Chapter 4

The Hua Estate stood as a testament to the family's prominence and General Hua Ren's position of influence within the Celestial Kingdom.

"A'Ren, you're home." His mother said, welcoming him with open arms. He was standing by the open gates of the Hua Estate, waiting for his son.

Hua Ren quickly went over and hugged him tight. "Mother, I've always told you not to wait for me at the gate. Why won't you listen?"

"Because I enjoy seeing the happiness in your eyes every time you see me standing here." His mother replied, his voice soft.

Hua Ren gently pulled away and stared at his mother. "What can you see in these eyes mother? People often think I'm blind."

His mother smiled, raising a hand to stroke his hair. "Well, I'm the one that birthed you so I see everything. Come, your father's waiting."

Hua Ren's mother is a male omega who emanated an aura of timeless grace and elegance. Despite the advancing years, his appearance defied the passage of time, as he retained the allure of someone much younger. His features, a head of soft white hair and dark eyes exuded a quiet beauty that captivated those around him.

Dressed in flowing robes of pristine white and serene blue, his attire mirrored the tranquility and purity of his presence.

They chatted as they walked to the library, where they knew the head of the family would be.

The library was a majestic sanctuary of knowledge. Towering shelves hold ancient scrolls and meticulously bound volumes, while the rich aroma of aged parchment and polished wood filled the air. Elaborate wooden furnishings and an intricately designed desk contribute to the scholarly ambiance. Sunlight streamed through tall windows, casting a warm glow upon mahogany shelves and creating an atmosphere of intellectual refinement.

Hua Ren's father, a towering and robust Alpha, was sitting on a comfy chair, reading a book when he heard the door of the library open and close. He heard the soft footsteps walking towards him but he didn't raise his head.

Sitting there, he emanated an air of stern authority. With a commanding presence, he possessed a sturdy frame that spoke of resilience and strength. His dark hair, paired with piercing dark eyes, intensified the imposing image he projected.

"Father." He heard a familiar voice call and tears instantly gathered in his eyes.

He dropped the book, stood up and hugged Hua Ren tight, picking him off the floor. "A'Ren, my son, you're back!"

Hua Ren sighed. It was always like this. His mother was the Omega but she never cried like this.

Who would think that a strict and formidable man like his father would be so emotional?

Hua Chen, the father, held a unique tenderness reserved solely for his omega son. Being the last omega in the family, Hua Ren was cherished as a precious treasure, and his father, though strict, couldn't resist pampering him.

Although Hua Ren was a defective Omega who could not release nor perceive pheromones, also, could not go into heat, Hua Chen loved him the most and treated him like an egg.

It is also said that if the heavens close one door, they open another.

Despite being a defective Omega, ever since he was a child, Hua Ren stood out with a seemingly boundless wellspring of strength and intelligence that made his father proud. His innate prowess manifested in monstrous displays of physical might, leaving those around him in awe.

From a young age, Hua Ren harbored a deep fascination with martial arts, dedicating countless hours to perfecting various techniques. His training extended beyond the realms of hand-to-hand combat, as he mastered the proficient use of a myriad of weapons with a skill that surpassed many seasoned warriors.

Despite his awareness of being an Omega, Hua Ren refused to conform to societal expectations. Instead, he embraced a path that defied stereotypes. By the time he came of age, he was termed an Alpha.

The physicians actually had a hard time figuring out his gender because he showed no signs of being an Omega. They would have termed him a beta but they believed only an Alpha could have such unparalleled strength. As for the scent glands on his neck, the physicians never checked because they already thought he was an Alpha with extremely weak pheromones and that was how Hua Ren was able to join the army.

The news of Hua Ren joining the army stirred a storm of disapproval and broke Hua Chen's heart but what was he to do? Hua Ren did everything behind his back and the Emperor had already approved.

"You stubborn child." Hua Chen said, finally putting Hua Ren down. "How could you go to the border to fight rebels? Do you know how worried daddy was about you? I couldn't eat or sleep for days. Come, let me look at you. You didn't sustain any injuries right?"

Hua Ren moved away from his father's probing hands. "Father, I was there for just 3 weeks. I'm not injured. You know I'm strong."

"I know. I know." Hua Chen sighed. "You've been like that since you were a child. Always fighting and proving your strength. Isn't that why everyone thinks you're an Alpha? Do you know how many mrriage proposals we reject in a single day? Many families all want to get their Omegas married to you. I have to keep rejecting them all."

"Thank you for your hard work, Father." Hua Ren smiled and bowed respectfully. "Your son is grateful."

Hua Chen helplessly pulled him into another hug. He could never be upset with Hua Ren. "I've told you countless times. Call me daddy. Father sounds too informal."

"I'm afraid the other word sounds too intimate." Hua Ren cringed, causing his father to pinch his cheek.

His mother, Hua Li, couldn't help but laugh. "Honey, let A'Ren eat and rest. The Emperor could call him again at any moment. I've had all his favourite food prepared already."

Hua Chen huffed but released Hua Ren. "Fine. Go. Eat and rest but see me first thing in the morning. I have something to discuss with you."

In the morning?

"I'm sorry father but I'm leaving for the Eternal Grain Valley tomorrow morning." He said. "What do you want to discuss? Let's talk about it now."