Chapter 62. Great Willingness

After Sofia brought Sir.Igor back to his senses, Sir.Igor is surprised that he was been defeated by the assassin.

Then, Sofia asks him a few questions and Sir.Igor answers all her questions.

Sofia then thinks that the assassin is back in action and this time, there will be more victims that will been assassinated.

That's why now, Sofia tries to find out their tracks.

Sir.Igor also surprised to see two maids had been assassinated by the same assassin whose also made Mrs.Varvara lost her life.

As Sofia thinks, Sir Igor asks her a question, "Maid, as the assassin is here, is there something happened during the ballroom party?"

Sofia replies, "What just happened is not just 'something'."

Sir.Igor replies, "What?, no,no,no,no,no, i have to protect Master Gregory and Lady Anastasia!!!!!"

Sir.Igor immediately stands up, but after that he fell to the floor.

Because he got many wounds of blood on his body and his face.

But after he fell, he still want to move.

He can't stand, so he crawls on the floor to move.

Sofia says, "That's enough, Sir Igor."

Sir.Igor says, "No!!, i have to protect my master and my lady."

Sofia replies, "I got it, but you even can't stand."

Sir.Igor keeps on crawling and he says, "I should protect them from death, i don't want to fail again, i don't want Mrs.Varvara's death to happen again."

Then, Sofia replies, "How could you protect them? you even can't defeat the assassin, you will die."

Sir.Igor says, "I willing to give my life for them and if i can't defeated him, i will protect 'til my last breath and

at least my master, Master Gregory and Lady Anastasia are alive. I will fulfill my duty as the butler of the Grosvenor family!!"

Sofia then replies, "You're a very stubborn and a responsible man, Sir.Igor, i appreciate your determination, loyalty and your willingness to sacrifice your life for your master and because of that, i'll help you."

Sir.Igor looks at Sofia and Sofia goes towards her and says, "I am going to help you to stand up and walk and i hope you to use your strength to move as well. We'll walk together."

Sir.Igor says, "Alright."

After that, Sofia helps him to stand and Sir.Igor also used all his strength to stand up.

Sofia holds Sir.Igor's arm and then, they walk together slowly.

Sir.Igor says, "Thank you, maid."

Sofia then replies, "Please stop calling me 'maid', Sir.Igor i have a name, my name is Sofia Vargara."

Sir.Igor then says, "Oh Sofia, alright thank you, Sofia, with this i will remember your name, Sofia."

Meanwhile, behind them theres an assassin with a 'X' symbol purple mask and a purple assassin skirt are following them.

After that, suddenly the purple masked assassin pulls out her sword and run towards them.

Sofia immediately notices, so then he dropped Sir.Igor to the floor and quickly she kicked the assassin right on her face.

And after the kick, the assassin got thrown and fell to the floor.

Sir.Igor is surprised that Sofia could noticed that the assassin was behind them and he also surprised that Sofia could gave a hard kick towards the assassin.

After that, the assassin immediately returns to stand, takes her sword and prepares to fight.

Sofia also prepares her battle stance.

Sir.Igor surprised to see Sofia's battle stance, because her battle stance that she used, which is the hand to hand combat. That battle stance is usually been used by russian military soldiers to start a fight, when they don't have a weapon.

By that, both of them are preparing for combat.