Chapter 1

This story begins with a young man named Novius, Novius was the only human in this land, Eldpoisle. But he was well known for his archery skills, since he had won many championships.

Novius had just finished a competition when two people came up to him, an elf and a dragon shifter. "Glad to see you didn't chicken out Novius, I would've won the competition if it wasn't for you" the male dragon said jokingly. The female elf jokingly hit the dragon shifter on his shoulder, "Don't be like that! You still would've lost to me you know?" she said followed by a small laugh. Novius interrupted, "Alright you two, that's enough".

A bird landed on the elf's shoulder and spoke: "It is time to announce the champion! all contestants must move forth to the main arena and line up!" that was the only thing the bird said before leaving.

All the contestants gathered in the main arena and stood firmly, some nervously. Novius stood as if he didn't care at all, but his friends knew he was waiting in anticipation for the result.

"And the champion of archer prodigy 201 is.... Novius Whitewood!" The crowd erupted into applause as Novius took a step forward and accepted the prize.

Later after the ceremony, his friends came up to him again. "told you you'd win!" the elf spoke, Novius replied: "Like i always do, right?" the three all started laughing. Then Novius saw his parents walking to him "Could you guys give me a minute?" his friends nodded then left, His parents walked up to him. "I'm so proud of you son" his dad said, "I cant believe my son is gonna be in the official team soon!" his mother gave him a hug.

"Let's go home and celebrate! This is a big chance for you son" his father pointed out. "Thanks dad, I'll get home soon. There are people waiting for me outside" Novius said. His parents nodded and walked away. A few hours pass, then he finally got to meet his supporters.

Outside, Novius was talking to his supporters when an odd person pushed through the crowd.... "Do you need anything from me?" Novius asked, slightly frightened by the cloaked person. "They are gone..." Novius heard the cloaked person mumble "Who are?" Novius asked, now frightened. The cloaked person just grinned "Your parents of course..." Novius was shocked... "What do you mean by that?!- " Before Novius could say anything else.... He felt a sharp pain in his chest... He looked at his chest and saw a sort of plant growing on his chest... The cloaked person started laughing maniacally "Good... now your power is mine..." Novius could feel his power draining from his body.... all his supporters fell into chaos as Novius fell unconscious.

Novius woke up in a wide field, not knowing how long he has been unconscious for. He recognized the field as the front yard of his home, his mind was blank for a brief moment... suddenly... everything came flooding back into his mind.... "They are gone..." "Your parents of course..." The words of the cloaked person rung in his mind as fear filled his body.... He immediately jumped to his feet and ran to his home...

As soon as he got home, he slammed the door open.... To his horror... the house was an absolute mess, someone had ransacked the house... "MOM!! DAD!!" Novius yelled as he ran around the house looking for them.... He searched the house top to bottom, hope of finding them starting to fade... After searching the entire house, he didn't find any traces of them at home. He decided to resort to an old friend to help him find them.

He took his horse deep into the forest....