It was the day everyone was waiting for, the day of our party.

I was getting dressed in Paige's room.

Ari was here helping me get dressed while Capree should somewhere helping with the decorating.

I sat in front of the mirror straightening my hair when Paige walked in.

"Did you know that half of your school population is here!" She shrieked.

I laughed "Yeah your brother is Mr. Popular," I told her.

I looked through the window and Paige wasn't exaggerating.

The backyard was filled with a whole bunch of kids from our school. The music was blaring, the smell of BBQ hit my nose and the awesome smell of grilled ribs made me weak.

Amidst all the people there, there was one person that stood out to me 'Beth'

I can't believe she really came. Something told me Seige had made a few more visits to the café.

I got fully dressed, in my blue gown. I looked like a princess.I had a Silver tiara on my head.

I was so nervous. Heading downstairs I found Blake, wearing a matching blue tux. Of course, we had our fittings for this the month before the party.

"You look gorgeous," he said kissing my cheek.

"Well what can I say, I have the best taste" I laughed "Thank you though, you look quite handsome yourself. "

"Come on guys your guests are waiting " Mrs. Anderson came in.

“They can wait, aren't we the special guests?” he joked.

"Shall we rock this party?" Blake asked holding out his arm.

"Let's do this"

When we reached outside every eyes were on us. I felt my stomach sink. Luckily I had Blake to hold me.

At the end of the fence, there was a table with two throne-looking chairs all decorated in blue. Lights were stringed right across the yard for when it got dark. Everything was just perfect.

There was a barbecue set up at one end of the yard. There were tables set up on one side and the other side was left empty for the real party later in the night.

Everything was blue and white, it was perfect.

Looking around I could see Mr. Anderson with a smile plastered on his face, feeling so accomplished that his son finally has a girlfriend. My dad was surprisingly happy, with Christina in his arms. This moment meant everything to me.

After Blake and I had our first dance and had a few birthday wishes and gifts from friends. We dined and the food was great.

Blake and I were at our own

table so we were separated from everyone else, kinda like a wedding reception type of setting.

“You're happy”, he said smiling at me.

“I am, everything just feels right”, he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

After everyone finished eating the evening was ours.

We went back inside to change into something way more comfortable. I changed into a white dress with my blue flats and a blue tiara.

Blake was now in a white shirt, white jeans, and his blue sneakers.

We were having a great time, we were drinking and laughing and just having fun.

Blake and I snuck back inside up in the attic.

"How's this birthday?" The question Blake asked me at every one of our parties.

"Hmm, we'll I've had better ones," I told him.

"Hey I did my best here"

We were currently lying on a sleeping bag with my head on his chest.

"I'm kidding, this has got to be the best," I said looking up at him.

Held my chin up and placed his lips on mine. The mere touch of his lips on mine sent off an explosion in my stomach. But then........

"Blake some Beth girl is looking for you"

The only person who knew where we were, was Leo.

"Oh, right your true love" I teased.

"You know my heart only belongs to you" he grinned leaving the attic.

I lay there smiling to myself, for a second this didn't feel like we were acting, it was real.

Minutes later I went back outside, it was dark now and to be honest I thought most of the kids would have gone home but they were all still here drinking dancing playing games, just basically having a good time.

I went across to the table and was devouring my cake, it was delicious.

I heard the sound of someone yelling and then the music went off.

It was now clear that that was the sound of Capree and my father.

'Please not at my party' I thought to myself.

I made my way over to where they were and I was able to hear everything.

"Why can't you just calm down," Dad said to her.

"I won't stay calm Dad" She yelled back.

"Capree you're ruining your sister's party”, Dad said pointing to me.

Capree gave her devious laugh.

"Oh right because Gem is soooo perfect, huh? She's your prize possession, well guess what she's so perfect, perfect enough to get pregnant at 15 and abort the baby" She practically screamed.

Oh. My. God.

At this point, I wish the earth would just swallow me whole.

All eyes were now on me.

I spotted Blake with the look of sorrow and guilt on his face.

My father was staring at me with a quizzical look in his eyes.

I couldn't do or say anything, I just felt my legs take off. I ran. I ran straight over to my house and locked myself in my room.

The betrayal, the guilt, the humiliation. Everything came rushing in me. The tears just began to flow. I couldn't stop them and frankly, I didn't want them to stop.

The music next door never came back on so I assumed everyone had left.

"Gem, open the door" Leo knocked on the door.

But I just sat there crying.

He kept knocking for a few minutes until he gave up.

An hour later I heard our door slam and I could hear Dad yelling at the top of his lungs.


I still didn't answer.

"How could she do something like this? After all, I taught her"

I could imagine him pacing around the living room.

"Do you know the embarrassment that is on this family now, I looked like a fool back there not knowing what was going on under my roof."

I hear him slam something against the table.

"You know what that trip to Australia is CANCELLED " he yelled as if for me to hear, but I didn't care, I just wanted to die.

At that point, I no longer had a sister by the name of Capree.

I officially hated her.