Chapter 75. The Final Stage

After Dmitri told the dark truth about Mrs.Varvara and the reason he cooperates with Lord Nikolas, he offers Sir.Igor to join with him and Lord Nikolas.

General Gregory surprised of that offer and says towards Sir.Igor, he says, "Igor, don't listen to him!!"

Meanwhile, Sir.Igor stays quiet and his face looks down towards the floor.

General Gregory then says, "IGOR !!"

Sir.Igor replies, "My apologies, Dmitri, but I won't join you. I had swore to protect and serve the Grosvenor family until the end. So, even if my life is at risk, I will keep become this family's shield."

Dmitri feels disappointed and he says, "Very well, i respect your decision and I promise that I will give you an honorable death, so lets have a duel once again, Sir.Igor right here, right now, but this time we'll fight 'til the death."

Then Dmitri throws a sword to him.

Sir.Igor catches the sword and after that, both of them aim their sword towards each other.

Everyone in the ballroom is staying away from them.

But suddenly before their duel starts, Mrs.Victoria arrives with Lady Anastasia, Lord Edgar and Evelina.

Mrs.Victoria is holding a gun and she is aiming her gun to them.

General Gregory panics as he sees her daughter is in danger.

General Gregory says, "Anastasia!!!!!"

The Herbert family also panics, because Edgar is one of the family member whose has an important role on their academy.

Then Lord Nikolas says, "Great work, Victoria!! And now its time for the final stage of my plan."

General Gregory then says, "Your plan?, so it is your plan all along!!"

Lord Nikolas says, "Yes, its my plan all along and now its time for the big game."

Then he orders all the assassins to take all the staff (the maids, servants, chefs and gardeners) to the ballroom.

All the assassins go to every room and forced them to go to the ballroom, including Maria and Svetlana.

Maria says, "Where's Sofia?"

Svetlana replies, "Trust me, she'll be back, I know her for a long time and what I know about her is that she always come back for her allies."

Svetlana very believes in Sofia.

As Maria hears her words, she decides to believe in her as well.

Meanwhile, all the police officers whose patrolling around the mansion had been assassinated by the assassins.

Detective Yusupov and Inspector Yaroslav also get attacked by the assassins.

After the attack, both of them are highly bleeding, lots of blood dripped from their body.

Fortunately, Detective Yusupov survived and managed to escape.

But not for the inspector, because he lost a lot of blood.

Before they got attacked, they see a woman lying down on the floor.

They surprised and immediately goes towards the woman.

As they get close to the woman, both of them gets even more surprised.

Because that woman is the headmaid, Daria.

Her face looks pale and lifeless.

So then, they check her pulse and her breath.

After the checking, it is confirmed that she's dead.

And theres no clue why.

After that, suddenly two assassins attack them from behind.

Immediately, both of them falls to the floor.

Then the assassins leave them.

While they're lying in the floor, Yusupov says, "Are you alright,


Yaroslav replies, ", I thi..nk I wo..n't it."

Yusupov says, "Wait, no, no, no, no, no, you'll survived this, alright."

Then he sees that Yaroslav loses a lot of blood in his stomach.

From that moment, Yusupov knew that his friend can't survive.

Yaroslav then says towards him,

"Yusupov, I want you to escape from this mansion."

Yusupov replies, "What?, how about the others?"

Yaroslav says, "Forget it, my friend. Just escape from here and live your life, because if not, the assassins will kill you. Don't die, keep on living. You still live, it means you still have a chance. Now go, leave this mansion as far as possible and quit your job and pursue the job that you ever said to me, a teacher. Teach young children for their future and don't forget to tell my wife and my daughter that I love them, say to them that its okay, say to them that I love them and say to my daughter to forgive me that I can't meet her. I'm a bad father, I never spent time with her, I always work, work and work."

Yusupov then says, "No, you're not a bad father, you're a good father, a good husband, a good person, a great inspector and my best friend."

Then Yaroslav smiles and says, "Oh, good then. Yusupov, enjoy your life."

Finally, he stops breathing.

He died with a smile on his face.

Yusupov then says, "Farewell, my friend."

After that, he escapes from the mansion and never look back.


After all the staffs are inside the ballroom, Lord Nikolas says, "Alright, NOW ITS TIME FOR THE BIG SHOW !!!!!!!!!!"