Chapter 41. Interest

Lady Anastasia looks towards Lord Edgar Herbert ,the second grandchild of Lord Walter Herbert.

Lord Edgar Herbert is a calm man with glasses and a fine suit.

He truly likes knowledge and he doesn't care of traditions.

Lord Edgar is a good-looking gentleman that always been chased by a lot of young noble women.

He always look elegant and fine.

He likes to study ,it is because his curiosity is limitless.

Lady Anastasia looks at him since she just entered the ballroom, she keeps looking at him ,it is because she is interested towards Lord Edgar. Lady Anastasia knows that he is a smart gentleman.

Lord Edgar also notices that she is peeking on him.

He feels uncomfortable about it ,he asked himself in his mind ,"Why the only daughter of the Grosvenor family keeps an eye on me ,it is suspicious.

By the look of her face ,she has no bad intention ,but from he way she looks on me is strange ,why is that? why is that? ,well i got used to been looked by a lot of ladies ,but Lady Anastasia is a different case. My grandfather ,Lord Walter Herbert is a good friend with her parents ,Supreme General Lord Gregory Grosvenor and Lady Natasha Grosvenor. It will be strange that their only daughter keeps looking at me ,why not she looks towards the first grandchild of the Herbert family ,my brother ,Lord Edmund Herbert. Why me ,why me?"

Then ,suddenly Lady Anastasia goes towards him.

Lord Edgar Herbert notices that too.

Lord Edgar Herbert is afraid and his heart beats very fast.

And then, suddenly an arm touches his shoulder.

Lord Edgar surprised and quickly look around.

As he looks around ,it is his elder brother ,Lord Edmund Herbert.

And Lady Anastasia been stopped by two cousins of hers ,Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina.

Lord Edmund Herbert have a talk towards Lord Edgar.

And Lady Anastasia has a talk with Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina.

Lady Verushka says ,"Hey ,my dear beloved cousin ,where are you going?"

Lady Vilhemina also says ,"Its been a while we don't see each other."

Lady Anastasia bravely speaks to them ,it is because she's close to her beloved cousins.

Lady Anastasia replies to them both ,"Nothing ,i just want to take a glass of wine."

Lady Vilhemina says ,"Well ,you could just tell your servant or maid to get it for you."

Lady Verushka then says ,"Or you want to go to.....(then Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina look back and they look towards Lord Edgar) oh..... ,you are moving towards Lord Edgar ,why is that ,my dear beautiful cousin?"

Lady Anastasia replies ,"No ,i'm not ,i just want to take a glass of wine."

Then ,Lady Verushka says ,"You don't need to."

Then Lady Verushka asks a servant to take a glass of wine for Lady Anastasia and after that, the servant gives towards Lady Anastasia.

Lady Verushka says ,"See ,you just have to tell your servants to do it for you ,we are the nobles after all. Don't let yourself do all the dirty work ,it is the people from below us that has to do that."

Lady Anastasia replies ,"Well ,i don't know ,i think of the commoners are the same like us ,we are all humans after all ,the only difference is they aren't wealthy like us."

Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina surprises of what she said.

And then ,Lady Vilhemina says ,"Well ,you are true ,but we have higher social status."

Lady Verushka says ,"Indeed and we been taught by our parents like that and its normal."

Lady Vilhemina says ,"The one whose has gold controls everything."

Lady Anastasia looks at her with her cold eyes.

As Lady Verushka sees the look of her face, she changed the topic by saying ,"Alright ,forget about that ,Anastasia ,so is that true that you wanted to go towards Lord Edgar?"

Lady Anastasia then finally admits to them by nodding.

Then ,Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina excitedly asks ,

"Oh really, why?!"

Lady Anastasia replies ,

"Because i want to have a friend."

Lady Vilhemina then asks ,"Why do you want him to be your friend ,among all people here?"

Lady Anastasia replies ,"Not everyone here could be my friend."

Lady Verushka asks ,"Whats the reason why he could be then?

Lady Anastasia blushes and suddenly says ,"Excuse me ,my cousins." and she leaves Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina and she directly goes towards Lord Edgar.

And at the right time ,Lord Edmund has finished his conversation with Lord Edgar and leave him.

Finally ,Lady Anastasia meets face to face with Lord Edgar and suddenly she starts to say a word towards him and at the same time, she is embarrassed.

Meanwhile Lady Verushka and Lady Vilhemina are surprised in the back and starts to make a gossip.

Lord Nicolas is busy having a conversation with Lady Lyudmilla ,

Master General Gregory have a talk with Prince Alexey ,

And Sofia is still aware of all the nobles's move ,especially Lord Nicolas.