Chapter 7

Wei Long's eyes flickered over to Hao Yu who was hidden behind Chen Jie and he sighed, wondering what was wrong with the omega. He had saved his life earlier but not even a word of thanks was said to him. In fact, when his Alpha friend came in, the omega acted as if he had bullied by him. No one had ever treated him that way before and it irked him to no end. Even after leaving the infirmary, he couldn’t get the omega out of his mind. Why did the omega want to kill himself even after winning a marathon? Why did the omega react to him in such a hostile way? Why did he hide behind the Alpha the second he heard his voice?

“Here, your jacket.” He said, moving closer as he stretched out an arm to Hao Yu.

Hao Yu recalled that Wei Long must have left with his jacket after stopping him from jumping out the window earlier. Not wanting anything to do with Wei long, he nudged Chen Jie with his elbow. “What are you waiting for? Hurry! Take it and ask him to leave already.” He felt like he was going to pass out at any moment. Being around Wei Long did things to his heart. Things that he used to love but now, after dying horribly in his former life, all those emotions changed to pain.

Chen Jie made a move to collect the jacket but Wei Long retracted his arm, surprising Chen Jie.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Wei Long said then faced Hao Yu once again. “I was talking to the omega.” He really didn’t like the way the omega was behaving. Other omegas fought for his attention and did so many things just to talk to him but this omega was even hiding from him. Was he afraid or disgusted? It all puzzled Wei Long.

Hao Yu's heart quickened its pace when he heard Wei Long address him. He was stunned. Did Wei Long want to talk to him? But why? Even in his former life, after winning the marathon, Wei Long never spared him a second glance. He had signed up for the marathon to get Wei Long’s attention and he thought his plan was successful after Wei Long acknowledged him by giving him the customary handshake but after then, Wei Long went back to acting like they didn’t know each other. It really hurt back then for all he wanted, even as an Alpha, was to be seen by Wei Long.

“No need.” Chen Jie said, moving to cover Hao Yu properly from Wei Long’s sight. “I’ll take it for him.”

“And who are you him?” Wei Long asked, staring squarely at Chen Jie. “His Alpha?”


Hao Yu peered over from the side of Chen Jie’s shoulder. Who was who’s Alpha? Why was everyone asking about him having an Alpha?

It wasn’t only Hao Yu’s attention that Wei Long caught. All the people around them were listening to everything. Those that weren’t paying attention before were now keenly watching. The strongest and most handsome Alpha in the school, Wei Long was asking about an omega’s Alpha. That too, the omega that had won the marathon. It made them all think that Wei Long must be interested in the omega. They didn’t blame him though. Who wouldn’t? The omega was very smart, beautiful, smelt extremely sweet and also, was a great athlete. They would be surprised if Wei Long had no interest in him.

Even Xu Kaiwen, the Alpha that had pledged to never be in a relationship until he finished college had asked Hao Yu out. Who was Wei Long to resist?

Chen Jie glared at Wei Long. Wei Long was taller than him so he had to look up slightly which annoyed him. “And if I am?” he asked provocatively. “What are you going to do about it?”

Hao Yu began to panic again. What the hell was Chen Jie saying?!

Everyone gasped. Were Hao Yu and Chen Jie were together???

Hao Yu quickly stepped out of his hiding spot. "Chen Jie, stop spouting nonsense? Who's Alpha are you?"

Chen Jie's brow twitched in annoyance. Couldn't Hao Yu play along for once? He could tell when an Alpha was interested in an omega and was only trying to get Wei Long to back off.

When Chen Jie had insinuated being Hao Yu's Alpha, Wei Long had felt some type of way but when Hao Yu denied it, he felt better. He turned to Hao Yu. "You're single then." he said, wanting Hao Yu to clarify.

"Absolutely! I have no Alpha." Hao Yu immediately answered, facing Wei Long but his breath caught in his throat the moment their eyes met.

Wei Long stood there, tall and handsome, just as commanding and captivating as he remembered, his presence casting a shadow over everything else. Hao Yu's mind was suddenly flooded with memories, a rush of emotions swirling within him like a turbulent storm. He recalled the feeble amount of moments they had shared, the pain, and the heartaches. Each memory was a thread woven into the fabric of his past, binding him to Wei Long in a tangled web of bittersweet nostalgia.

Tears gathered in Hao Yu's eyes, a silent testament to the weight of their shared history. He blinked them away, unwilling to let his emotions betray him in front of Wei Long. Yet, even as he fought to maintain his composure, he knew that the memories of his former life would forever remain etched in his heart.

At the time he had died in his former life, Wei Long was an adult. A mature powerful Alpha with a wife and children.

Now, Wei Long was still a teenager and although he had that young boyish charm, there was still an air of maturity around him. His dark hair cascaded in sleek waves, framing his chiselled features with an air of effortless charm. Each strand seems to possess its own gleam, catching the light just so, adding depth to the lustrous ebony hue. His eyes were deep pools of rich brown that held mesmerizing warmth that drew others in, inviting them to lose themselves in their depths. Like molten chocolate.

Clad in the school's black and white sports track suit, Wei Long stood with a grace that was both effortless and commanding. The fabric draped over his athletic frame with precision, accentuating his strength and agility. Every seam and contour seemed tailored to perfection, enhancing his already striking presence.