Chapter 1: The Ivory Warlord

Admist the turmoil of a blood-soaked battlefield, General Hua Ren was perched on a horse, his once-pristine uniform now a canvas of rebel bloodstains. Lifeless bodies, a macabre mosaic of soldiers and rebels, lay strewn across the ground—some severed, others trampled beneath the hooves of horses.

In the distant backdrop, a bomb erupted, rattling the battlefield, and in that fleeting moment, the General detected the scent.

His Alpha.

His heart raced as his gaze locked onto the most frigid, intimidating eyes he had ever encountered, and a sinking feeling gripped his stomach.

Sheng Fei, leader of the rebellion, stood tall amidst the chaos, a sinister smirk playing on his lips. In a chilling display of power, Sheng Fei swiftly ended the life of a soldier, his eyes never leaving Hua Ren.

The stark reality unfolded before Hua Ren, solidifying the bitter truth that their connection was entwined in the threads of enmity.

He could never be the Omega to a Rebel Alpha.

Or so he thought.

Seven months later....

The grand iron gates of the Celestial Kingdom swung ajar under the collective force of twelve robust guards—six on each side. A procession of mounted soldiers paraded into the city, enveloped by jubilant citizens. The sky stretched overhead in a brilliant, clear blue, resonating with songs extolling heroes. The scene unfolded as a splendid spectacle.

Trailing behind the soldiers, a cart drawn by two brown horses came into view. Upon the large cart, two cages were holding people bound in shackles. Some were unconscious, while others remained silent, gazing forlornly at the joyous crowd.

"Mummy Mummy look," a little girl squealed excitedly, pointing at a neatly dressed handsome soldier leading the troop. "It's the Ivory Warlord!"

The Mother picked up her child from the ground, smiling. "Yes. He's our brave Warlord who protects us from the evil rebels."

The little girl stared at the white clad General in admiration.

General Hua Ren, astride a white steed, commanded attention as he sat upright with an air of regality. Draped in immaculate white robes, adorned with golden thread embroidery along the edges, he exuded an aura of purity and authority. Two swords rest sheathed on his back, a symbol of his martial prowess.

His visage is a blend of mystery and distinction—a white mask concealing his features, leaving only his eyes exposed. Those eyes were a captivating shade of light gray with white long lashes that fluttered whenever he blinks. One might mistake him for a blind warrior, but the truth is, he was born with this unique gaze. His hair, as white as freshly fallen snow, was artfully tied with a golden ribbon, cascading down his back to his waist, creating an ethereal contrast.

Despite his striking appearance, General Hua Ren carries an air of gentleness. Soft-spoken, kind, and generously inclined, he has won the hearts of those under his command and the admiration of the people. Yet, when the call to battle resounds, the benevolent exterior transforms into a formidable force on the battlefield. For many years, he stood as the stalwart defender of the empire, ensuring its safety with a dedication that speaks volumes of his valor and strategic prowess.

He was known far and wide as the Ivory Warlord.

Riding alongside him on ebony steeds, his Captains formed a striking contrast.

To his right, there was Captain Liara Fang, the successor of the ninja clan within the Celestial Kingdom. Adorned in modest purple robes, her lengthy dark hair was neatly fastened in a high ponytail secured by two extended black pins, emblematic of her ninja lineage.

As childhood friends, Liara and General Hua Ren shared a deep bond that led them both into military service. Their unified efforts triumphed in numerous battles, bestowing honor upon their kingdom.

To his left rode Captain Mei Lin, donned in robes of yellow and white. Her brown hair was fashioned into a double bun, adorned with cheerful yellow ribbons that lent her an air of brightness. Though younger than Captain Liara, Mei Lin had joined General Hua Ren's side only a few months prior, adding a fresh vigor to their formidable trio.

The citizens of the Kingdom sang songs of praise as they marched all the way to the Emperor's palace.

The exterior of the Emperor's palace in the Celestial Kingdom was a breathtaking display of grandeur and architectural finesse. Enclosed by towering walls of polished white stone adorned with intricate golden motifs, the palace stands as a symbol of regal authority.

Vermilion gates, embellished with golden dragons in lifelike detail, created a majestic entryway. A sweeping flight of white stone stairs lead to the entrance, each step a testament to the kingdom's opulence.

"Greetings General, Captains," a guard said, welcoming them into the palace. "The Emperor has been eagerly awaiting your return."

General Hua Ren's features softened when the Emperor was mentioned and he smiled underneath his mask.

"I will go and see the Emperor." He said to his Captains. "Take care of the prisoners. I will personally see to their interrogation."

"Yes, General." The Captains chorused with a respectful bow then rode away while Hua Ren followed the guard into the Celestial Dragon Hall, where the Emperor resided on his throne, surrounded by other officials, his personal advisor and a few other Generals.

"Announcing the arrival of the great Ivory Warlord!" The guards shouted as General Hua Ren walked in.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Hua Ren said as he knelt before the mighty emperor, not daring to raise his head or look at him. He regarded the Emperor with immense respect. The Emperor was too precious to be looked at casually.

Seated upon his ornate throne within the grandeur of the Celestial Dragon Hall, the Alpha Emperor exuded an air of regal authority. Cloaked in flowing red dragon robes that bore intricate patterns, he wore the symbols of imperial power with grace. His long, dark hair was meticulously tied in a top knot, falling sleekly down his back.

"Rise, General." He commanded, his amber eyes gazing at the White General with pride. "My Great Ivory Warlord who never disappoints me. Once again, you have managed to successfully subdue the rebels at the border and restore peace to the Celestial Kingdom. What reward would you like from this Emperor? Whatever it is you want, say it. This Emperor shall give it to you."