Chapter 2

Since that day, his life became a complete rollercoaster until he eventually went mad and ended up a vegetable about to pass on.

As the haunting memories of Wei Long flooded his mind, an uncontrollable turmoil surged within him. He thought of everything he had been through and each recollection was like a jolt to his very core, manifesting in the erratic beats of his heart.

The room echoed with the cacophony of medical urgency as doctors and nurses rushed to contain the chaos within Hao Yu's faltering heart.

Amidst the frenzied atmosphere, the metallic clatter of medical instruments mingled with urgent voices, the doctors pushing to save his life.

But the relentless onslaught of memories proved insurmountable, pushing Hao Yu further to the edge. He knew he wasn't going to live. He had made sure of it by making deep cuts on his wrists and he had bled a lot before anyone found him. He wanted to go. He wanted to be free from the shackles of life.

At least, wherever he was going to, be it heaven or hell, Wei Long would surely not be there.

A tear escaped the corner of his eye, a poignant testament to the profound agony etched into his final moments.

As the relentless assault of memories reached its crescendo, so did the turmoil within Hao Yu. With his dying breath, he made a desperate plea to the Gods. He prayed for his soul to be pulverized, never to exist again let alone reincarnate.

Hao Yu didn't want to live again.

Living was too hard.

Despite that, the last conscious thought that flickered in Hao Yu's fading consciousness was the haunting image of Wei Long, an indelible mark on his departing soul.

Somewhere deep within his mind, he heard a voice sigh; "Foolish child."


As Hao Yu opened his eyes, he was met with a chaotic school field. Cheers and screams filled the air, accompanied by the lively tunes of drums and trumpets. His classmates surrounded him, carrying him on their shoulders while chanting his name, "Hao Yu! Hao Yu! Hao Yu!"

The unexpected scene left him feeling dizzy amidst the jubilant celebration.

What was going on? Where was he?

He gasped. Wasn't he on his death bed? Didn't he die just now? Was this what heaven looked like?

"Hao Yu!!!!!!!" A girl screamed, running towards him with a huge bouquet of pink roses. "Oh let him down!" She scolded his classmates. "Can't you see how red he looks. He needs to rest. He just ran a marathon for heaven sake!"

Hao Yu was stunned. He just ran a marathon? His hand went over his heart but it was beating erratically. He even felt thirsty. But, when did he run?

"Yes, yes, put him down." Their class teacher, Miss Han said, agreeing with the girl. "Do not forget that he's an omega. You can't just carry him around like this."

Hao Yu; "?????"

Was this woman talking about him? He turned left and right, but there was no one else named Hao Yu. He was sure. Then, did she mean him? An omega???

He felt like he had been electrocuted. What the hell was going on?!!!

His classmates listened to the teacher and carefully placed him down. Hao Yu realised he was wearing his school sports wear. It was a white school sports uniform adorned with sleek black stripes along the sides. Underneath, he wore a crisp white t-shirt which was drenched with sweat. He also had on a pair of expensive black sneakers, adding a touch of sporty flair to his overall look.

Wait. He calmly assessed his situation.

School field, school uniform, his classmates carrying him and chanting his name, the marathon, these were things that had happened before he died.

It seemed that he had....regressed to the past!

Hao Yu wanted to scream. Was that even possible???

One of his classmates, a male, ruffled his strawberry blonde hair, smiling at him. "You did well, Hao Yu."

Hao Yu instantly recognised him as Chen Jie. His best friend. He recoiled from his touch, feeling weirded out. Why would Chen Jie ruffle his hair in such an intimate manner?

However, his reaction left Chen Jie puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

"Of course something is wrong!" The girl who had screamed his name earlier said, pushing herself through the crowd until she stood before them. "Can't you see that our Hao Yu is uncomfortable? He's being surrounded by a bunch of Alphas. How did you expect an omega to react?"

His Alpha classmates all took a step back, giving him some space.

Hao Yu was once again dumbstruck. Why did they keep referring to him as an omega?

Although he was completely confused within, his face showed no signs of it. Instead, he stared blankly.

The girl scoffed and took his hand. "Come on, Hao Yu. I'll take you to our tent to rest. Don't mind these Alphas for scaring you."

"Wait, aren't you an Alpha too?" One of the boys voiced out and the girl froze.

Hao Yu also froze. She was an Alpha??

"Yeah and you said you want to take him to the tent to rest. Why are you carrying pink roses?" Another asked.

Chen Jie moved forward and took Hao Yu's hand from hers. "Admit it, you were going to confess to him weren't you?"

The girl went red, feeling embarrassed at being caught.

Hao Yu gazed at her really well, trying to see if he could remember her but he couldn't put a name to her face. Back then, he didn't pay attention to anyone other than-

Wei Long.

Memories of Wei Long flooded his mind and he felt an overwhelming surge of emotion. The weight of the past moments with Wei Long triggered a sudden panic attack, gripping his chest, leaving him struggling for breath as anxiety consumed him. His knees gave out and he nearly fell but Chen Jie quickly held him.

Everyone began to panic. Their champion!!!

Hao Yu closed his eyes, trying to get Wei Long out of his mind. He didn't want to remember him. He didn't want to think of him. He wanted nothing to do with Wei Long. He hated him. He hated him.

Overwhelmed by the flood of memories and the intensity of emotions, Hao Yu's vision blurred, and the world seemed to spin. Unable to bear the emotional weight, he succumbed to the overwhelming sensations, collapsing in Chen Jie's arms as unconsciousness took hold.