,i want to be with you ,i don't want to be with father ,he doesn't care of me ,he only cares of the nation."

The imaginary mother says ,"There will be someone who will truly cares of you and truly loves you like i do."

Lady Anastasia says ,"Who will love me like you did, mother?"

The imaginary mother says ,"There will be someone and you will know who."

Then the imaginary mother touches her cheek and wipe out her tears and she says ,"Sweetie ,no more cries ,because crying won't ressurect me from the death. Just continue living ,alright. Live your life happily and always do your best. Promise me ,alright. If you do that ,i'll be happy ,even i'm not beside you. Do that for me ,okay."

Lady Anastasia nods and hugs her imaginary mother.

Then the imaginary mother says ,"I'll be waiting for you at the other side."

Then the imaginary mother also give out a tear.

Sofia and Maria see Lady Anastasia hugs nobody.

Maria says ,"What does she doing?"

Sofia says ,"I see, she is suffering as well like you, Maria."

Maria replies, "Like me?"

Same like Maria ,who loses her beloved mother and now ,she lives because of her mother's last wish towards her.

Which is to continue living without her beloved mother besides her.

Sofia understands Lady Anastasia and she respects her for that.

Then ,Sofia says to Maria ,"Lets go ,Maria ,leave her alone ,she needs to refresh herself and accepts the situation of her life."

Maria nods.

Then ,they leave and they see Daria go towards them.

Daria stops and says towards Sofia ,"You ,don't impress the lord duke too much ,it is only me whose worthy to impress him."

Sofia says ,"Hah ,you never change and you are still an arrogant fool like before."

Daria says ,"What do you just say to me?"

Sofia says ,"You never learn ,to be a maid or even a headmaid should focus and do the task rather than try to impress their master in many ways as possible. Lets go ,Maria ,leave this foolish woman behind. I don't have time to argue with this woman."

Then as they want to leave ,Daria holds Sofia's arm and says ,"I know you don't like me ,but at least you should respect me."

Sofia replies ,"My apologizes ,i had told you before ,i never respect a woman like you ,that is my principle of my life."

Then she grabs Daria's arm so hard.

Daria feels a big pain from Sofia's grip strength.

After that ,Daria immediately let go of Sofia's arm.

Then ,Sofia and Maria leaves.

Daria says ,"How could that woman have such a strong grip strength?"

Master Gregory ,Lord Nicolas and Lady Glafira leaves the room.

And they go to the assembly room and they greeted farewell to Lady Glafira.

Lady Glafira says to Lord Nicolas ,

"Call me ,if Sofia changes her mind."

Lord Nicolas replies ,"Of course."

Then, Master Gregory asks, "Whose Sofia?"

Lord Nicolas replies, "No one."

Then ,Lady Glafira and all her henchmen are finally leave the mansion.

Then ,all the maids and servants been called by Sir.Igor to gather at the assembly room to greet Master Gregory's return.

Then ,all of them bow and greets towards Master Gregory ,"WELCOME BACK ,HEADMASTER!!!!!"

Master Gregory nods and says ,"All maids and servants ,prepare yourself for the ballroom party event that will held in the ballroom at this mansion ,for the new maids ,welcome to the Grosvenor's Woodhound Mansion and do your best at your chores. Ms.Daria ,guide the new maids to do the chores in this mansion."

Ms.Daria bows and replies ,"Yes ,headmaster."

Then ,Master Gregory says ,"Alright i hope you all could work efficiently in this mansion ,especially during the ballroom party event. Thats all ,now you all could return to your chores."

Then ,all of the maids and servants now towards Master Gregory and immediately return working on their chores.

Lady Anastasia goes to the garden to get some fresh air and she says ,"Mother ,i promise to live happily and always do my best for your sake and so for you also be happy for me."

At the night ,Sofia bids farewell to Maria.

Sofia says ,"I'll see you tomorrow ,Maria."

Maria says ,"See you ,Sofia ,i'm so happy to have a friend like you."

Sofia smiles and replies ,

"Me too ,Maria."

Then ,both of them separate and return to their rooms.

Sofia finally return to her room and as she returns to her room ,she reads all the mail she took from Lady Anastasia's room.

In the mail is all Master Gregory's message towards Lady Anastasia.

Sofia says ,"Hah ,theres no useful information in this mails. Well its look like i have to investigate more and i have to prepare myself for the ballroom party event. I will achieved my goal ,I will win at all cost."

Then ,she looks and goes towards the window.

After that ,she opens the window and look at the stars above the sky.

Then Sofia says ,"Later you'll see headfather ,i will show you who i am."

Meanwhile in his room ,Sir.Igor takes off his sword ,that sword was his sword when he was still a knight at the kingdom and he says ,"I'll avenge you ,Ms.Varvara."

Meanwhile ,Master Gregory says ,

"Good night" towards Lady Anastasia.

But Lady Anastasia doesn't reply and just get inside her room and have a rest.

Master Gregory says ,"Huh."

Then ,he leaves and goes to his room.

Meanwhile ,Lord Nicolas and Ms.Victoria is in the lord duke's room.

Lord Nicolas says ,"Victoria ,how's Sir Igor ,does he has an unnormal actions since Ms.Varvara's death."

Ms.Victoria says ,"No ,my lord ,he done nothing suspicious 'til right now."

Lord Nicolas says ,"Alright ,good ,its mean he doesn't has a suspicion towards me ,now its time to proceed my plan. The ballroom party event will be the time i do something big. I hope theres no failure. Til now ,my plan hasn't fail. Good ,its all according to my plan. Victoria ,keep an eye on Master Gregory in silence, I want to know all his move and i want you to report to me all of his millitary information.

Ms.Victoria nods and replies ,"Very well ,my lord ,i'll do it and i'll be careful."

Then ,Lord Nicolas sits and look at the window and he says towards himself ,"I will make Russia bow to me ,just you see ,father ,with all my plan ,i will take down your throne."